My dearest Perry,
You must surely have been concentrating on thoughts of your wife very strongly tonight for thoughts of you, my darling, were coming so thick and fast that I could hardly concentrate on what anyone was saying. As I walked up 30th Street from the street car this evening, I thought of the times you had walked there beside me and I could see you so plainly. And darling, as I walked upstairs, I unconsciously looked there for you--where I did find you once.
Utah, 1946, after the war |
I rode the street car over here to Viola's. We made some fudge candy and read tomorrow's funnies. Everybody has gone to the Gold and Green Ball. Viola didn't have a date, so here we are all alone. I'm writing while she takes a bath.
Yesterday was Mother's birthday. Viola and I didn't have any work, so I took Mother to a movie. I bought a big bouquet of flowers for her from Dad and me also a little pink camilla for a corsage to wear. Last night was a ward reunion at Adams. Mother and I went over and I sang in the chorus. We sang one song, but there was quite a musical program.
Darling, remember when I wrote you asking if I could go to the dance with my cousin Harold? Well, he never wrote so I guess he is awful busy and couldn't get off. I don't care tho. I didn't ever care about going tonight. I think I'll not go to any formals till my darling comes back and can take me. I keep thinking about what you said about me wearing a white evening gown. I want one so very much. Every time I see one, I wonder how it would look on me. But I shall wait for that too. I'd like you to get it for me. I want it to be something you like on me, and I haven't had a new one for a long time.
Perry and Gene in the Utah snow, taking turns taking pictures of each other |
(Sunday evening)
Perry dearest,
I didn't get to finish this last night. Avenell came home from the dance and we all got to talking. It got rather late so we went to bed. My darling, all my thoughts were of you before I slept. This morning Viola, Avenell and I all got up about 9:00 to get ready for church. Avenell and I wore our fur coats but the day turned out to be beautiful and clear. After church Viola walked home with me and I changed my dress and put on my spring coat. We planned to go for a walk to the park thru the campus grounds. It was so warm, so we thought of a picnic and I made a lunch and took my camera too. It was beautiful over there. We spent the whole afternoon. We took 4 pictures--the others I'll save till Easter. I sure hope they turn out good.
Mother and Dad went up to Pasadena this afternoon. They had a date to go driving with friends. They didn't get back till 10:00 tonight, so I stayed at Viola's--well, I'm still here. She asked me to stay tonight too. So I called Mother up at 10:00-something and told her I was here. She told me they had a lovely time today.
How is your tooth, Perry? I hope not bothering you any longer (tho I still think to be safe you should have it pulled.) Do take care of yourself, darling. Oh, Perry, I love you so and just live for the day when you'll come back to me. Perry, Perry, I want your arms around me never to let me go, never. Am I being too possessive? Dearest husband, tell me again that you love me--say it every night. Always your very own, Gene
March 19, 1945
My Darling Wife and Sweetheart,
By the time you receive this letter I suppose you will be wondering why you haven't heard from me this last week. Sweetheart, there hasn't been any mail either leaving or coming on the ship this last week, and I didn't like the idea of just having it lie around. Besides, conditions have made it rather difficult to write. Please, my darling, forgive me. I'll try to make it all up to you.
There hasn't been a day go by but what I have been longing and thinking of you my lovely wife. I am hoping and praying that I will get some mail from you tomorrow to provide me with some renewed inspiration. Darling, you will never know how much your letters mean to me. They are the main thing that keeps me going--that and memories and hope.
Do you realize that it is three months since I was with you last. My most pleasant memories are those with you, but oh, how many things we will do together when I come back. We want, it seems, exactly the same things as far as I know--I mean exactly. I guess the things that are really worthwhile and the things that endure are those things we have to wait for with patience.
If I get a whole lot of mail from you tomorrow, I'm sure it will inspire me to write a much better letter than I could write now. You see, I haven't heard from you for over a week. Darling, if you don't hear from me from time to time, don't worry. Only know that it is conditions that cannot be helped. From your husband who loves you dearly and longs for you always. Yours, Perry
March 20, 1945
My dearest husband Perry,
I was the happiest girl in the world today. I know cause I received your three most perfect letters of March 8th, 10th and 12th. Oh Perry, they thrilled me so--I wanted to shout it to the whole world what a wonderful husband I have; what a lucky girl I am to have such a love. My darling, you are such a perfect lover--I have proof of that with each letter I receive from you. And each one is like a precious jewel to me so I keep them all.
Perry's school class. Roosevelt, Utah Perry is in the front row, fifth from the left |
I do hope you will get my box of cookies and candy that I sent. They are in a tin box. Perry, I can send those little chains to you in an envelope (like a letter) airmail. I'm sure you would get them ok. Tell me if you still want me to send them. I could send the glue in a box like I did the wallet.
Viola and I did a lot of work today. I enjoy it so much. The weather is so beautiful now--so warm and pretty. Today was the first day of spring you know, so if it continues so warm, Viola and I and maybe Evelyn too will be going to the beach on Saturdays to get ourselves another dark tan like last year. Do you like me when I'm tan, Perry?
March 21, 1945
This is all the further I got last night. Today I sent two pretty birthday cards to Hope and June and picked out a pretty Easter card for your grandmother and one for my sweetheart. Viola and I got a lot of work done too so will take ourselves to another good show tonight--a musical. I'm so glad you can see movies there on your ship too. I must go now, darling--I want to say more so will not mail this letter now but finish tonight. Is it a date, dearest Perry? Ok, bye bye. I love you Perry. Wish I could give you a great big kiss.
Dearest Perry,
Here I am again. Wish I could have gotten this off to you tonight, but I've missed the last pickup, so here's a little letter 2 days old. Well, we didn't go to the show after all. The musical was a foreign-made picture, so we decided against it. When I got home tonight, I found a little package for me from Pierce. It was my birthday present from him--a box of "Evening in Paris" face powder from France. The little note said, "From your lil' brother, Pierce" Wasn't that sweet of him? I must write him now and tell him I received it ok. It took over a month getting here.
Dearest husband, tonight for some reason I became so blue missing you so and wanting you so. And each time, tears would almost come. I would see you there before me with love in your eyes and so happy and laughing at me--just remembering you the way I had seen you when you would come in and take me in your arms. Oh my dearest, I love you so.
There is a music program Mother and I listen to before we go to bed. The announcer reads such lovely poetry with the music. He always ends the program with the same two lines. I like them so much, "May the Lord watch between thee and me while we are absent one from the other." It's such a lovely prayer thought, so I say these words every night before my prayer for you and me, dearest husband. I must close now darling. I love you. I love you. Forever your own, Gene