Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tell me again that you love me--say it every night

March 17, 1945 (Saturday evening)

My dearest Perry,

You must surely have been concentrating on thoughts of your wife very strongly tonight for thoughts of you, my darling, were coming so thick and fast that I could hardly concentrate on what anyone was saying. As I walked up 30th Street from the street car this evening, I thought of the times you had walked there beside me and I could see you so plainly. And darling, as I walked upstairs, I unconsciously looked there for you--where I did find you once.

Utah, 1946, after the war
No more mail this week, but I read and reread the 3 I received earlier this week from my dear husband. Oh how I love those letters. Tonight I am at Viola's house (also on 30th Street). Remember when you and I walked over? She invited me over to stay all night with her. I went home from work first, had supper, took a bath and fixed my hair up for the night. Mom and Dad had received a letter from Pierce. He has moved and now has a different address and is in administrative work now. He likes it better.

I rode the street car over here to Viola's. We made some fudge candy and read tomorrow's funnies. Everybody has gone to the Gold and Green Ball. Viola didn't have a date, so here we are all alone. I'm writing while she takes a bath.

Yesterday was Mother's birthday. Viola and I didn't have any work, so I took Mother to a movie. I bought a big bouquet of flowers for her from Dad and me also a little pink camilla for a corsage to wear. Last  night was a ward reunion at Adams. Mother and I went over and I sang in the chorus. We sang one song, but there was quite a musical program.

Darling, remember when I wrote you asking if I could go to the dance with my cousin Harold? Well, he never wrote so I guess he is awful busy and couldn't get off. I don't care tho. I didn't ever care about going tonight. I think I'll not go to any formals till my darling comes back and can take me. I keep thinking about what you said about me wearing a white evening gown. I want one so very much. Every time I see one, I wonder how it would look on me. But I shall wait for that too. I'd like you to get it for me. I want it to be something you like on me, and I haven't had a new one for a long time.

Perry and Gene in the Utah snow,
taking turns taking pictures of each other
The weather here has been so cold and rainy the past few days. I'm hoping that by April first (Easter) it will be nice again cause, oh Perry, I have another role of film. A friend of viola's couldn't use it so gave it to her to give to me. I'm going to save it for Easter. Then I'll be sending you some more pictures of me.

(Sunday evening)

Perry dearest,

I didn't get to finish this last night. Avenell came home from the dance and we all got to talking. It got rather late so we went to bed. My darling, all my thoughts were of you before I slept. This morning Viola, Avenell and I all got up about 9:00 to get ready for church. Avenell and I wore our fur coats but the day turned out to be beautiful and clear. After church Viola walked home with me and I changed my dress and put on my spring coat. We planned to go for a walk to the park thru the campus grounds. It was so warm, so we thought of a picnic and I made a lunch and took my camera too. It was beautiful over there. We spent the whole afternoon. We took 4 pictures--the others I'll save till Easter. I sure hope they turn out good.

Mother and Dad went up to Pasadena this afternoon. They had a date to go driving with friends. They didn't get back till 10:00 tonight, so I stayed at Viola's--well, I'm still here. She asked me to stay tonight too. So I called Mother up at 10:00-something and told her I was here. She told me they had a lovely time today.

How is your tooth, Perry? I hope not bothering you any longer (tho I still think to be safe you should have it pulled.) Do take care of yourself, darling. Oh, Perry, I love you so and just live for the day when you'll come back to me. Perry, Perry, I want your arms around me never to let me go, never. Am I being too possessive? Dearest husband, tell me again that you love me--say it every night. Always your very own, Gene

March 19, 1945

My Darling Wife and Sweetheart,

By the time you receive this letter I suppose you will be wondering why you haven't heard from me this last week. Sweetheart, there hasn't been any mail either leaving or coming on the ship this last week, and I didn't like the idea of just having it lie around. Besides, conditions have made it rather difficult to write. Please, my darling, forgive me. I'll try to make it all up to you.

There hasn't been a day go by but what I have been longing and thinking of you my lovely wife. I am hoping and praying that I will get some mail from you tomorrow to provide me with some renewed inspiration. Darling, you will never know how much your letters mean to me. They are the main thing that keeps me going--that and memories and hope.

Do you realize that it is three months since I was with you last. My most pleasant memories are those with you, but oh, how many things we will do together when I come back. We want, it seems, exactly the same things as far as I know--I mean exactly. I guess the things that are really worthwhile and the things that endure are those things we have to wait for with patience.

If I get a whole lot of mail from you tomorrow, I'm sure it will inspire me to write a much better letter than I could write now. You see, I haven't heard from you for over a week. Darling, if you don't hear from me from time to time, don't worry. Only know that it is conditions that cannot be helped. From your husband who loves you dearly and longs for you always. Yours, Perry

March 20, 1945

My dearest husband Perry,

I was the happiest girl in the world today. I know cause I received your three most perfect letters of March 8th, 10th and 12th. Oh Perry, they thrilled me so--I wanted to shout it to the whole world what a wonderful husband I have; what a lucky girl I am to have such a love. My darling, you are such a perfect lover--I have proof of that with each letter I receive from you. And each one is like a precious jewel to me so I keep them all.

Perry's school class. Roosevelt, Utah
Perry is in the front row, fifth from the left
I'm so glad you finally received the wallet I sent. Perhaps it will be more convenient than the other one, or maybe the other one is best. Keep both of them, Perry. Do you 'spose you could use two? huh? Yes, darling, your mother told me of your school teacher. I would like very much to meet her. I know she must be a very wonderful person. I'm so glad to hear that your little nephews are accepting me. I hope they will like me. Perry, today I saw such a cute box of Easter candy for children and just couldn't resist getting it for them. It's not so very much, but I know they will like it.

I do hope you will get my box of cookies and candy that I sent. They are in a tin box. Perry, I can send those little chains to you in an envelope (like a letter) airmail. I'm sure you would get them ok. Tell me if you still want me to send them. I could send the glue in a box like I did the wallet.

Viola and I did a lot of work today. I enjoy it so much. The weather is so beautiful now--so warm and pretty. Today was the first day of spring you know, so if it continues so warm, Viola and I and maybe Evelyn too will be going to the beach on Saturdays to get ourselves another dark tan like last year. Do you like me when I'm tan, Perry?

March 21, 1945

This is all the further I got last night. Today I sent two pretty birthday cards to Hope and June and picked out a pretty Easter card for your grandmother and one for my sweetheart. Viola and I got a lot of work done too so will take ourselves to another good show tonight--a musical. I'm so glad you can see movies there on your ship too. I must go now, darling--I want to say more so will not mail this letter now but finish tonight. Is it a date, dearest Perry? Ok, bye bye. I love you Perry. Wish I could give you a great big kiss.


Dearest Perry,

Here I am again. Wish I could have gotten this off to you tonight, but I've missed the last pickup, so here's a little letter 2 days old. Well, we didn't go to the show after all. The musical was a foreign-made picture, so we decided against it. When I got home tonight, I found a little package for me from Pierce. It was my birthday present from him--a box of "Evening in Paris" face powder from France. The little note said, "From your lil' brother, Pierce" Wasn't that sweet of him? I must write him now and tell him I received it ok. It took over a month getting here.

Dearest husband, tonight for some reason I became so blue missing you so and wanting you so. And each time, tears would almost come. I would see you there before me with love in your eyes and so happy and laughing at me--just remembering you the way I had seen you when you would come in and take me in your arms. Oh my dearest, I love you so.

There is a music program Mother and I listen to before we go to bed. The announcer reads such lovely poetry with the music. He always ends the program with the same two lines. I like them so much, "May the Lord watch between thee and me while we are absent one from the other." It's such a lovely prayer thought, so I say these words every night before my prayer for you and me, dearest husband. I must close now darling. I love you. I love you. Forever your own, Gene

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Darling, all I have to write you about is my love for you

March 10, 1945

My Sweet & Lovely Gene,

I was so happy last night when I received your two sweet letters of the 27th and 28th. I especially liked the one you wrote and the special date you kept with me after Mutual. It made me think a few things myself and say a few little prayers of my own about what a fortunate man I am. Darling, you are pretty good at writing letters yourself and they thrill me beyond measure. The mail situation has improved quite a lot the last few days, and my morale has improved accordingly. I have been getting at least one or two letters from you nearly every day.

Sweetheart, why I asked you to let me know if my letters were still interesting is because it seems I keep writing the same things all the time without much variation. Darling, all I have to write you about is my love for you. Of that it seems my heart becomes fuller and fuller each day, but my ability of expression doesn't seem to keep pace with it and I grope for words to tell you about that which is always foremost in my mind--tell you in a way that it will ever register anew in your heart. I long to tell you in some new way that which I have told you so many times, yet I must keep telling you because it is that which gives life to my soul--gives me faith and hope.

Oh, words are so useless and people use them so flippantly and extravagantly that they seem to lose the power they should have. Darling, I always want you to know that when I say I love you, I say it with the deepest sincerity and it comes from the depth of my soul. If only I could show you this with my actions. I could paraphrase St. James and say, (instead of faith) "Words without works is dead being alone." Outside of my love, there is very little to write about and I would be forbidden to write about it even if it were interesting.

Some future fun times that Perry could only dream about
Southern California with cousins: Rebecca, Rey and Curtis
I even seem to have lost my sense of humor that people even used to remark about. Incidentally, I slept for about an hour today and I dreamed and dreamed about all the pleasant times we had together. I dreamed we were together again and I was laughing and laughing and when I woke up, I really felt like I had had a good time. That is quite a vicarious way of getting my amusement. I'm still expecting somebody to razz me for laughing in my sleep.

Well, after all, why should I write about anything but that which is closest to my heart. As long as that is what I feel most like writing about, and as long as those words can forever make themselves felt anew, full of joy and meaning, why should I write otherwise. Only when I can be with you again and can each day demonstrate my love--only then will I find an adequate substitute for these words of love.

I'm hoping fortune will favor me and I will get another of those precious letters tonight. With all my heart I love you my darling. Always your affectionate husband, Perry

March 12, 1945

My Dear Sweet Wife,

Today I received the little package which you told me about, but has been so long in coming. Darling, you are so very sweet and thoughtful and I love you so very much. It is really a very convenient little wallet and practical--pretty nifty too, I'd say. Thank you so much, my love. If you want me to, I will send the other back to you if you think you can use it.

My darling, you are so sweet and thoughtful and loving that I can hardly wait for that time when I can return to be with you for always. To be truthful, I will have to admit that I become rather impatient and tired of waiting sometimes. But that is only because I know I have so much waiting for me.

Sweetheart, I guess this will be about the shortest letter I have written to you. I'll try and make up for it tomorrow. Remember, five months ago tomorrow? It seems unbelievable but quite true. I will be thinking about it all the time, will you? With all my heart I love you, always, Perry

Family picnic, Perry, Gene & baby Linda Salt Lake City
March 13, 1945

My Darling Gene,

Well, here it is, the 13th. It's not Friday the 13th, but it's still the 13th and five months to the day. Does that mean anything to you? Well it does to me. It signifies the luckiest day in my life. I think when I get back, we should make a special date the 13th of every month and an extra special date every Friday the 13th. Of course every October the 13th goes without saying. OK?--OK!

My darling, I said I would think of you an extra lot today, but how can I think of you more than 24 hours a day? I doesn't matter whether I am awake or sleeping, you are always right there and I am always just longing for that day. Sweetheart, I received your sweet letter of the 3rd today, and I could tell that you were a little bit blue and lonely. Oh, my darling, you needn't try to hide it. I know how it is because I get that way myself, and if it will make you feel better, I say just pour your heart out to me, I have a very understanding one you know.

Yes, my love, you are really a very good little girl for doing those little things I suggest and it makes me realize more and more how much I love you--yes, with all my heart and soul. Oh yes, I certainly did enjoy that bath, and I had to laugh when you reminded me about it. I think I would like another like that when I come back. How about it, huh?

I am using the new wallet you sent me now, and I have your pictures in there including the recent ones you sent me, you beautiful little marvel you. Remember, I want some more pictures from time to time if you can still get film. I've heard somewhat about the Great Pyramid and the things they claim to have found there, but I really don't know a great deal about it. It's interesting to study about, but I never did put very much faith in it. I believe in staying by the "revealed word" and in that I can't go wrong.

My sisters write about receiving the little figurines. They surely do like them and think you must be quite artistic. How's that? But then they don't know 100th as much about you as I do. That is only a wee, small point in your favor in comparison to all your other good qualities. I long for you always and pray for us constantly. Always yours, Perry

March 15, 1945

My dearest loving husband,

Your letter of the 6th of March was so wonderful--you give me courage, Perry. You are so understanding and so loving. Oh, darling, do you wonder that I love you so much. I'm glad you finally got my letter telling you about my troubles and my changing of jobs and why. I felt so awful about it all at the time. But Perry, I prayed about it tho and it all worked out. I do like this work much better. And, oh darling, it's so wonderful to "know that I have a husband who loves me very dearly."

I also received the special letter with the money orders darling. No, I understood why you weren't sending any money. I knew you were paying up some debts, and I'm glad that it's all cleared up now. Darling, I really don't know how you can send so much to me tho. Aren't you just about broke? If you send that much to me very often, we will really be getting quite a little bank account. You know, I'm pretty proud of us the way we are saving our money. These letters all came yesterday. The other one was dated the 4th of March when you spoke of reading our blessings. I too like to read them. They help me so much.

Perry, four of your sisters have birthdays this month. I have picked out some very pretty cards to send them--wish you could see them. Some day you and I will sign all our cards together, won't we? I also found some cute little Easter cards to send your little nephews. Tomorrow is Mother's birthday. I'm going to get her some flowers (a big bouquet) maybe sweet peas or something.

Easter Sunday is also conference Sunday this year. So I guess everyone will be at Wilshire Ward in their new Easter bonnets. The Adams Ward chorus is going to sing for that occasion. Oh how I love to sit up there and sing. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some film soon so I can take some pictures on Easter Sunday. I want you to see me in my Easter bonnet. I have a new spring coat, Perry, such a pretty blue. But that's the only thing new I'm getting.

Oh, Perry, I do hope you will get my packages. I've only sent two--a little one and a big one with cookies and candy. It surely must have been disappointing not to get that Christmas package from Hazel. Golly, I think that's awful. I guess that means I can't send you the little chains and the Dupont glue, doesn't it. Golly, I'll never get a necklace from you at that rate. But Perry, I could almost send the chains in an envelope to you (like a letter). But of course there's the glue. Guess I'll just have to wait.

I wore my fur coat today to keep warm. It rained a little then a strong wind came up and blew all the clouds away, then kept on blowing. But my coat is so nice and warm. Guess it's pretty hot there wherever you are my darling. Wish I were there with you to look after you. Oh, my husband, I love you so. Your devoted wife, gene

Monday, January 16, 2012

I hope I get some more mail today from the dearest person in the world

March 6, 1945

My dearest, darling wife,

I received three of your back letters besides one of February 23rd yesterday. Now I understand all about you quitting work at Bullocks. My darling, you told me about it in the letter you began on February 3rd. It took a whole month for it to get here. Also received the one you wrote on your birthday.
Gene with friend in Los Angeles

I see you felt rather bad about the trouble that happened at the office. I too wish I could have been there, my darling, but since I wasn't and am not, please don't hesitate to tell me all about it if at any time you get the blues or feel badly. I don't want you to put on a front just for me. Maybe it might sometime even make you feel better to sit down and write it all to me and I think I will always be able to read it with an understanding heart.

If you like your new job now and are adjusted to it, you have probably nearly forgotten about your trouble, so there is probably no need of me writing much about it. And if you are making about the same and like your work, there is no need to feel badly any longer. Even if you shouldn't make as much, to be able to enjoy your work is worth more than the money itself. Just forget all about it and go along each day being the pleasant, sweet, happy person that you are and know that you have a husband who loves you very dearly. And don't think you aren't as you said, "much of a success in the business world." My experience convinces me that you are pretty good in business and anyway I don't want you to be a "business woman," except only as is necessary in making a happy home and at that I think you are and will be very good.

Darling, that was a very sweet letter you wrote on your birthday. I'm glad you were lucky enough to get four of mine the day before so you wouldn't be thinking I had forgotten you--and your birthday of all days. I wanted to write you a nice letter that would reach you on your birthday, but of course the mail is so uncertain I didn't know how long it would take to reach you. So I decided I would just keep writing you each day and then a special one of your birthday so that when you received it, you would know I had been specially thinking of you. I love the picture you took that day. I have them in my locker so that every time I open the door there you are smiling at me, my beautiful sweetheart.

Gene, I got paid today and so I have a money order for $50 I am sending you--for your own. Also have a money order for my tithing for Jan, Feb, and March. I will ask you to give it to the bishop for me. I will send the money orders in a separate letter. Let me know if you get them. I have been wondering if you would be wondering what I was doing with my money as this is the first I have sent you since I came out here, but I had some debts back home I had to clear up. From now on it will be coming to you regularly. Remember the first $100 is for yourself, what I owe you personally.

I hope I get some more mail today from the dearest person in the world. It seems that regardless of how many letters I get, I am always craving for more. I have an undying thirst for those words of love, my darling, because you are so dear to me. Yours with all my heart, Perry

March 8, 1945

My Darling Wife Gene,

How I thrill each time I hear from you. You described perfectly how I feel too when you said, "It is the peak of my happiness to have your letter in my hand." Darling, when I get your letters, I try to find a place of seclusion where I can be undisturbed and can read your sweet letters. In that way I can get much closer to you. Your letters are so dear to me. I often long for a sanctuary to read them in. I love you with all my heart, my dearest.

Sounds like you are seeing plenty of movies. In nearly every letter you mention seeing one. I'm glad you can though, especially if they are good ones like "A Song to Remember." I surely wish I could have seen it with you and maybe I can some day. That has the two features of a show which I like: musical and historical (or biographical) so I'm sure I would have liked it. I have been seeing a show nearly every night myself. They are all old ones and some of them I have already seen, but I enjoy them anyway as it's rather relaxing after a hard day.

Darling, I think that would be very nice if you could go to the Gold and Green Ball with your cousin. You could introduce him to your friends and he might be quite favorably impressed with the church and its activities. I think it is very nice that he called on you. By the way, is he as handsome as the rest of the Fasts I know?

Mother wrote me that one of my old school teachers told her that if she (the school teacher) goes to California this summer she is going to call on you. I hope she does as I would really be quite proud. She has known me ever since I was a little tot. She isn't LDS, but is surely a wonderful old lady.

Darling, I love you so much for the way you have written to my folks and made them like you so. Mother says that you even seem to have won over Genevieve's boys. Remember, they wanted me to be an old bachelor. How's that?

My sweetheart, just as you, my thoughts and my prayers are always for that day when we can be together again--that that day might be hastened. God grant that it might be soon. I long for you, my love, like I have never longed for anything. That is because I love you so and because my happiest moments have been when we were together, but now we are so far apart.

Give my love and best wishes to your parents. With all my love, yours, Perry

March 10, 1945 (Saturday evening)

Gene with friends at church
Dearest husband Perry,

I wanted to write you last night but got home rather late from a movie with Viola (about 10:00) so went to bed and dreamed about you instead. Three of your dear letters came yesterday, Perry. Oh, how I loved them. Do you know what I think? I think you are a perfect lover. Darling, when you make love to me in your letters, it thrills me almost as much as when you held me in your arms. Oh Perry, my lover, I couldn't live without your love.

Your letters were of February 27th, 28th and March 1st. I'm so glad you got my pictures and like them so well. I hope you will soon get that missing letter telling about my change of jobs. It was quite a lengthy story and not so pleasant. That's why I don't want to repeat it again. But I will, darling, if you don't receive that letter. I hope you do.

Oh darling, I understand when you say you want to know all about me, and it is a husband's right (the thought thrills me.) So I do not think it strange that you should want to know what people say to tease or compliment me. Only, Perry, there is not much change--I think I was only being teased.

I must tell you what I did Friday afternoon, which proved to be so interesting and seemed quite strange to me. Viola and I had our lunch about 1:00 pm (we bring our lunches.) Then, because it was such a beautiful, warm day, we went for a walk. We walked up on Sixth Street between Grand and Flower streets. I don't think I have ever been up that far on Sixth Street before. There are lots of small shops--most of them book stores. But guess what! I found just about everything that I have been trying so unsuccessfully to get for the past several months all over town.

First there was a book store that looked like it had about every book in the world in it. I remembered a book which I had been trying to get, so we went in and asked. Well, they did have a copy, "The Constant Nymph" by Margaret Mitchell. It's just an old fiction story, but I saw the movie last year and liked it so well. Then we passed a jewelry store and "low and behold" there in the window were some white gold or platinum wedding bands for men. Perry, I have been trying to find one to match mine ever since you're been gone. (I want you to have a wedding ring too.) But white gold and platinum are frozen on the market and jewelers just can't get anymore. Well, of course I went right into the place. It seems they had had a few on order for a long, long time, and these had just come in. Oh, they were just beautiful. So we picked out the prettiest and the largest one (it was 18 k white gold) and the lady put it away for me till I could bring in your class ring for size. (I did that today.)

Then we went on up the street. We passed a large stationery store, and I said to Viola, "Oh, I wonder if this store might have some Dupont transparent glue." I had almost given up the idea of ever getting any of that. All the stores I had tried were always out of it. Well, "believe it or not" the man had it. So I bought two tubes of it. Oh what a perfect day that was for me, for I had found so many things. (Well three anyway.)

Today I took your ring down and the wedding ring measured just a little bit larger, so thought it would be just right for your finger cause isn't that the finger with the large knuckle? Perry, the ring was $21.00. That isn't so bad, do you think? It's just a plain band. Do you think I should keep it for you, Perry? I also took my wristwatch down. They are gong to clean it for me. Then I went to the main post office and got my income tax all figured out. I will get a refund from the government this time instead of having to pay something. I had to write your name on the statement, Perry, and the man asked me if you had gotten a "Power of Attorney." I don't quite understand, but he said it gives me the right to sign my husband's name on things, and you are supposed to write a statement and have it notarized so I can do that. Can you find out about it Perry?

Mother and Dad have given up the idea of trying to buy a house. After looking around a lot, they found that people want too much for their places, so guess we will stay here after all. But we still have to find a place for Emily. Guess Mom and I will be looking for apartments for the rest of the month--maybe longer. We just have to find a place real soon cause she is coming right after Easter. It is quite a problem and I have taken it to the Lord in prayer. I do hope we might be guided to something.

I don't think I have told you, Perry. I wasn't able to take a voice lesson last Monday. Verna has been awful sick, and she is going to have her baby in another month or two. I talked to her by phone last week (she hadn't come out to church) and decided to postpone my lessons indefinitely. It is very hard for me to practice here at home anyway. So guess I'll just have to wait till circumstances are better. I surely wish I had a piano. Perry, can I have one some day? I want so very much to continue my lessons. I want to be able to sing correctly. I want to sing with my husband someday.

Today was another beautiful day. I enjoyed being out and not working. You surely must be in the tropic zone--you speak of the heat and rain. That's not a very healthy climate to be in. I do hope it does not affect your health, dearest Perry. I pray every day for His spirit to be with you and protect you always. Must stop now but will go to bed with sweet thoughts of you, my lover. I love you. Your own, Gene

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It is you who keeps the light in my heart

March 3, 1945 (Saturday Night)
Gene's parents, Emmett and Leora Fast, at their
favorite buffet restaurant, Clifton's, in Los Angeles

My dearest Perry,

Here I am all alone tonight. Oh my lover, where are you this night? Are you as lonely as me? (Should I have said "I"?) Mother and Dad have gone to a wedding reception at Bishop Grant's house. They left at 8:00 pm. Rode over with the Gregory's, and golly, it's just pouring down rain outside.

I have been listening to the radio--there has been a lot of beautiful music on tonight--and dreaming of the future, and remembering the past with you with me. But also (in between programs) I washed my hair, then I washed my stockings. Remember the time you told me to wear my stockings, and I promised you I would wear them whenever I dressed up. And you told me it was ok if I went bare-legged at other times. So that's what I do. Am I a good girl, Perry? Now I must take my bath. I remember another time taking a bath--quite different and much nicer than my ordinary bath. Do you? Did you enjoy that bath Perry? Well, I did.

Oh my dearest husband, I wish I could put my arms around you this minute and hug you. You are so dear to me. I love you. I don't think this letter is making much sense, but Perry, these are thoughts that are going through my mind, thoughts that go thru my mind while I am occupied throughout the day.

I do hope you have gotten lots of mail from me by this time so you won't be feeling so blue. Golly, tomorrow is another Sunday already. This week went very fast for me. Perry, have you ever read or heard much about the "Great Pyramid"? Brother Muir has been giving some very interesting talks on this subject in Sunday school and also fireside chats and talking a great deal on prophesy. I think I shall get a book on that pyramid and read. It seems like it has recorded prophesies of all the important events that have happened in the world since the beginning and that the date March 4, 1945 is one of the dates recorded there, and the only other one left is a date in August of 1953. Brother Muir speaks as tho he believes that after these terrible conflicts are over, the Millennium will come--in our time, while we yet live. Guess this is really something to think about.

Of course this is his theory, and there are many others. But it really makes one wonder. What do you think about all this Perry? I wish you were here to talk to me. You know so much more than I about the gospel. You must teach me, dear husband. Mother and dad have come home now. I have taken my bath so must go to bed. Sweet dreams, sweetheart. Your loving wife, Gene

March 4, 1945 (Sunday)

Dearest sweetheart Perry,

Hello my darling. What have you been doing on this fast Sunday? Sleeping again? Have you had that awful old wisdom tooth pulled yet? You see, now it is my turn to be anxious over you. Perry, I hope it's not giving any more trouble. Mine surely did bother me. Now let me know dear. Golly, I sure wish I could know where you were and what that ship of yours is doing. I wish it would bring my husband back to me soon.

[On March 3, 1945, US and Filipino troops take Manila.]

Today was an awful rainy, cold day here. I wore my white boots and my fur coat to church this morning. After reading the funnies, I did a little sleeping too this afternoon. You know I like Sunday afternoon naps. They are so comfy-cozy. Perry, I'm glad you get to sleep in Sundays. When we get our own little place to live, I'll let you take naps, but only when there isn't anything important to do. Oh how wonderful it will be to live with my husband all alone in a little house, to cook for him and do things for him. Oh dearest, look how I am dreaming, but Perry, I can hardly wait.

Monday evening

My dearest,

Here I still have your letter. Got to talking to Mom and Dad last night and couldn't finish. Worked all day today till 5:30--then came home and oh joy! There was a big fat letter from my darling. Also the allotment check came for February. Sweetheart, your letter was such a sweet one. It was dated February 25th. I do hope you will get to contact those LDS boys and attend those services too.

Perry, darling, I want to get this letter off to you tonight so you will get it sooner. I'm going to write you later and mail one in the morning. This letter is for Sunday--must keep it that way. I love you Perry. Your own, Gene

March 4, 1945

My Darling Wife,

This is sunday and my heart is full to overflowing with many things. I have just been reading over our patriarchal blessings, particularly yours. It is so deep and full of so much meaning. I get much more from it each time I read it. So much of it I see already is so true and, my darling, it gives me so much joy to know that such a sweet, wonderful person is really my wife. My darling, how could I keep from loving such a person as you?

Tonight the things that seemed to register the deepest were such things as "the quality that makes women worthy and appreciated," "an understanding of men and the problems of this world," "love and be loved--equality and a happy home," "persistence, diligence, frugality and patience to wait." All these things and others seemed to register as in bold-faced type and in my heart I offered a silent prayer of thanks that I have been so richly blessed. Sweetheart, do you realize that I am really very fond of you.

It has been three days now since I had any mail from you. My hopes for some word from my love seem to rise and set with the sun. But as the sun also, to rise full of hope and expectation of your letters with each new day, and so I suppose will this continue to do until I can be with you again. And then, I believe, the sun will always shine. You see, it is you who keeps the light in my heart.

Hazel sent me some candy before Christmas. Two days ago only the wrappers arrived. Some joke, eh? So, you see, I don't suggest your trying to send any more packages. Well, I am really getting tired so I can sleep and I honestly want to sleep so I can dream of you. Goodnight my darling. I love you dearly. Always your affectionate husband, Perry