Saturday, April 28, 2012

I am just sort of substitute living

May 14, 1945

My Sweetheart Gene,

I didn't write you yesterday, but I didn't get a letter from you either, so we are even. I went to church yesterday again and had a very good time again. I met a fellow who was in the mission field with me. I had run into him once before at Farragut and now out here. He is now an ensign. I also met still another fellow I knew at Farragut and a fellow I went to high school with. After church, five of us had a good lunch together and then did a little sight seeing.

If only Perry could have seen 8 years into the future!
Of course the service was a special Mother's Day program. Nearly all the girls and ladies wore beautiful leis. Together with the fragrance of so many flowers, green trees and shrubs, and the relaxing atmosphere of the church, it was quite an inspirational and soul stirring experience. However, appropriately enough, at the conclusion of the service they sang "Home Sweet Home" which also gave a beautiful conclusion to my feelings. Needless to say, I missed my darling all the while and wanted her by my side to enjoy it with me. Do you know how very, very much I love you my dear, lovely wife? I love you so much that I can think only of you and of the day when we can be together and realize our dreams. Until then, I am just sort of substitute living.

Yes, darling, the figure you quote for the amount of money we have in the bank sounds pretty good to me too. It would be good if we could have enough saved to make a down payment on a home when I get out of the Navy, wouldn't it?

I'm hoping I'll get a letter from you today and if so, if I have time, I'll write you again tonight. I send all my love darling. I love you with all my heart. Always Yours, Perry

May 15, 1945

My Darling Gene,

It seemed good to hear from you again. Three days with no letter from my sweet wife makes the time seem twice as long. I understand that you have had a lot of other things to do and now with Emily there you naturally have a lot to talk about. That I can understand and you are forgiven, sweetheart. I haven't always been too regular myself so I guess I can't say very much about a little neglect on your part.

I was hoping that now while I am at this place where the mail service is good and arrives so quickly that I would get a letter from you nearly every day though. The reason for my wishing this is because I have had to go without any mail from you so much, all unavoidable, that I wanted to hear from you as much as possible now before I start moving around again making it impossible to receive any mail at all.

Darling, if you will only write me for every letter of mine you receive, I will be satisfied. I realize you haven't perhaps as much time as I often have, but sweetheart, I would rather you would miss a choir practice or something occasionally.

I just this minute had quite a shock. I just heard it announced on the radio about the death of Heber J. Grant. It surely stunned me for an instant from the deep thought I was already in. Have you noticed how many of the world's notable and notorious leaders are dying around about the same time?

Sweetheart, last night I saw the show "Wilson" for the second time. Nearly all through the show I was reminiscing. I'm sure I needn't say of what or of whom I was thinking. However, I got quite a lot more out of the show this time because the other time--well, I was just quite out of this world. I wish I could have been as completely "out" this time, but I guess I will have to be patient and wait. Darling, I love you so very, very much. The only thing I want is to be with you always and forever.

By August 3, 1954, Perry and Gene had all six of their children.
That is the only thing I can think about and that is why I prize your letters so much. Sweetheart, I don't want you to feel badly about the way I started this letter. I certainly don't want to hurt you and perhaps I am wrong for writing that way. Perhaps it is just because I am blue. I try to understand everything and perhaps I'm not doing a very good job. I could understand much better though, my darling, if you could write me oftener, even if it were just a few lines. Will you darling, at least as often as you hear from me?

I love you, Perry

May 16, 1945 (Wednesday night)

My Dearest Husband,

Oh my darling, I love you so, I want you so. I pray constantly that soon, very soon, I might see you walk in the door and take me in your arms. I live for that day. I'll be the happiest girl in the whole world when that happens.

Your letter of the 12th arrived today. It was such a wonderful letter. You had received one from me and were expecting or hoping to be able to attend church again the next day (the 13th). Did you, darling? wish I could be there to go to church with you then have you show me around that pretty island. Oh Perry, I'm so jealous of those people who are there with you. I want you all for myself. Do you think you'll like such treatment when you come back? I don't intend to share you with anyone, my husband. Perry, I'm not being selfish am I? Is it wrong to feel this way?

Darling, I hope I can know when you are coming back (when the time comes) cause I would want to look my very best for you and wear something special like that sheer white blouse you like. And if you come at night, I'd wear a pretty new nightgown (wait till you see it!) instead of the old pajamas I'm wearing now.

My sweetheart, you are so good to be sending me things. I am eagerly looking forward to that surprise package you are sending me and the juicy fruit gum sounds wonderful. You don't mean you are sending me a whole carton, do you? Why not keep some for yourself, honey? I laughed when you spoke of our "jaws wagging" you little monkey. How did you guess? But of course we are talking a lot. Bet you would too if you hadn't seen someone for over 2 years!

Oh, Perry, you are going to like Emily. She is so wonderful and so brave. I know she misses Dick like I miss you, but she doesn't cry about it. Yes, I got to feeling awful blue night before last and she caught me in the bathroom crying. Then she put her arms around me and talked me right out of the blues again. I'm all right now, Perry. I just seem to take those spells about a day before my monthly period.

Emily and the baby are sleeping in their new little home for the first time tonight. She got a little bed for him. She wants to work and earn and save some money before Dick comes back. He plans on attending school at USC. So yesterday she found herself an office job that pays $120 per month. She hates to leave the baby but feels like it is necessary to work. So mother plans on taking care of Ricky for her and she will pay mother. I'm hoping it will not be too much for mother.

We have not heard from Pierce for some time now so do not know for sure where he is. I was very sorry to hear the sad news about your cousin of the Marines and I understand your feelings on hearing of it. Surely this awful war must end soon. I received a letter from Genevieve yesterday. She writes such an interesting letter and I don't know where she ever finds the time to write. I know she must be kept awful busy with that family. I must write her soon.

I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. Yes, darling, I saw "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." I liked it too. Emily and I saw Judy Garland in "The Clock" yesterday evening. It was a good picture also. It's so wonderful to get a letter from you every day. Hope I will get one tomorrow. Must go to bed now. I go to sleep each night with thoughts of you, my husband. I love you, Perry. I love you always. Your own devoted, Gene

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We went all around the island

May 9, 1945

My Darling Wife,

I just returned from liberty again and it really made the day perfect to find a letter waiting for me from you. Once more I longed so much for you because some of the scenery I saw was beyond description. I just couldn't take enough of it in. I would have liked to have had you and our own car to take that same trip. We went all around the island. Maybe someday when I make my million?? I'll bring you here for another honeymoon. Of course there are plenty of beautiful places I'd like to see back there first, huh? Anyplace would be perfect as long as I were with you, my darling.
1945, Gene with little Ricky, her nephew and
first grandchild for Emmett & Leora Fast,
born to Richard and Emily Fast

You really are very fortunate in being able to find a light-housekeeping room like that. I guess Emily arrived there today--you said Wednesday. I'll bet you'll really be glad to see her again, won't you? That will be the first time you and your folks will have seen your little nephew and grandson, won't it?
Gene, I'm sure you would enjoy seeing the temple. We could enjoy it so much more together. It and the grounds are really beautiful. It isn't nearly so large as the others though. No, my sweetheart, I don't think you had better try sending any packages. I would probably move again and it would be forever catching up with me. It was just luck the other package from my sisters arrived the way it did. Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of chance to make things up when I get back. Okay?

Sweetheart, I love you so very, very much and long for you constantly. I can't describe how I miss you and long for you when I see beautiful things like I did today. We must make up for a lot of things. All my love, Perry

May 12, 1945

My Darling Wife,

I slipped up a couple of days myself on my writing so I guess I can't criticize you. I received your sweet letter yesterday that you wrote on my birthday. Darling, you need't worry about not using fluent words. Just to tell those things that are in your heart is sweeter to me than any other thing. You couldn't express yourself more fluently than just the plain expression of your love.

Sweetheart, you know I like you to write to me just the way you would talk. That is why I love your letters so much because you do just that. Oh course, there is nothing that can take the place of actually being with you and listening to you talk of those little intimacies that are so precious between us.

I just received word yesterday that a cousin of mine was killed on Okinawa. He was in the Marines. I knew him real well and we used to play together when we were kids. The news surely came as quite a blow. It's hard to think of someone I knew so well as being dead. Well, that isn't very pleasant news to write about is it? I've always said that the purpose (mainly) of writing letters is to make one feel happier when he reads them.

I saw the show "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." I really thought it was quite a cute show. I suggest you see it if you get a chance. I imagine you would like it. I think I might be able to go to church tomorrow. I surely hope so. I'm going with another LDS fellow from the ship.

I was able to buy a whole carton of chewing gum the other day. I thought now that Emily was there, your jaws would be wagging so much that you ought to have some kind of shock absorber to go between your jaws. (It's juicy fruit too.) I'm going to send it along with several other things.

My darling, there isn't much to write about. All I want to do is hold you in my arms and listen to you talk to me the way we used to. I pray constantly that the Lord might grant me that privilege soon, even if it were but for a few moments. I think that would be enough to inspire me so that I would be able to endure much better until the final conclusion of the war.

I can't answer your questions very satisfactorily though, my darling. There is only one thing I know with certainty and that is the uncertainty of everything. You know how it used to be and it is still that same way. Wish I were back there to help you fix up Emily's apartment. I think that would be quite fun. I think I would pretend it was our own.

Well, my lovely wife, your husband loves you very much. You are in my heart always and will be forever. Forever Yours, Perry

May 13, 1945 (Sunday)

My Sweetheart Perry,

It looks as tho I haven't been able to keep my promise very well this past week about writing you every day. But darling, I have tried so hard. You know the house is so full of people and so many things going on. But oh my Perry, I love you so and think of you constantly. I long for you and am praying that it might somehow be possible for you to come home soon--even if it would be for a short time. I need you so, my lover. My life is so incomplete.

No darling, there was no E-Day celebration here in the states. Everyone took it quite calmly. (We had all expected it for so long.) Besides, this war in the Pacific is still raging and I think keeps everyone pretty sober. That must end before we can do any celebrating. Everyone worked as usual--anyway I did. But I sure am glad and much relieved and thankful that at least half of the conflict is over. Maybe it will all be over soon. I do hope so.

I have been doing a lot of talking with Emily--of the past and the future too. You know, Perry, she is still my best girlfriend. I enjoy her company so much. She is such a wonderful girl. I must tell you about Saturday. I worked till noon then Nellie came down to the shop. We had lunch together and did a little shopping. Then we took the streetcar to Griffith Park. We got a couple of horses right away at the riding stables. Mine was a gentle old daple-gray horse--easy to handle. We only rode for 55 minutes. It seemed like an awful short ride, but I was so tired out when we got back and my side ached so from the galloping and trotting. Nellie is a very good rider so can show me how to ride correctly. We are going again in a couple of weeks. I think I will like riding.

Then last night after I got home and ate dinner, I wanted to write you but got started talking with Emily. We talk about the gospel and the wonderful people we have met in the church and about the experiences and strong testimonies we have heard and seen. And on and on. We even got to reading out of the Book of Mormon and another church book. Oh how I love these talks with Emily. We confide in each other too. I feel so close to her.

You know, Perry, she said she would like to be with me and help me when I have my first child. In fact, she wants us both to have a baby at the same time if that could ever be possible. Isn't she sweet. Little Ricky is such a darling baby. He looks like Dick and Emily both I think. He is just a year old and learning to walk and talk some. Oh Perry, I can hardly wait for one of my own--our own.

Today Mother stayed home with him so that Emily could go to Sunday School with me. It is Mother's Day so there was a special program put on by the children. It was so cute. It was the first time Emily had been in church for almost a year.

I wanted to take Emily and the baby to the park. She has been wanting to get him out. I told Viola and Nellie of my plan, so they wanted to go too. So we planned a picnic for the afternoon. We, Emily and I, came home and fed little Ricky and took him over (you know the park by the University of Southern California) and met viola and Nellie and Mark Miner in his car--half way there--waiting for us. So we all spent a lazy day at the park walking thru the rose garden, the museum and finally sitting on the grass in a nice sunny spot. It surely has been a lovely day.

Can you imagine Mark with four women and a child? I think he really enjoyed himself. Little Ricky really fell for Mark. He let Mark carry him around most all afternoon. We got home about 4:30 pm, then who should drop in on us but Kermit and Irene. We had a nice visit with them. You know they are my cousins who live out there in Hollywood where we went to see Aunt Rena and Virginia, remember?

We missed church tonight--it got so late and Emily had to put the baby to bed at six. So everyone started to bed at a pretty good hour tonight. But I just had to write my sweetheart before I could think of sleeping. I got your two letters of May 8th on Saturday, darling. You are so good and thoughtful to write me so ofter sweetheart. I love your letters so. Oh Perry, you know I love you. I love you more and more as each day passes. Forever and always your own, Gene

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I dreamed I was out of the Navy

May 6, 1945

My Darling Wife,

I always wait until after mail call before writing to my sweetheart to see if I have any mail from her. I didn't have any today, but I've just re-read your letter I received yesterday, which makes at least the 20th time, and now I think I have been sufficiently recharged to write you. At the end of your letter you said, "I'll write you tomorrow," so I know it's in the mail someplace and I'll probably receive it tomorrow.

I didn't spend my birthday today very much different than any other day except that it was Sunday. I did do some thinking about how much I have to be thankful for. For instance, while I know this isn't a very good place or a very nice way to spend a birthday, yet it is a lot better than some other places where I could easily be and it could be spent in a lot worse ways. I hope next year I will be able to spend it with you, my sweetheart, for I know that is the only way I will be able to fully enjoy it, or any other day for that matter.

Perry and Gene visiting family in
Salt Lake City, November 21, 1946
(Something Perry can only dream
about for now)
Then I got to thinking how much has happened since my last birthday. Did you ever stop to consider how much can happen in one year? It's amazing the miracles TIME can perform if we only have patience to wait. Just think how much has happened this last year. I now have you, my darling, which is the greatest thing that ever did happen to me. When I think that way, it strengthens my hope for the future.

Darling, I love you for so many reasons. I don't know what I would do without you. You have been my inspiration all the while I have been away and I know you will be throughout all our lives and eternity. I thank the Lord every day for you my dear sweet wife. Must leave you now until tomorrow. Goodnight my sweetheart, Perry

May 8, 1945 (Tues. eve.)

My dearest Perry,

Another dear letter came from you today. You had finally received a letter from me. I'm so glad. You certainly did get pretty blue I guess for I could tell from your last letter. But I know you understand why my letters became so irregular. I hoped you would like the funny little birthday card.

Perry, you little monkey, you are just full of surprises I think. You have me guessing about the "surprise package" and now (since you have mentioned it several times) I'm so puzzled about you coming back before the war is over. Darling, I don't understand. How can you come back before that? Do you know whether that will be soon or not? Oh Perry, do you know how my hopes are soaring? Would you surprise me in that too? Oh surely you would let me know or even give me a hint. What a wonderful day that will be when I can be in your arms again, dear husband.

Well, I played "hooky" from the art shop and Viola today to help Mother finish Emily's room. Do you know I redecorated the place. I cleaned the wallpaper then painted it with Kem-Tone paint. It's a pretty pink about the shade of this paper. Then I painted the bed frame with a cream enamel. Mother is fixing the curtains and the bed. The place is beginning to look real cute now. But golly am I tired out. It was quite a job.

I guess I didn't tell you what happened about the little house we were going to rent for her. Well when the people were ready to move, Mother called the landlady, but she said she was going to rent the house to some friends. So that was that, but Mother and dad are still sort of looking around for a house to buy. Mother has sent for all the things we had stored back east in maryland. (Household goods.)

We are all going down to the station to meet Emily tomorrow nite. She is supposed to arrive at about 10:00 pm. Dick has been transferred to some island in the Persian Gulf. Looks like he is headed for China.

Must go and take my bath now and get to bed as I am so tired. Will write tomorrow. Goodnight my dearest. I love you, Perry. Your loving wife, Gene

May 8, 1945

My Darling Gene,

I didn't have time to answer your sweet little letter last night, but here I am the first thing this morning. It did seem so good to get your letter. That is the thing I look for all through the day. Some of your letters surely are perfumed up. Reminds me of being back there. Do you do that on purpose, you "little monkey?" I quite like it.

My sweetheart, I don't think you will ever disappoint me. Not as long as you do as well as you have done. I know we are both far from perfect, but because you do try so hard to please me is the reason I have loved you more and more all the time. Yes, my darling, I do understand you. It is only myself that I am worried about.

Yes, it does look like we started something at Adams. When I was there, it didn't seem like Ray Cottom was so "hot" on Laura Van Cott. In fact, he said he wasn't, and now they are married. I think they will make a pretty good couple, don't you? Give them my best wishes. I think I should write them a "congrats" letter.

No, I haven't received the candy and cookies as yet, but I probably will. It's probably still trying to catch up with me. They may still be good since you put them in a tin container. I suppose they will be having quite a celebration back in the states now that the war is over in Europe. I wish I were there to celebrate it with my darling. I will be some day though and then we will really have a celebration, won't we? Just you and I.

I surely did have a funny dream the other night. I dreamed I was out of the Navy. (It's the first time I've dreamed that for ages.) We were visiting all of our relatives back home. It was all so mixed up that it didn't make too much sense though. I was quite disappointed to wake up back in this reality.

Sweetheart, I love you so very, very much and I long so much for that day when we can be together again--the day when we can start living instead of just dreaming. Darling, tell me all the things you think and dream about. I still can't write you everything I would like to because it is too personal. I have a lot to say to you that I want only you to see or hear. I hope that day won't be too far away.

I love you my darling. Do you still love me as much as ever? Forever yours, Perry

May 8, 1945

My darling wife,

I didn't write you yesterday so I'm writing you twice today. Anyway, the movie they are having is "Since You Went Away." Do you remember when we saw it? I don't care to see it again and anyway, I would sooner be here with you. This is about the nearest I can get to you when I sit down to write (except just before I go to sleep at night.) That's why I really do love to write you, my sweetheart, especially when I have just had a letter from you to give me food for the expression of my love. I didn't get any letter from my darling tonight so I'm not feeling quite as "tops" as I otherwise would.

There isn't much news to tell you because if there was any, it would be out for me to write about. I can tell you at last though that I was at the Philippines for quite a little while. I imagine you probably surmised that though. Not much of interest happened while I was there. I did go ashore once and picked up a couple of nonsensical little souvenirs for you though. I'll be sending them to you after awhile. Does that satisfy your curiosity a little?

The main thing I remember about it was that I was very lonesome for you. The mail service was poor, very irregular, came all mixed up and kept me confused most of the time. I will always remember it though because there is where I received the sweetest letters I have ever received in my whole life. I do have such a sweet wife. Can anyone blame me for wanting so much to be back there with her?

Are they having a V-Day celebration in LA? Tell me about it if you did anything special. I imagine everyone will really have a good time. I hope they will all remember, including England and I hope Russia, that there is still a war going on out here.

Well, I won't discuss the war in this letter. I like for letters to try and get away from the war as much as possible. If I were back there though I would have one of those long discussions with your father about politics and international situations.

It's about time for me to go to bed, my darling. I have to go on watch early in the morning. I'll try to dream about you. Love and god bless you my sweetheart. Forever yours, Perry

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I s'pose we could ride the same horse

May 4, 1945

My Darling Sweetheart Gene,

I must write you right now while I am so much in the mood. And why do you suppose I am feeling so? That shouldn't be hard to guess: I just received a letter and birthday card from my darling.

Perry never passed up a chance to ride a horse--no matter
how old he got or how few the opportunities.
Sweetheart, please forgive me. I know my last letter especially wasn't a very good one. I was too blue. I don't blame you for not writing when you didn't hear from me for so long. I know how hard it is when you feel like that. I promise you will get letters from me regularly as long as I can get yours. I really love to write you, my darling, as long as I can get your mail to give me inspiration. Oh, my darling wife, I wonder if any husband ever loved his wife as much as I love you.

The card was pretty cute. I'll bet that little girl on the roof is just the way ours will look, huh? (ha, ha) You mentioned about Emily coming out, but you didn't say if your folks had rented that place on Manchester or where she was going to stay. I'm just curious.

Now, sweetheart, I'm not going to tell you what I bought you. I'm going to send it to you in a little surprise package. You know how I am--I would rather surprise people. The best surprise of all will be when I come walking up Flower St. to 2913 S. I often find my thoughts and dreams carrying me a long ways away.

After graduating from high school, Perry
went to college while his good friend,
Clyde Wahlquist, married and started a family
I finally got a letter from Clyde. He's telling me of all the things we are going to do when I get out of the Navy. If we do everything everyone has planned, we are really going to be kept busy for quite a while. I think I would prefer just to be alone with my darling and we will have another honeymoon. I hope we can even have one before I get out for good. How's about it, huh?

Darling, I love you more and more. I wonder how you are going to be able to stand up under all my embraces when I get to be with you again. Always yours, Perry

May 5, 1945

My Darling Wife,

The first thought that comes to my mind as I sit down to write you is how much I love you. I feel like saying it over and over, but such a repetition might detract from its true meaning. I do love you with all my heart, my darling.

The question you asked and wanted me to explain is one which I'm afraid I can't answer very satisfactorily. It's pretty hard to guess when you're going to be next as long as you are in the Navy. Sometimes I think I will be out here for the duration and other times I think there could be a possibility of coming back for a little while. The latter I don't like to count on too much because it's likely to turn out to be a disappointment. Right now though I could endure this again much better if I only had even a few short days with my darling. I would be very hard to leave again, though, I know. I only live each day though knowing that whatever happens will probably be for the best, or at least we will have to make it so.

Sweetheart, I think it is pretty wonderful the progress you seem to be making with your father's stenographer. There are so many reasons why I think so much of both you and your folks. Keep it up, my sweetheart.

As for the horseback riding, I think that is a pretty good idea too. Oh how I wish I could be there to "teach" you. I've often thought we could have quite a good time out home going horseback riding. We only have one riding horse anymore, but I guess we could take turns, or I s'pose we could ride the same horse. What would you think of that, huh? A word of caution though, you had better take it pretty easy the first few times, that is unless you want to neither be able to sit, stand or walk. I speak with a lot of experience. (cough, cough) It makes me "sore" to even think of some of my experiences. I don't think there is any danger of you going at it quite that hard though.

Sweetheart, I love your letters so much. I hope you will write me constantly, regularly, every day--at least now while I can receive them regularly and as long as you are getting mine regularly. It doesn't take long, you know. It seems so strange to ask you questions and get answers to them in such a short time--so much shorter than it has been anyway. I wish it could be that way all the while I am out here, but I know that isn't possible.

Have you heard from Dick and Pierce lately. I do hope they are well and safe. The war can't last much longer there, in fact, I guess it could be considered practically over now. I hope your father's stomach is all right now.

Darling, I love you very, very dearly. You prove to me more and more that I am a very blessed and fortunate man. Always yours, Perry

May 6, 1945 (Sunday eve.)

My dearest husband Perry,

Here it is Sunday evening already--the end of your birthday in this year. Oh, I wish I could have been with you today, sweetheart. Were you able to attend church today? Do you feel any older? Perry, can't you send me a picture of yourself? I want one so very much.

Well, I gave my 2 1/2 minute talk this morning. Guess it was pretty good. You know, I wasn't scared a bit. But, of course, my audience was quite small--that helps. Today was a beautiful day, clear and warm as summer. Viola came over for dinner. I told mother since I invited her, I would get the dinner. And I did too. Mother was quite surprised 'cause my dinner was a lovely success, enjoyed by all. You see, I can cook when I'm given a chance. It's fun too. You must come home now and let me prove it to you.

Viola and I have decided to take tomorrow off. I want to help mother clean up and fix the room we rented for Emily. There is so much to be done: floor scrubbed, walls cleaned, new curtains, closet cleaned, furniture washed, etc. We want it looking nice when Emily comes. [Richard's wife, Gene's sister-in-law]

Viola is busy too. She is making Avanelle's wedding gown and helping her get things ready for the wedding, etc. They (Avanelle and spence) will be married sometime this month in the Salt Lake temple.

My darling, I have been thinking of you all day long, wondering what you were doing and thinking. I remember the sweet and long, long letter--a special one you wrote on my birthday--and wanted to make this a special one to you too. But here I have just rambled on as usual. I'm not as gifted with the pen as you are. Words just don't come fluently that way to me. I can talk much easier. But anyway, you always say you want to know all about me, so I try to tell you my feelings and then what I am doing each day. Oh, my Perry, the only thing I want in this world is you and the fulfillment of our dreams and our prayers.

(Monday eve.) My Sweetheart, I didn't get to finish last night. Mother made me go to bed, so here I am again. I received another letter from you today. You have not gotten any of my letters yet. I can't understand why, and it makes me feel very bad. I promise you I shall write every day now, Perry. You should be getting my letters by now tho 'cause lately I've been writing oftener. It's so wonderful to be getting your letters everyday again, sweetheart.

Dearest lover, when can you come home and let me tell you how much I love you and tell you just what I think of that wonderful guy I married. I'm so proud of you, Perry. Do you know what I've been doing this day--helping mother again. We really have been working on Emily's little place. It looks better already, but we're not quite thru. We have to put the curtains up and do a few more things yet. Golly, I can hardly wait till she and the baby get here. They left Illinois today--will be here Wednesday nite.

Well, I guess the war is over in Europe, and I understand that most of the soldiers will be sent directly to the Pacific altho some will receive furloughs. Oh, I wonder how long this conflict will go on. It must end soon. Surely right will prevail.

I promise you I will write again tomorrow, darling. Goodnight for now, sweetheart. I love you. Your own, Gene