Perry and Gene with their first three children, Linda, Marian and Dale |
My Darling Wife,
Here it is one more day and I surely wish I had the mail before writing, but by that time it will probably be too late. I didn't get any mail at all yesterday. The foremost thought always in my mind is how wonderful I think you are and how much I love you. How I would love to be with you and hear you talk and laugh and come out with some of those spontaneous little remarks of yours, you little rascal. I surely do like to remember all the while we were together because those are the times of my life when I have really lived. As we have both said before, our happiest moments are those we have spent with each other. I know that we have a lot more happier times to spend with each other too, only I become rather impatient in waiting sometimes though.
Later, 10:00 pm
Received your letter tonight of the 9th so I've found me a secluded spot to answer it now while I'm in the mood. It surely was a very sweet letter, it even smelled sweet. What kind of powder are you using now? My sweetheart, I promise that I'll never ever leave you again when I finally get back into civilian clothes. I think I'll even hate to leave you long enough to go to work during the day. The first thing we are going to do though is to have a good long honeymoon, and I promise you, we will see plenty of canyons. We are really going to have lots of fun, aren't we?
Yes, I know that song, "Shine On." It's really very pretty. I learned it when I was a kid in primary. No, darling, I didn't misunderstand you about the poem. I hope you didn't misunderstand me. It was only the loneliness of leaving you again that made me write it. And I'm sure you will do more than your part in bringing about harmony and happiness. It is only with myself that I am concerned.
Sweetheart, I love you so very much, with all my heart, and only want to be with you forever which is my constant prayer. Always, Perry
July 19, 1945
My Darling Gene,
Hello my sweet little wife. This is going to be a sort of hurry-up letter because I don't have very much time. I just wanted to tell you that you probably won't be hearing from me for a few days. I waited to let you know so you wouldn't feel badly or wonder when you didn't receive any mail from me. I always want you to be assured that when you don't get any mail, it is all unavoidable.
Your letter of last night was surely sweet. I stayed up after the movie to finish writing you. The show was "Mutiny on the Bounty." I never did see it before so I quite enjoyed it. I never can fully enjoy a show or anything though unless I have you by my side. I have some pretty pleasant memories in that regard. Nothing much of interest happens around here except that we are getting a new captain. He will take command tomorrow.
Your mention of watermelon surely made me "drool." There isn't much I like better than a good cold melon on a hot day. Guess we'll have to include that in when we go on some of our canyon parties and picnics, huh? I received a small photo of Hazel in her cap and gown. She said she was sending a large one to you for us.
Well my sweetheart, I've got to be going now if I get this mailed. I promise to get a letter to you just as soon as I can, which shouldn't be long. Hope you will be able to keep cheerful and happy in the meantime. Judging from your recent letters, you seem to be feeling a little better now. I surely hope so. I love you very much, my darling wife, and think and pray for you always. I love you, Perry
July 22, 1945
My Darling Wife,
This is another Sunday and I think this is about the hottest day we've had on this trip. Almost as hot as some of those days in LA. Not nearly as pleasant though. We just got through holding our church services. I imagine it will be our last one because I think our passengers will soon be getting off.
I was talking to the chaplain's assistant the other day, the one who called you up, and he said he noticed especially what a good, very sweet voice you had. I thought it was rather coincidental because you had mentioned that he had a good voice too.
My darling, I have just reread several of your last sweet letters. They were so very sweet. I enjoy them every time I read them. I realize so much more all the time what a dear, sweet wife I have and only want one thing and that is to be with you and our little home and children. I love you so very much, my darling, you are the only one I can think of.
I think I sometimes go around here looking rather glum, but it is only because I am thinking so strongly of you. When I am finally out of the Navy, I hope I will never have to leave you again. I'm sure I won't if I have anything to say about it.
I received a letter from those people back in Sioux Falls. (Mr. & Mrs. Wood) They sent me some pictures of their little kids. The two little girls sent me a special card with little pansies on it. I taught them the song "Little Purple Pansies." That's pretty sweet, don't you think?
My sweetheart, I'll close now, but will go on thinking of you just the same. Nothing can stop me from doing that. I love you very much and will love you forever. Always Yours, Perry
July 23, 1945
My Darling Gene,
I'm hoping that soon we'll get rid of our passengers and then things won't be so crowded so I can sit down to write you and be able to think and concentrate a little better. I'm also hoping I'll get this off to you tomorrow as well as receive some, but I'm not sure. I love your letters so much. That is all I have to look forward to from one day to the next and from one place to the next destination. I was disappointed they didn't have that course I put in for. It would have kept my mind occupied. I'm going to put in for something else though that will be useful to me.
Tomorrow will be the 24th. I get rather jealous when I read about all of those nice times you have back there, only jealous that I can't be with you. And tomorrow I suppose Adam's will have something special. Oh well, I'll have a celebration too if I get some mail from you. That is about the best celebration I could possibly have out here.
Are you still having lots of good times, my darling? I'm surely glad the church affords so many activities for you. You can really see its practical value in our everyday lives, can't you, and besides just look at all the good people one can meet. Not mentioning any names, but I am thinking of the sweetest person I ever will meet. I knew that was where I would find you. My sweetheart, I love you with all my soul and am so very thankful for you. I only long to be with you forever.
I want to write several other letters so they will go off in the mail tomorrow so must leave you for now. I love you, Perry
July 24, 1945
Dearest husband Perry,
I'm not very regular in my writing to you, darling. Perry, please don't be angry with me. I haven't had a minute to myself since last week. It seems something comes up every night. There has been so much going on at the church these past few weeks too.
My darling, your letters are so sweet and mean so very much to me. Two came yesterday--the one you wrote on our anniversary (9th) and the other of the 15th. Oh Perry, I love you so. Yes, Perry, I guess some of my letters to you weren't very good. I was feeling so blue before I got my job. Please don't worry or fret, darling, I'm feeling much better now. But only you, sweetheart, can make me happy. I don't want to live without you, Perry. You are so much a part of me.
I started work on my new job Monday. It's just a regular office job in a small company on 14th Street. I think I shall like it there. The hours are rather long, but I shall get used to it. We work from 8:00 to 5:00 and have an hour for lunch. I do quite a bit of filing--no typing so far. I have a ride to work and home now so that will be a help too.
It seems I've been going somewhere every night this week too. Golly, I just can't do that--not when I have to get up so early every morning. the celebration has lasted for three nights at the ward and I had to go to that. I'm rather glad tonight was the last night though because it keeps me up too late (in fact everyone.)
Tonight there were so many people there, Perry. I kept meeting people I haven't seen for a long time. Carol Snow was there and, Perry, she is married again. I met her husband tonight. Perry, he is Japanese. It fairly rendered me speechless when I found out. His name is Moto, or something like that. He seems very nice though. I understand he is not a member of the church as yet. How strange that she should marry like that. But she seems so happy and in love and looks so well too. I didn't get to talk very much with her but since they are living in the ward now, I will be seeing her oftener. They are going to join our chorus. There was such a lovely orchestra at the ward last night. I danced nearly every dance too, Perry. Oh, I enjoyed it so much.
(Next morning) We got home (Viola and I) so late last night. I wanted to write you so bad. It was quite late, but anyway I started this letter. I was too tired to finish. This morning I got up at 7:00 and had to catch my ride at 7:30, but I made it and here I am at work, 20 minutes early.
Gene's father Emmett (center) with her two brothers, Richard (left) and Pierce (right) |
Oh Perry, Sunday was such a pleasant day for me. After Sunday school, Ferris Kent invited me to her house--some of the kids came along later. We made up a picnic lunch and drove up to Griffith Park and spent a quite, lazy afternoon. That evening the chorus sang two numbers in Sacrament service. Fireside was held at Nellie Card's house. She lives quite a ways out but most all of the younger crowd piled into three cars and we all drove out. Guess who the speakers were?
Yes, darling, your little Gene was the first one to speak. I gave a talk on "the first 24th of July celebration." I didn't get scared a bit this time, Perry, in fact I enjoyed it. Everyone told me it was a good talk and all liked it. Then Emily gave a talk and then Clarence Erspamer (I don't think you know him.) He is a convert too. His talk and Emily's were so wonderful. They bore their testimonies and, oh Perry, such a wonderful feeling came into our midst at that meeting. I don't know how to explain it, Perry. How I wish you could have been there to hear it all. I know it strengthened everyone's testimony that was there--about 20 or 25 were there.
I must hurry this letter off to you now. I'll write again tonight, Sweetheart. Lovingly your own, Gene. I love you, Perry.