Saturday, July 28, 2012

I have just reread several of your last sweet letters

Perry and Gene with their first three children,
Linda, Marian and Dale
July 18, 1945

My Darling Wife,

Here it is one more day and I surely wish I had the mail before writing, but by that time it will probably be too late. I didn't get any mail at all yesterday. The foremost thought always in my mind is how wonderful I think you are and how much I love you. How I would love to be with you and hear you talk and laugh and come out with some of those spontaneous little remarks of yours, you little rascal. I surely do like to remember all the while we were together because those are the times of my life when I have really lived. As we have both said before, our happiest moments are those we have spent with each other. I know that we have a lot more happier times to spend with each other too, only I become rather impatient in waiting sometimes though.

Later, 10:00 pm

Received your letter tonight of the 9th so I've found me a secluded spot to answer it now while I'm in the mood. It surely was a very sweet letter, it even smelled sweet. What kind of powder are you using now? My sweetheart, I promise that I'll never ever leave you again when I finally get back into civilian clothes. I think I'll even hate to leave you long enough to go to work during the day. The first thing we are going to do though is to have a good long honeymoon, and I promise you, we will see plenty of canyons. We are really going to have lots of fun, aren't we?

Yes, I know that song, "Shine On." It's really very pretty. I learned it when I was a kid in primary. No, darling, I didn't misunderstand you about the poem. I hope you didn't misunderstand me. It was only the loneliness of leaving you again that made me write it. And I'm sure you will do more than your part in bringing about harmony and happiness. It is only with myself that I am concerned.

Sweetheart, I love you so very much, with all my heart, and only want to be with you forever which is my constant prayer. Always, Perry

July 19, 1945

My Darling Gene,

Hello my sweet little wife. This is going to be a sort of hurry-up letter because I don't have very much time. I just wanted to tell you that you probably won't be hearing from me for a few days. I waited to let you know so you wouldn't feel badly or wonder when you didn't receive any mail from me. I always want you to be assured that when you don't get any mail, it is all unavoidable.

Your letter of last night was surely sweet. I stayed up after the movie to finish writing you. The show was "Mutiny on the Bounty." I never did see it before so I quite enjoyed it. I never can fully enjoy a show or anything though unless I have you by my side. I have some pretty pleasant memories in that regard. Nothing much of interest happens around here except that we are getting a new captain. He will take command tomorrow.

Your mention of watermelon surely made me "drool." There isn't much I like better than a good cold melon on a hot day. Guess we'll have to include that in when we go on some of our canyon parties and picnics, huh? I received a small photo of Hazel in her cap and gown. She said she was sending a large one to you for us.

Well my sweetheart, I've got to be going now if I get this mailed. I promise to get a letter to you just as soon as I can, which shouldn't be long. Hope you will be able to keep cheerful and happy in the meantime. Judging from your recent letters, you seem to be feeling a little better now. I surely hope so. I love you very much, my darling wife, and think and pray for you always. I love you, Perry

July 22, 1945

My Darling Wife,

This is another Sunday and I think this is about the hottest day we've had on this trip. Almost as hot as some of those days in LA. Not nearly as pleasant though. We just got through holding our church services. I imagine it will be our last one because I think our passengers will soon be getting off.

I was talking to the chaplain's assistant the other day, the one who called you up, and he said he noticed especially what a good, very sweet voice you had. I thought it was rather coincidental because you had mentioned that he had a good voice too.

My darling, I have just reread several of your last sweet letters. They were so very sweet. I enjoy them every time I read them. I realize so much more all the time what a dear, sweet wife I have and only want one thing and that is to be with you and our little home and children. I love you so very much, my darling, you are the only one I can think of.

I think I sometimes go around here looking rather glum, but it is only because I am thinking so strongly of you. When I am finally out of the Navy, I hope I will never have to leave you again. I'm sure I won't if I have anything to say about it.

I received a letter from those people back in Sioux Falls. (Mr. & Mrs. Wood) They sent me some pictures of their little kids. The two little girls sent me a special card with little pansies on it. I taught them the song "Little Purple Pansies." That's pretty sweet, don't you think?

My sweetheart, I'll close now, but will go on thinking of you just the same. Nothing can stop me from doing that. I love you very much and will love you forever. Always Yours, Perry

July 23, 1945

My Darling Gene,

I'm hoping that soon we'll get rid of our passengers and then things won't be so crowded so I can sit down to write you and be able to think and concentrate a little better. I'm also hoping I'll get this off to you tomorrow as well as receive some, but I'm not sure. I love your letters so much. That is all I have to look forward to from one day to the next and from one place to the next destination. I was disappointed they didn't have that course I put in for. It would have kept my mind occupied. I'm going to put in for something else though that will be useful to me.

Tomorrow will be the 24th. I get rather jealous when I read about all of those nice times you have back there, only jealous that I can't be with you. And tomorrow I suppose Adam's will have something special. Oh well, I'll have a celebration too if I get some mail from you. That is about the best celebration I could possibly have out here.

Are you still having lots of good times, my darling? I'm surely glad the church affords so many activities for you. You can really see its practical value in our everyday lives, can't you, and besides just look at all the good people one can meet. Not mentioning any names, but I am thinking of the sweetest person I ever will meet. I knew that was where I would find you. My sweetheart, I love you with all my soul and am so very thankful for you. I only long to be with you forever.

I want to write several other letters so they will go off in the mail tomorrow so must leave you for now. I love you, Perry

July 24, 1945

Dearest husband Perry,

I'm not very regular in my writing to you, darling. Perry, please don't be angry with me. I haven't had a minute to myself since last week. It seems something comes up every night. There has been so much going on at the church these past few weeks too.

My darling, your letters are so sweet and mean so very much to me. Two came yesterday--the one you wrote on our anniversary (9th) and the other of the 15th. Oh Perry, I love you so. Yes, Perry, I guess some of my letters to you weren't very good. I was feeling so blue before I got my job. Please don't worry or fret, darling, I'm feeling much better now. But only you, sweetheart, can make me happy. I don't want to live without you, Perry. You are so much a part of me.

I started work on my new job Monday. It's just a regular office job in a small company on 14th Street. I think I shall like it there. The hours are rather long, but I shall get used to it. We work from 8:00 to 5:00 and have an hour for lunch. I do quite a bit of filing--no typing so far. I have a ride to work and home now so that will be a help too.

It seems I've been going somewhere every night this week too. Golly, I just can't do that--not when I have to get up so early every morning. the celebration has lasted for three nights at the ward and I had to go to that. I'm rather glad tonight was the last night though because it keeps me up too late (in fact everyone.)

Tonight there were so many people there, Perry. I kept meeting people I haven't seen for a long time. Carol Snow was there and, Perry, she is married again. I met her husband tonight. Perry, he is Japanese. It fairly rendered me speechless when I found out. His name is Moto, or something like that. He seems very nice though. I understand he is not a member of the church as yet. How strange that she should marry like that. But she seems so happy and in love and looks so well too. I didn't get to talk very much with her but since they are living in the ward now, I will be seeing her oftener. They are going to join our chorus. There was such a lovely orchestra at the ward last night. I danced nearly every dance too, Perry. Oh, I enjoyed it so much.

(Next morning) We got home (Viola and I) so late last night. I wanted to write you so bad. It was quite late, but anyway I started this letter. I was too tired to finish. This morning I got up at 7:00 and had to catch my ride at 7:30, but I made it and here I am at work, 20 minutes early.

Gene's father Emmett (center)
with her two brothers,
Richard (left) and Pierce (right)
Oh Perry, Pierce is in the U.S. and will be here this weekend. I'm so excited. He sent Mother a telegram Sunday. The weather here has been so terribly hot the past few weeks--even the nights are warm. I sure wish it would let up soon. The ceilings are so low here in the office which makes this place very uncomfortable while working.

Oh Perry, Sunday was such a pleasant day for me. After Sunday school, Ferris Kent invited me to her house--some of the kids came along later. We made up a picnic lunch and drove up to Griffith Park and spent a quite, lazy afternoon. That evening the chorus sang two numbers in Sacrament service. Fireside was held at Nellie Card's house. She lives quite a ways out but most all of the younger crowd piled into three cars and we all drove out. Guess who the speakers were?

Yes, darling, your little Gene was the first one to speak. I gave a talk on "the first 24th of July celebration." I didn't get scared a bit this time, Perry, in fact I enjoyed it. Everyone told me it was a good talk and all liked it. Then Emily gave a talk and then Clarence Erspamer (I don't think you know him.) He is a convert too. His talk and Emily's were so wonderful. They bore their testimonies and, oh Perry, such a wonderful feeling came into our midst at that meeting. I don't know how to explain it, Perry. How I wish you could have been there to hear it all. I know it strengthened everyone's testimony that was there--about 20 or 25 were there.

I must hurry this letter off to you now. I'll write again tonight, Sweetheart. Lovingly your own, Gene. I love you, Perry.

Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm surely glad you like to take walks

Perry, graduate with BA degree at University of Utah
in elementary education, 1950
July 14, 1945

My Darling Wife Gene,

Sweetheart, today I was very happy to receive four of your letters. I have been looking forward to them ever since I left the other place we were at. My darling, of course I understand what you mean when you say how you wish you or we had some place we could settle down permanently, and I thought you expressed yourself very well. Those are the things I want and think of constantly. It's pretty disconcerting to want something so badly and not be able to do anything about it but wait. I always like to think about what someone has said that often we are nearer to realizing our hopes than we sometimes think. I will surely pray for this.

If I should be able to come back again, would there be someplace for me (or us) to stay at your new place? Do you have a telephone? If so, what is the number? Of course next time I come back, I would like to have a leave so we could go back to Utah and really have a good "honeymoon," but I rather doubt, now, if that will be very soon.

I was rather disappointed to receive a letter that the institute is out of the course for Radio Broadcasting. Guess I'll have to wait for that, but I guess I can take something else that will be useful.

Yes, Sweetheart, next time I come in, I would really like to take you to a dance, something formal, like the Gold and Green, Sweethearts, or Harvest Balls, maybe at Wilshire. Or if we were able to go home, maybe something even better. That's why I would like to buy you that white formal. I would want to make it a very special occasion, especially if it were somewhere around our anniversary.

I surely do hope Pierce can come home before he goes to the Pacific. Does Rick expect to be able to come home first too?

Well, it was just eleven months ago tonight when--well, it was one night I will never forget. I will always remember how you said, "Why don't you guys do something?" You were pretty cute, you little rascal. Do you remember how many questions I was asking while I was dancing with you? Bet you didn't realize what all those questions were going to ultimately lead to, did you? I love you very, very much, my darling.

Yes, I would really like to go to the beach with you. I'm trying to get a tan just in case I might be able to sometime. I surely wouldn't want you to be more tan than I. Our time together has been so terribly short that we absolutely must do lots of things to try and make up for it when the war is over. Let's make that promise to each other, huh? Of course we won't have to be partying and on the go all the time to make it up. One of the most enjoyable things I can think of is when we would stay home and listen to pretty music while I held you in my arms.

What I mean is we will do a lot of the best of everything. We have even had an awful lot of fun just taking walks, haven't we? I'm surely glad you like to take walks. But above all, we must never let anything, which we can possibly help, mar one moment of our happiness. This separation should have taught us that if nothing else.

Well, my dear wife, I will have to close now but my hopes, thoughts, and prayers for, of, and about you will go on unceasingly.  Always Yours, Perry

PS. Gene, if I should send you to the Manx, I don't think it will be before September.

July 15, 1945

My Darling Wife Gene,

Gene at the beach
Today I received your letter with the pictures in it. The pictures were very good, especially the one of you in the water. It's really good, sorta made me drool. (ahem) What's the matter, sweetheart, that you don't feel so good anymore? Don't my letters help to cheer you up anymore? Of course I think I can understand how you feel. Please don't worry about not finding a job because you will probably find one soon, and in the meanwhile you can just sorta take it easy--sort of a vacation. Above all, don't worry about it.

Well darling, I will surely try and get those things you want. We'll probably have to get them one at a time, but I hope to be able to have them in time, especially the piano. The other two, I consider as necessities. Of course, as you say, the civilian clothes come first. I think that will be by far the happiest day of my life when I can don them again. Just read the news today about the 3rd fleet shelling the coast of Japan, so I hope that day (the civilian clothes) won't be too long now. It shouldn't be if the Japanese would only face the inevitable.

Today is Sunday and this afternoon it was quite nice and warm and reminded me of some of those Sundays back in LA. I was on watch but wasn't very busy so I just reminisced of those Sundays with you. As I look back on it now, I realize they were the happiest days of my life. I love you so very much, my darling, and can think only of you.

Thanks a lot for sending me the pictures, sweetheart. You know how I like to have pictures of you, you little "glamour girl." I know it's hard for you to get film. Do you still want me to write requesting for some? If so, just let me know and how you want me to put it. Do you think it will work?

I see you still have some of that stationery "Snow fun to be alone." It's pretty cute--just like you. My darling, I surely do hope you will get to feeling better soon. My prayers will be constantly for you. I love you, Perry

July 17, 1945

My Darling Sweetheart,

Received another sweet letter of your again last night. I have it here now and have just reread it several times. It is so very sweet--just like you. I surely do hope you get that job if that is what you want. The hours are kinda bad, but I suppose you can get used to that. I'm sure all will come out for the best. If you don't get that, you will probably get one better.

Sweetheart, I'm glad you enjoy my letters so much. That is my purpose in writing and that's the way I'll always try to make them, but it doesn't seem to me like they are as good as they used to be. What do you think? Please tell me the truth. I don't know what is the matter unless it's because I've found it such a poor substitute for actually being with you, holding you in my arms and talking with you, especially since I was with you last. That is all I want is just to be with you forever and realize all of our hopes and dreams which we have talked about. I do love you very much, my dear, sweet wife.

Darling, there was something you wanted me to buy you if I ever went to Hawaii again. I don't know if I will, and I'm not even hinting that I might, but just in case I should some time, I would like to buy you what it was you wanted. Sweetheart, there are a lot more and bigger things I want to buy for you, but that will have to wait until I come back. Must leave you now. I love you, my darling. Always, Perry

July 17, 1945 (Tues. evening)

My dearest husband Perry,

Nothing in the mail for me today. I do hope my darling is safe and all right. Surely there will be a letter tomorrow. Oh, Perry, I don't know what I would do without your dear letters. I wrote you this morning before I left the house, but tonight I wanted to write you again. I'm afraid my letters aren't much good anymore--not in very happy moods since being out of a job reflects in everything I do it seems. But I have been praying about it, Perry, so I know everything will come out right soon.

I have decided to try the telephone company. They are always advertising for girls--for operators--as well as office work. Tomorrow morning early I shall go and see them. I don't know what they pay but think it would be better than what I made at Bullocks. Their hours are pretty good too.

Today Viola and I went to several department stores in town to see about office work. But they told us frankly they couldn't pay us what we had been getting on our other jobs, so we gave up the idea of working in department stores. (Bullocks is the best paying store in LA.)

I stopped off at Mother's on the way home. She had not received any mail all day. I guess she was as disappointed as I was. Little Ricky surely is growing. He is walking all around the house now. He likes to hang on to Mother's dress and follow her from room to room. Such a cute little boy. I do believe he loves Mom best of all now.

Guess Emily plans on working till Dick comes home, but of course after that she will be a wife and a mother again. That's what I want to be too, more than anything else in this world, dear husband. I want to truly be your wife and be a mother. My heart fairly aches for this.

Viola and I are both writing letters tonight. We had a lovely dinner. Viola made a meatloaf with vegetables and gravy. We had the radio on all evening and heard so many lovely music programs, one right after another. Do you hear radio programs often, darling?

I'm wondering if your ship is still carrying that crowd of passengers. It seems they have been aboard a long time. Where are you taking them? Oh, what a silly question--how can you tell me that. What I really want to know is when will I be seeing my darling? Will it be more than five months this time? Surely not longer than that. I shall write again tomorrow, Sweetheart. I love you, Perry. Your devoted wife, Gene

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Right now I'd like to be able to give you a big kiss

Perry and Gene with first 4 children (far right)
at a family gathering in Salt Lake City, 1951
July 6, 1945

Dearest Gene,

Little disappointed--no letter for the last two days. I usually feel like a letter from you is necessary before I can write a very good one, but I've already missed one day so I guess I hadn't better delay any longer. I got paid yesterday so I guess I'll send you my tithing for the last three months. I would send it today in this letter but the post office was closed for inspection so I'll probably send it in a separate letter tomorrow or Monday. Are you keeping my tithing receipts? I could also send some to go in with our savings, but I think I'll wait until I get a little more. I surely haven't been able to save much it seems. I just got my own personal debts paid and just started getting caught up when I came back to the states and really went through it. I surely don't regret that however, I'm sure you know.

The condition is getting worse here. It's so hot and with so many passengers aboard we use so much water that there wasn't enough for the boiler. Now you are lucky if you can even get a saltwater shower. Don't even have any to brush your teeth in unless you swipe some out of the scullery or some other place where it is available. Most of the time, not all, we have had enough to drink though and last night that was even shut off.

Well, I guess as long as we don't run out of food, such as it is, and I can live with the hope of coming back to see you before too long, I guess I can get along quite well. Anyway, there is nothing seriously wrong with this situation, but it can surely be mighty unpleasant.

Well Sweetheart, I guess that isn't a very good way to write a letter. It surely isn't the kind of a cheerful letter you like, is it? I surely wouldn't want you to worry or be too concerned because things aren't quite as bad as they will probably sound to you. Guess it's just the mood I am in. Conditions in general have made me rather disgusted.

Have you found another job yet? I surely do hope you can find something satisfactory, something that you will enjoy doing. How do you like your new little home? You never did tell me what the address was. Do you have a telephone there? I would surely like to pop in on you some night and surprise you. It looks like it is going to be longer until I can see you than I thought before. The day I can come back for good is the day I am really looking for though. It would surely be wonderful if we could be together on our anniversary, wouldn't it? Or even Christmas, like last year. Any time with you would be perfect though.

I try not to build up my hopes too much lest they should have too big of a fall, but then even the most unexpected things can happen sometimes. When I first came out, I expected to be out here for the duration and I've already been back once. You see, all I can think about, my darling, is of the time and times when I can be with you. I surely do love you with all my heart and soul. Right now I'd like to be able to give you a big kiss. Guess I'll have to leave you for now. Surely do hope I'll get a letter tomorrow. Please, Sweetheart, tell me everything. Forever your lover, Perry

Linda, Marian, Dale and baby Jan in the carriage, 1951
July 9, 1945 (Monday)

Dearest husband Perry,

Darling, your letters are arriving so quickly that I feel that you are not so far away. Your letter of July 4th came today. It was postmarked the 6th. Is your ship still anchored off that little island with nothing to do?

Yes, Perry, I know what the 24th is. Adams Ward has quite a celebration each year but of course it can't be anything like the celebrating in Utah. That's something I am looking forward to. Oh yes, darling, it will be such a wonderful day when you get out of the Navy to be a civilian again, and Perry, I'll never let you leave me then, not ever. Tell me you'll never leave me then, Perry.

Viola's niece has been here (She is from Salt Lake, about 14 years old.) spending a few weeks vacation with her aunt and uncle. I had to mention her here cause she has been playing some pretty church hymns on Lewis's organ. (She plays well.) There are a few that I didn't recognize. One was so pretty, Perry. It's called "Shine On." I've never heard it before. Do you know it?

Today I called the man at the Methodist hospital who interviewed me for that job. But he said he was still interviewing girls and had not decided on anyone yet. He told me to call back about 10:00 tomorrow morning. So I guess he is still considering me.

Golly, it sure was a very hot day today. I knew it was summer for sure. We had watermelon this evening after supper. It was such a good one. Viola and Lewis were telling me about the times (in July) when they would go way up into the canyons (in Salt Lake) on watermelon parties--up where there was snow. Golly, is it really like that Perry!--snow in July I mean? You know I want to see some of those canyons, Perry. I've never seen one.

Oh, darling, don't misunderstand me about your last poem to me. It was so beautiful, Perry. It's only that I wouldn't have you feeling so sad or blue, and dear husband, I promise you that I shall always try and want to keep harmony and happiness in our lives. I want to be all that you believe of me dearest Perry. I know that it is because we are so separated that makes us feel so very depressed at times, but this can't be for long, I know. The Lord will bring you back to me very soon, my sweetheart, for we have been promised so much happiness. I love you with all my heart and soul, my dear husband. Always your own, Gene

July 10, 1945

My Darling Sweetheart,

Guess by now you should be able to realize why you haven't heard from me for the last few days. As long as you know the reason, though, it is better because I know how it is to continually look for a letter and wonder. I always try to write to you regularly when we are in port.  
[July 5, 1945 - Liberation of Philippines declared. July 10, 1945 - 1000 bomber raids against Japan begin.]

I have the money order for my tithing. It is $21.48, $7.16 per month for the months of April, May and June. Will you give it to the bishop for me and keep the receipts? I'm sending the money order in a separate letter. I'm surely eagerly looking forward to when I can get those sweet letters of yours again. I didn't get any for about for days before we left, but I'm sure I'll have some waiting for me at my next destination.

I think the last letter I wrote you wasn't such a very good one. It's too bad that is the last one I could get off to you before leaving. The situation has improved somewhat now. At least we have water now and can shower and keep clean. I will surely be glad when we get rid of all of these passengers though.

It's hard to write now until I hear from you and right now it's rather inconvenient and the lights will soon go out so I'm hurrying. I can't pour out my love very well when I'm being rushed. I love you though, my darling, more than ever I could express in words anyway. I think and dream of you constantly. forever your loving husband, Perry

July 11, 1945

My Darling Gene,

Well my sweetheart, here I am again. I should have some mail from you tomorrow. Consequently, I find it rather difficult to settle down or do anything at all. If I have some mail from you tomorrow, though, I promise you an extra special good letter. Do you remember what happened just eleven months ago tomorrow. That was the most profitable evening I ever did spend because just remember who I met that night. You'll never know all the thoughts that went through my mind that night. Surely do wish I could be with you so we could celebrate it in some special way together, but as it is, I guess we'll have to celebrate it as best we can just thinking about it and with thankfulness that we have each other. I hope by next year we will be able to celebrate most all of our special occasions together. We really have quite a few, you know, from August through December. Do you know what I mean?

Have you your new job yet? I surely will be glad when you can quit working around like that, won't you? And when that day comes, it will be the beginning of the fulfillment of all of the rest of our hopes and dreams. Sweetheart, I love you very much and can only think of those things we have both talked about and desire so much. Sweetheart, I'll close now and will eagerly wait for your letters tomorrow. Please when you write, tell me all about yourself, all you do and everything you think. In that way, I can still live with you in thought. I love you my darling, Perry

July 13, 1945

My Darling Wife,

This is Friday the thirteenth. It's an extra special day, isn't it? I promise you that when I come back for good, we are really going to make every Friday the 13th a very special day because it was the luckiest day of my life last year, just nine months ago. Darling, I received your letter today, the one you wrote on the 4th. You sounded as though you were a little bit blue. How I wish I could hold you in my arms as you long for me too, but the best I can do now is to write and tell you my love the best I can that way--a very poor substitute, isn't it?

Sweetheart, I surely do hope you can find the kind of a job you want, one you will enjoy doing, and I will pray for you, my darling, just as you asked me to. How do you like living with Viola by now? I surely do hope it works out well so that you won't have to be moving around so much any more. It will probably help you to keep from getting blue too now that you have someone to be with.

Well, darling, I must leave you now, but will be with you in my thoughts always, and so till tomorrow when I write again, I'll say goodbye. Your loving husband, Perry

Saturday, July 7, 2012

If we were back in Utah, we could celebrate the 24th too

July 1, 1941 (Sunday 1:00 pm)

My Darling Wife,

I'm starting this letter to you now but hope to finish it this evening after I have a letter from you. I hope I'm not disappointed.  This morning we went over to a ship that was anchored near us to hold our service. I was on the signal bridge when we got a message saying they were holding LDS services over there. It was really quite nice as we had a larger group. There were 20 in all. A lieutenant in the Marine Corps took charge. So you see, I'm not missing out entirely in my church services. I've been more fortunate in meeting LDS fellows this time than I was before.

July 2, 1945

I was going to finish this up last night, but I became pretty busy and was busy up until midnight. Last night I received two very sweet letters from you, my sweetheart. One of them had a very sweet kiss in it. I could almost feel it.

Darling, I'm glad you did decide to go on the chorus outing even if you weren't able to write to me. It sounds like you had a lot of fun and that is good for you. I hope you will take in all the good recreation you can while I am away. I only wish I could have been there to enjoy it with you. I noticed Gene Manwaring's name was on the program. (Hmmm)

Perry worked hard to build a nice home from what had
once been an old cinder-block chicken coop on the
property behind his parent's home in Salt Lake City
When you mention how you long for our little home and children, you are not only expressing your own thoughts but mine also and I love to have you mention it. Hazel is moving to Salt Lake. She didn't like paying so much for rent or else have to live in some dingy old place, so she has decided to buy a small home there. She says it's a small five-year-old brick home with lawn, shrubs, a garden spot and a garage. She said she would surely be glad when we could come and visit them. Hope and June are going to live there with her too. I told her if by any chance she didn't want to keep it, maybe you and I would buy it from her after the war.

Must close now, my darling. I love you very much and will love you forever. Eternally yours, Perry

July 2, 1945

My Darling Wife,

Over the years, more children were
born and the little house in Salt Lake
was improved upon and enlarged
I just received another letter from you today dated the 21st. Sweetheart, I know you are getting awful blue and very tired of looking for a letter and never finding one. I knew you would be as we were underway longer than either of us expected I guess. I know that you realize, however, that it is something that can't be avoided and that I always try to get you a letter just as soon as possible.

Darling, I can understand why your letters are short. Mine are the same way when I don't get any mail for quite a while. They are still very sweet though and your three little kisses were exceptionally sweet, and I loved where you said, "My sweetheart of all my dreams." Do you still remember the poem: "Oh maker of dreams, will you sell me a dream of a homecoming sailor boy with a sweet old smile on his nut brown face and his eyes telling tales in their joy."

I'm surely getting tired of this place we are at now. I always feel as though if we would get moving, I would be back to see you again sooner. I can't see much sense in the way they rushed us out of the States so fast just to be around here. Probably there is a purpose in it somehow and if not, I guess it's just as well I don't know about it because it would only give me too much more to gripe about. As it is, I only hope somebody knows what they are doing.

Will get this off in the mail tonight. Two letters today will pay for me not getting my other finished yesterday. I love you with all my heart my lovely wife. Forever Yours, Perry

Perry added a living room with patio and fireplace to the
original structure. This is the way the home in Salt Lake looked
shortly before it was sold and the family moved to California
July 4, 1945

Hello Sweetheart,

Today I received your first letter after you had received mine and was surely glad to detect your happier spirit. Only wish I could be there to be happy with you and make you even much happier. I'm sorry the poem carried such a depressed tone. Guess they usually reflect the mood I am in at the time. When I can be back with you, I should really be able to write something cheery. But now is really when you need it, isn't it? Perhaps when I'm feeling extra chipper, I'll make a special effort to write something a little more in a pleasanter vein.

Darling, your letter was so very sweet, but of course it just reflectes the way you are--that's why I love your letters so much. I'm glad if you feel you are so lucky. I'll really try to always make you feel so. It was rather coincidental about you seeing the show "Experiment Perilous." We saw it just tonight--the same day I received your letter about seeing it. Like you said, it was rather exciting, but I didn't care for it so extra super-special.

Notice the date of this letter. If it weren't for the calendar to remind me, I wouldn't even know it is a holiday. I wonder what you are doing. Holidays don't mean much though unless I can be with you. Any day or any time I can be with my sweetheart is a holiday for me though--the best of all holidays. When I get out of the Navy, I just want to spend one happy holiday with her--one holiday which will last for all my life and all eternity. I love you, my darling, so very much.

What did you do for the 4th? Anything special or exciting? If we were back in Utah, we could celebrate the 24th too. Bet you never did celebrate the 24th did you? It's really a bigger time than the fourth back home. Oh well, I always have to content myself with the thought that we will really celebrate some of these days and then we will do all those things we have wanted to do for so long and do all the other celebrating we want to.

Well, my sweetheart, I'll have to leave you for now. Know this though that my heart goes out and along with every letter. I love you truly and with all my heart. Always Yours, Perry