1965, Claremont, CA, Perry graduates with a Master's in Education |
My Darling,
I started to write you yesterday but was unable to finish. The thought that we wouldn't be getting any mail here again was too much for me and made me rather blue, so I gave it up. I am back at Cebu again. We surely didn't stop at Leyte long this time. We are up here to pick up troops to take up to Japan again.
The last time I was here, we didn't get any mail at all so the prospects of coming here again weren't very bright, but today we were happily surprised to receive mail. I got two letters from you posted the 6th and 8th. Darling, you are so sweet and in one you were sorta' blue. My sweetheart, I know how you feel and it pleased me so much to read in your other letter about your special prayer and the comfort and solace that came to you. My sweetheart, it makes me so happy to know I have such a sweet, sincere, and virtuous wife. I too have thought many times when things seemed pretty dark, "the darkest hour is just before the dawn."
Gene my darling, I know that I have been blessed and protected because of your prayers. I know they have not gone unheard. It says in the Bible that, "the prayers of a righteous man availeth much." That is why I am so thankful for you, my darling, because I know you are so clean and pure. I'm not trying to be philosophical, but darling, I guess I'm just pouring my heart out to you. I can do it much easier now that there is no censorship. I love you very, very much my sweetheart.
I am so glad we were married before I left because, honestly Gene, you have been such an inspiration to me and so much closer to me than you would have been otherwise. I don't know what I would ever have done without you, sweetheart. Even though we have been thousands of miles apart most of our first year, yet your spirit and sweet influence has been with me and I have not failed to feel it no matter where I was.
How I too wish that we could be together on our first anniversary. Right now that doesn't seem very probable, but God will hear our prayers and in His wisdom and mercy will bring us together soon. I am very sure of that. Possibly we might be able to be together for Christmas--who knows.
I just received a letter from Hazel and she says June is going to be Ezra T. Benson's secretary. Isn't he the one you knew in Washington DC? She is quite happy about it.
We are alongside the dock, have already started bringing cargo aboard, and are preparing to bring troops aboard. That means we are going to be crowded again. Already the tables have been put up high again so I am writing this standing up. We always eat standing up when we have troops aboard. Must leave you for now. Good night my love, Perry
Sept. 20, 1945 (Thursday)
My dearest husband Perry,
The letters I have been waiting for so very long finally came yesterday. Oh, Perry, darling, it was so wonderful to hear from you and to know exactly where you are and where you have been. I read those letters over and over. It's so good not to have them censored anymore.
Gene was always Perry's biggest fan! |
I keep watching the papers for anything that might mean you can come home sooner. The headlines tonight were about points being lowered for the Army. Everyone says then if that happens, naturally the Navy points will come down too. Then I heard something in the news on the radio tonight about the government doing away with the point system altogether. Then, darling, I read about the Navy having a lot of the ships in Japan return to the US leaving yesterday. Oh, Perry, could your ship be in that group that is coming home? If it isn't, I hope and pray yours will follow very soon.
Perry, I love you so and I'm so very proud of you. I read parts of your letter to the folks, the part where you told me about your trip after leaving San Francisco and your experiences in the Philippines before leaving for Japan. It was all so interesting, Perry, but also quite frightening and I am so thankful that this awful war is finally over and you are coming back to me. My heart is very full as I thank our Heavenly Father.
Perry, I was thinking of moving to Mrs. Ballard's boarding house, but if you are coming back very soon, perhaps I should just stay here. It's such an awful job to move, and I have so many things. I guess it would be best if you left your civilian clothes home, darling. I have so much to take care of here, it's hard to find space for everything.
Oh, yes, Perry, we must go to Utah as soon as we can. I want to be sealed in the temple to you right away. I've been wanting to go thru the temple for such a long time. And, darling, I want to meet your folks. I can hardly wait to meet them. Can't we leave for Utah as soon as you get here if you get a leave, Perry? I'm getting so excited about it all. Oh, my sweetheart, write as soon as you can and tell me what I should do and when you will be here. Must go to bed now. God bless you and keep you safe. Your devoted wife, Gene
PS. Emily is expecting Dick by next month.
Sept. 24, 1945
Cebu, Philippines
My Sweetheart Gene,
It was two days ago that I received two of your very sweet letters. You seemed kinda' blue because you hadn't been hearing from me and so I wanted to answer them right back, but really my sweetheart, I've either been too busy or too tired.
I guess I never will be able to understand the Army and Navy. The war is over and yet we are still making practice launchings and that keeps us busy (and disgusted.) We still have troops aboard and are just waiting here for I don't know what.
I received a letter from June and she is surely thrilled about her new job. Did I tell you, she is going to be Ezra T. Benson's secretary? I think you knew him back at Washington DC, didn't you? The mail service here surely isn't very regular, but at least we do get mail once in a while which is surely a lot better than when we were here before.
If I can get over on the beach before we leave here, I am going to get you some mother-of-pearl. The natives have quite a lot of it over there and some I've seen looks quite nice. Do you think you would like that? You could have some pretty earrings or something made out of it.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry you haven't been getting any mail. Guess that was at the time when I was moving around so much right after the Jap's surrendered. I wasn't writing much then either--I didn't have time. It should have improved by now though.
Sweetheart, I do love to write to you even if it is only to tell you how much I love you. I'm sure if you never tire of that, I surely never will. And I do love you, my darling, more than I can ever begin to tell you. I can only think of when I can be with you again and I get rather impatient, but I'm doing my best to control myself. Goodbye for now, my sweet little wife. I love you with all my heart. Always Yours, Perry
Sept. 24, 1945
Cebu, Philippines
My Darling Gene,
This will be the second letter I have written you today, but I feel so much better now than I did this morning that I am going to write you again. Also, the rumor (unofficial) is that we are getting underway tomorrow so this may be the last letter I will be able to send you for awhile.
I received two more letters from you tonight. Sweetheart, it seems that you should have been getting more of my mail. You always mention about not having any letter from me. Surely I have written oftener than that. Makes me wonder if it is being held up some place.
Gene, we have quite a few LDS fellows aboard among our troops and a Mormon chaplain. He is Chaplain Berret from SLC. We held services tonight and it surely did seem good. They said they held services last night, but I was on watch and for some reason I missed the announcement.
I went ashore this afternoon and looked around Cebu city and it surely is riddled from bombings, etc. I also got some mother-of-pearl for you. I've been thinking of something I could get you for our anniversary, but there isn't much out here one can buy so I guess you'll have to wait until I come back and then I can make up double. I also bought some perfume from our ship's store. It's called "Intermezzo." Is that good? (It smells good.) You will surely have plenty of perfume, won't you?
I got word from Mother that Keith Case, my cousin, has been listed as missing. You remember him, don't you? Chaplain Berret also knows another cousin of mine. He is in the division we are transporting. The chaplain is going to find out what ship he is on and I may be able to see him.
Your letters were dated the 12th and 13th. It seems you should have received some of my uncensored letters by now. Gene, we have an officer on board who used to be a lawyer. I know him quite well so I will see about this business of giving you the power of attorney so you can sign my name. I promise I'll find out and let you know in my next letter. Yes, every little bit like that will help our bank roll. I sent you $100 in money orders about two weeks ago. (Also tithing) I surely hope you receive it ok. Let me know if you do.
Sweetheart, I don't have time to wrap my little gifts now, but I'll wrap them so they will leave in the first mail when we arrive in Japan. Always Yours, Perry
Sept. 24, 1945 (Monday)
Sweetheart Perry,
Your letter of Sept. 9th which I received Friday was so interesting that I'm still reading it. Oh, darling, I liked the typewritten account of the story of your ship. It was just wonderful and I shall keep it with your letters. It sort of ties them all together, and I know everywhere my darling has been now. Golly, you sure have traveled a long way and I think you really deserve a long leave soon. Perry, tell me as soon as you know when you are coming home. I want to know just as soon as you do.
My dearest husband, I love you so and I want you so. You know there are times when I yearn for you more than at other times. And today I know that if we were alone together, I would love you more perfectly and give you more love than I ever have or thought I ever could since the beginning of our love. Oh, Perry, is it wrong to feel this way? I can't help it. Darling you have told me to tell you everything. Sometimes it is very difficult to express all of my feelings. Well anyway, you must know that all I want is you dear husband. And I pray so constantly for your safe return to me that I'm sure it must happen in the very near future.
Guess I'll just sit tight where I am at the Sorensen's till you come back. And my job will last till sometime in November unless they then put me on their regular payroll, which they haven't done yet. Perry, do you think you might be here by November or December? Golly, I wish you knew.
Mother and I and Nellie Card went to a radio broadcast last evening--missing church. But I have never seen a broadcast and was given three tickets at work. It was a symphony orchestra and very good. We all enjoyed it. Nellie will be baptized Saturday evening of this week at Wilshire Ward. Daddy is going to baptize her. Isn't that wonderful? Must stop here. Write often darling. I love you, Gene