Saturday, October 27, 2012

I didn't think I would ever long for mail so much

October 13, 1970 - Renee and Harriet made a special
dinner for our parents on their 25th anniversary
Oct. 13, 1945

My Darling Wife,

I've been thinking all morning about this day--our anniversary. There have been lots of things going over in my mind: how happy and lucky I am to have a sweet wife like you, of how dearly I love you, and of all the cute little things you used to say which always tickled (and pleased) me so much. Honestly sweetheart, I am always thinking and reminiscing over and over of all those sweet little things you used to say until I think I have almost completely memorized, along with the mental picture, of the time and place of everything you ever said. That's because I long so much to hear your voice again.

The thing I have been thinking about mostly is how I would love to take you in my arms the way I used to and just hold you there while you looked up at me and talked to me just the way you used to do. Remember when I used to come home at night and just sit on the sofa with you lying in my arms and talking to me while we listened to the radio? Do you remember that and do you know how completely happy I was my darling? When I can be with my love again and have her all to myself in our little home, I hardly see how I could desire for anything more.

Renee & Harriet's "menu" items for their
imaginary restaurant.
I thought and remembered yesterday of one year ago too. Yesterday was Friday and since we were married on Friday, yesterday was an anniversary too. I keep wondering what you will be thinking and doing on our anniversary. Tomorrow will actually be our anniversary to you as we out here are a day ahead of you.

That I wish I were there with you this day, my sweetheart, goes without saying, but I can't help repeating it as it is the uppermost thought in my mind and the foremost longing of my heart. I love you so much. I honestly feel I can't go on much longer without you and pray constantly for the Lord to give me strength to endure until I can be with you again. I never want to leave you, my sweetheart, again. I am sure nothing could ever persuade me away from you willingly, and I pray nothing will ever be able to take me away from you and the joy which is so abundant when we are together.

We left Yokohama yesterday and are scheduled to arrive in Okinawa Monday. I'm surely looking forward to arriving there so I can have some mail from you sweetheart. It seems so long since I heard from you and consequently my spirits are getting rather low. Darling, I do hope so much that you have a nice day on our anniversary and that at least you get some mail from me and I hope you can spend the day with pleasant memories and fond hopes.

My dear sweet Gene, I truly love you with all my heart and soul and express my thanks daily to our Father in Heaven that I found you and at the time I did. God bless you my darling. Eternally Yours, Perry

PS. Let me know when you receive the little package. I wanted it to arrive for our anniversary, but I'm afraid it may be a little late. Love from Yours.

Oct. 17, 1945

My Sweetheart Gene,

We've been here at Okinawa for three days now. I've been waiting to write you because each day I've been expecting mail, but so far no luck. We haven't received a bit. I've heard all kinds of rumors, but I'm still waiting and hoping each day.

Gene often found surprise flowers like these left
by the delivery person on the porch one Valentine's Day.
This island here was pretty hard hit by the typhoon. Perhaps you've read or heard about it. It beached quite a lot of the ships in the harbor besides destroying a lot of buildings on the island. I'm glad we weren't here. We are only taking about 500 Marines aboard this time so this trip won't be nearly so crowded as usual. I am at least thankful for that.

What are you doing now my darling? Whatever it is you are doing, I wish I could walk in on you and surprise you. I don't think I will want to do anything but hold you in my arms for a long while after I get back. Will you mind, huh? Did my sweetheart have a good anniversary? Please tell me all you did and what you were thinking. I thought of you all the while. Of course, I think of you all the time anyway, but this time very, very much in particular. Darling, I do love you so very much and feel that my power of expression is so inadequate. I only want you to know, my sweetheart, that when I say, "I love you," it comes from the bottom of my heart and I hope you will take those words with all the seriousness they are intended to express.

I'm afraid this letter is hardly up to par because I can't seem to cover the disappointment of not having received any mail yet. I promise a very good letter just as soon as I get some of your sweet letters again. I haven't yet received any mail from you in reply to my first uncensored letters so it makes me especially anxious to hear from you. Goodnight and God bless you my love, Your, Perry

Oct. 20, 1945

Gene My Darling,

I can hardly write anymore. We did get some mail today, but it hasn't been sorted yet and I've hardly been so anxious about anything since I was a little kid waiting for Santa. I'll finish this letter after I've read my mail. I know I will feel much better then.

We did get just a little mail yesterday. I had one letter from you dated Oct. 1st, but it was so very short and there were so many missing in between it that it just didn't seem right. It did seem wonderful just to have another letter from you, my love. I didn't think I would ever long for mail so much as I have for those sweet letters of yours.

(Later Sunday morning) Darling, I thought I would wait and see if I didn't have some mail from you before finishing this letter last night. I did get one very lovely letter from you. It was dated Oct. 8th. You had just received the little picture I sent you. When you told me all about you going to the play and about getting tickets to the opera, it made me wish so much I could be there to take my sweet wife myself.

Hope and June will be interested to know you are going to see "Carmen." They were in that opera when their college put it on. I liked very much the idea of us learning some of those pretty songs of Victor Herbart's. Why don't you buy some and then when we go back to Utah, we can have June play them for us and we can learn them. Don't you think that would be lots of fun?

I think we are getting underway this afternoon and I don't know if there will be any more mail leave the ship or not. I didn't think we would be leaving until tomorrow. I surely haven't been very good about writing to you since I have been here, have I? The reason is though that I have been waiting each day for some mail from you. We have had quite poor mail service here because the last typhoon here completely destroyed the post office and scattered mail all over and they are still trying to get things squared away.

I surely hope none of my mail was lost. I guess the next mail you receive from me will be from China. I surely hope we get over there and back again in a hurry and then pick up troops and head for the States. All I can think of is how I want to return to my sweet little wife and have all those things we both long for so much.

Did you know the Navy has reduced the critical score for points? Under the present system, I should have enough points in February. They are going to be reduced to 38 on January 1st and I will have 37 1/4 on Jan. 15th. If I get out in February, that will be much sooner than I expected. Of course my "little ten point sweetheart" helps things out quite a lot. As long as I can spend those last few months back in the States so I can see you fairly often I won't mind waiting those last few months so much though.

I have just been thinking, one of the separation centers is at Terminal Island, San Pedro. If they should send me there to wait for my discharge, it would be just like old times, wouldn't it? Only this time we could probably get us a little apartment somewhere. Wouldn't that be nice? Well, here I am dreaming again, but that is all I can think about.

Darling, I do hope you can keep your health. Aren't you feeling so good? If so, why do you need to take vitamin pills? Must close now, my sweetheart. Take care of yourself for me. Do you weigh any more or are you still the same? Love Always, Perry

October 22, 1945 (Monday)

Dearest Husband Perry,

I received four more precious letters from you Saturday evening darling and the little package with the mother of pearl and the sweet perfume. It all thrilled me so and I am so proud of my little gifts Perry. You know, darling, it might seem strange but I think I won't forget this first anniversary of ours--it was a very pleasant day. I was alone that afternoon, but I was quite happy.

I cleaned my little room up and sang the whole time because I felt like singing. Oh, I have so much to be thankful for and best of all a very dear, sweet loving husband. My heart is full when I think of all these things. I received the money order for $50.00 too Perry. I'll take it to the bank soon as I can. Yes, Perry, I put all of my allotment checks in the bank each month as I get them. I live quite easily on what I earn working at the War-chest. I make over $30.00 a week now, but of course after the deductions are taken out it only leaves me about $28.00 at the most. My expenses are quite high tho so I'm not able to save anything of that.

Oh, my husband, I am praying all the time about your speedy return, so as I read your letter about the possible chance of your coming home by the end of next month, I feel that surely it just must be so. You will be coming back by that time. I love you so very much, Perry, and long for you so.

I wanted to come straight home Saturday afternoon from work and sit down and write you and also acknowledge the anniversary cards we received. I didn't have a chance tho. Mother met me and I went shopping with her. She doesn't get downtown very often and really needed some things. I helped her find a pair of shoes. Then I insisted that she get herself a new winter coat. We finally found one at the May Co. It's black with fur trim and looks so cute on her. I'm so glad she got it.

Yesterday was Conference Sunday here and such a wonderful day. The Adams Ward chorus sang last night, and we were good too (ahem!) Oh Perry, it's such a thrill to be up there in front of all those people singing your very best. I enjoy it so much. I wish I could remember all the speakers names to tell you. One was President Richards and another from Salt Lake named Bundy. I don't know if I'm spelling his name right or not. Anyway, he is Kent Johnson's wife's brother. I surely did like him. I talked to him a minute or two. He said he knew some Manwarings in Salt Lake. Any relations? Perry, do you know who he is?

Mother came over for awhile this evening. She brought me a letter from Pierce. He wrote a separate letter to all of the family. He is such a dear little brother. I must write him soon. He is quite busy he says working in the supply section there but gets his evenings off so goes into El Paso to church and mutual and chorus practice every week. He seems to like the people there very much tho he does miss us.

Emily is expecting Dick around the first of next month. He should be discharged about that time too. I must close now sweetheart. God bless you and keep you and bring you home real soon. I love you Perry. Your devoted wife, Gene

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It has been so long since I heard from you

October 8, 1945

My Darling Wife,

Last night we left Hokkaido and are now on our way to Okinawa--at least that is our present orders. We pulled up to the dock the morning of the 6th to unload. That was really some "invasion." The first day we were there they granted liberty to 1/4 the crew of all ships, so I went on liberty in Japan the afternoon of the 6th. There was certainly no question but what the town was well occupied for the first two days. The Navy completely took over. Every sailor who could (including me of course) took full advantage of the chance to go ashore, look around and hunt for souvenirs. It was surely rather interesting and also amusing.

This seems to be kind of a poor man's country, or at least the city of Otaru is. It was quite dirty and shabby and stunk literally. All the stores seemed to have been out of stock for a long time and what they had left was soon bought out or looted by the Navy. There really wasn't much one could buy. I bought some pictures, newspapers and a few little trinkets not worth much.

Perry never did get all his Japanese money spent.
I was looking for a silk kimono or a pretty fan or something like that but couldn't find any. One thing, our money surely went a long way on what you could buy. I got 15 yen for one dollar and it seemed I just kept throwing it away and couldn't spend half of it. At least I have plenty of Jap money for souvenirs.

The first thing I noticed there was how practically everyone had some kind of a uniform on. Even the littlest kids had odds and ends of some kind of uniform on. All the women seemed to wear the same kind of black baggy--I guess you would call them slacks, or the Jap version of them. All the Japs seemed very docile and would hardly even look at you and always moved out of your way. Not even the little kids showed much expression although they would usually stare at us and sometimes laugh, which seemed so different from the "Hi Joe," or "cigarette Joe?" which we always used to get in the Philippines.

I felt rather confused at the irony of it all. After fighting the Japs for four years and used to all kinds of fanatical treachery, there we were mixing with them. They even had their own police and traffic cops (hundreds of them) all carrying their swords and yet looked as though they didn't have an ounce of resistance left in them. I surely wish I could have had that kind of a liberty when we were at Yokohama.

The fairly official rumor seems to have it now that we pick up troops at Okinawa and go to China. Anyway, it is on the northern coast of China. I'm beginning to become rather anxious about our chances of getting home for Christmas. Right now I can hardly wait until we get to Okinawa so I can get some mail from my darling. It seems so long since I've heard from you and even then we would hardly stop in one place long enough but to get a few letters. I must have lots of letters coming from you I hope.

It's been quite cool all the while we have been up here and sometimes much too cold to suit me. It seems the temperature is never just right anywhere out here. Must close for now, my darling. I do hope and pray you are all right. It has been so long since I heard from you. I love you, my sweetheart. Always, Perry

Oct. 11, 1945
Tokyo Bay, Japan

My Darling Wife,

Here we are back in Tokyo Bay. We pulled in here last night to get out of a pretty big typhoon that was coming from Okinawa. From all reports it must have hit Okinawa pretty hard and we are told it demolished the postoffice there. I surely hope they saved the mail because that's where our mail was waiting. We will stay here until the storm passes.

My darling, I keep thinking how close it is to our anniversary. At this time last year we were all busy planning and getting ready for the wedding. Sweetheart, we are gong to have every one of our other anniversaries together anyway. I surely do love you with all my heart and soul, my darling, and am surely not sorry we got married when we did even though we did spend such a short portion of our first year together. But even in that short time I have come to know you so much better and love you so much more than I ever could have otherwise. It has made me so very happy, even though we have had to endure this separation, to know that I have someone as sweet and lovely as you waiting for me.

With all my heart and soul I love you and shall always love you my dear sweet wife. Forever Yours, Perry

Oct. 12, 1945 (Friday)

My dearest Perry,

It's been almost a week since I've heard from you. I miss your letters so much, but I try to wait patiently. I know it will be a little while before you can write again or at least until the mail will leave your ship again. I keep thinking where you might be each day and know that by this time you are in Japan again. What is it like Perry? Have you been able to see more of it? I have heard that Japan is a very beautiful place. But, of course, most of all I would like to know when you are coming home. It's all I can think of anymore, darling. I know I must be patient, but the waiting seems so long. I love you, dearest Perry. I love you so.

Emily and I went to a movie tonight. It was a love story, very beautiful, called "Love Letters." Joseph Cotton and Jennifer Jones were the stars. Perry, do you think I look like her? I'm being told that wherever I go. Some woman at the office is calling me "Jennifer" now. Isn't it funny? But Emily said tonight she thought I was much prettier than Miss Jones--hmm!

Well Perry, Tomorrow is our first anniversary. Oh how strange to be spending it like all these other days and without you, my lover. But I know we will have all of the rest of them together--oh Perry, surely we will have all the other days together. I received our first anniversary card today from an old girlfriend of mine from Cumberland, Maryland. It was such a nice surprise. I must write her.

(Sunday evening) This is all the further I got Friday evening. It got kind of late so I had to "pop" into bed. Yesterday was really a day of work for me. After my half day of work at the office, I came home and cleaned my little room. I washed the windows, scrubbed the floor and woodwork and really got it all nice and cleaned. Golly, I was so tired when I finished that I just laid down on my bed and fell asleep. I went over to Mother's house for dinner. She gave me a pretty little anniversary card for us and in it was a lovely handkerchief for me made in England. Wasn't that sweet?

Then today after Sunday School she had a lovely dinner fixed especially for me. It was so good, roast chicken with dressing and everything else. Oh Perry, everyone is so good to me it seems and I am blessed with so much. Maybe I should be very happy and content, but I never shall be completely until you are here with me again.

The bishop is home again from Salt Lake and gave us a short report on the conference tonight at Sacrament service. It was so very interesting. Must go to bed now. Good night my lover. God bless you and keep you safe. Your loving wife, Gene

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I think of you and long for you every moment

Oct. 3, 1945

My Darling Gene,

Seems like it's either too hot or too cold. The transition from such hot weather to such cold in the last two days has almost been too much for me to adjust to. Today it got quite rough again accompanied by a cold wind and dense fog. We couldn't even see any of the ships with us. Guess we'll come out all right though and some day I'll be able to enjoy some decent weather again.

Gene, I saw an officer, a former lawyer, who takes care of all the legal matters aboard ship, about giving you power of attorney. He said we don't have any of the necessary forms on board and some banks are quite strict on that. If you would go to your bank and request a form or blank for power of attorney which that bank uses and send it to me, I could fill it out and have it notarized and return it to you.

However, I believe that it would be just as easy to send me the check in a registered letter and I could sign it myself and return it. That would probably be the better unless you expect to have to sign my name again in the near future because I expect to be coming back fairly soon. Then if I had to leave again, I could give you power of attorney before I left.

Another alternative, if you don't need the money and if the check will still be good for a few months yet, would be to merely keep the check until I come back. I'll leave it up to you to decide which of those three alternatives would be the best under the conditions. I'll be able to let you know later how the possibilities for a sooner return to the States are shaping up. Nobody knows yet but our communications officer told us he thought (only his personal opinion) there was a pretty good chance of us returning to the States possibly by the last of November. That seems to be about the general opinion so I'll pass it on to you so you know as much as I do and can plan accordingly.

Gee whiz, it's so cold. All I want to do is go to bed and wrap up in my blankets. (Surely wish I had someone to cozy up with!!) Surely does seem strange to see everyone getting out their blankets and fur-lined coats again. I feel much better in this cold weather than the heat though. It seemed like last night was the first really good sleep I've had since Frisco. I really feel refreshed and rested when I sleep where it's cool.

Perry & Gene with youngest daughters, Renee & Harriet
Darling, I'm sending you a little package, airmail. I was hoping it would arrive for our anniversary, but now they tell us they doubt if there will be any mail service up there for several days because we are going to be the first ships there. So it may be late in arriving. Anyway, I hope you will know I have been thinking of you and will be especially so on that day. I was also going to try and do something else special for you but if there's no mail service I won't be able to. I'm sorry I didn't do it before.

Sweetheart, I hope so much that you will have a pleasant anniversary day and that you will at least get a letter from me or something. We are surely going to have to make up for some of the things we have missed during our first year. I love you so very much my darling wife that about all I want is to have you by my side forever.

Must close for now my love. I'll be thinking of you always--every moment. Yours, Perry

Oct. 4, 1945

Hello My Darling,

This morning we passed through the strait between Honshu and Hokkaido. You could see both islands on either side. It was and is yet very cold and windy. Guess we'll arrive at Oturo (our destination) early in the morning.

I got paid this afternoon so I immediately made out a money order to you for $50 which I am enclosing in this letter. I too hope we are able to make that one thousand dollars. Have you been putting all of your allotment checks in the bank? Or do you make enough from your work to pay your living expenses? Also Gene, you haven't mentioned receiving any more war bonds. I think you should have received three or four in all by now. How many do you have? Mother and Dad have two also which were sent to them before I was married.

Also I'll receive $300 mustering out pay ($100 for first 3 months after I am discharged) so we should be able to save our thousand by that time, don't you think? Surely do wish we had a little home we could put it all into. Of course I'm determined we are gong to have a good honeymoon after I get out and that will take some of it. Well, so much for financial matters.

I'm surely hoping something will happen so we'll get some mail while we are up here. Or else I hope we get unloaded and get out of here in a hurry. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be sorta' low in spirits by the time we get back to where we can receive mail again.

I often wonder what I would have done all this time out here if I hadn't had the memory of you and your letters to keep my soul alive. Honestly my darling, you are so dear to me in so many ways. How could I keep from loving you.

Will close for now my sweetheart. I think of you and long for you every moment. God grant that we might be together again and forever soon. Your loving husband, Perry

Oct. 5, 1945 (Friday)

Dear Sweet Husband Perry,

I received two very wonderful letters from you this evening--the 16th and 24th of Sept. Your letter of the 16th was the best. And darling, the little picture is so precious to me. You are the only one I see in it. Oh, I love you Perry, I love you so much.

(Sunday) Darling, I started this to you Friday night but it was rather late and I was so tired. I'll tell you what I did. Thursday evening after work I went over to the Biltmore Theater and bought two tickets to the play "The Red Mill" with victor Herbert's music. I had heard that it was good so wanted to take mother. I luckily got two pretty good seats for Friday night, 1st row in the balcony. It played for two weeks and Saturday night was the last performance. Oh, Perry, it was so good. The costumes and the music were so pretty. We really enjoyed it very much.

Perry, I wish you and I could learn a few of those songs and sing them together sometimes. They are so pretty in duets. It would be such fun don't you think? I read about the operas coming next month. I think there will be about 10 or 12 in all. I asked mother and dad if they wanted to see a good one. So they picked out "Carmen" and I bought the tickets. Rise Stevens is the star. It's played on the night of November 10th, Saturday. Lily Pons is in several this season too, "Rigoletto" and "Lucia Di Lammermoor." Wish I could see her too, but I think one opera a year will be enough for me. Wish you could be here to see it with me Perry.

Last evening I went with mother to the patriarch's. She received her blessing. Oh, Perry, it was such a wonderful blessing! He let me sit in the room with them. His wife took it all down in shorthand. We sat and talked with them awhile afterwards. They are such lovely people. They have two little girls and a baby boy. I got home rather late so went right to bed.

I did a little shopping yesterday afternoon after work and then went home. It was cloudy all morning and rained some, but when I got in the car to go home, it just poured down. It seemed so good to see rain again. Today was a beautiful day. After Sunday school, the superintendent came up to me and asked if I would take the job of writing an article each month for the Adams Ward news on some subject pertaining to the Sunday School. He said he would give me more detail next week. I was quite surprised, but of course I said yes. It almost frightens me and I feel I shall need some help. He said he was sure I could do it and picked me cause I know everyone there and am familiar with the activities of the classes. (Oh, my!) I hope I can.

Perry, I bought some vitamin capsules last week to help build me up and give me more strength and energy. I'll take them for 90 days. They should help me. Oh darling, how sweet of you to remember me with such sweet gifts. The mother-of-pearl sounds lovely and, darling, the perfume is a very expensive kind. I shall love it. Yes, I have several bottles of perfume, but I like perfume so much that I think I shall like having a little collection.

Yes, Perry, I remember Keith Case. That surely is too bad. I hope you are able to see your other cousin too. You must have a lot of cousins, Perry, and quite a few in the service. I'm glad there are so many Mormon fellows aboard and a Mormon chaplain. It must be wonderful to be able to hold meetings on the ship. The patriarch was the speaker at Adams Ward tonight. He talked on the coming of the millennium and the gathering of the saints in Missouri and the building of the temple and the coming of Christ. It really makes one think that all of this is surely not far away but may happen very soon.

Oh, my husband, how I long to know when you are coming back to me. I need you so. I love you dearest Perry. I must go to bed now. Sweet dreams sweetheart. Your loving wife, Gene

Monday, October 8, 2012

Perry. I want a place of my own

Sept. 30, 1945

My Dearest Perry,

During the past week several trying things happened that upset me quite a lot. But I received your letters of the 11th, 15th and 20th and, oh my husband, they were such wonderful letters. In fact, I think three of the best ones I've ever received from you. Darling, you'll never know what those letters did for me. Perry, I shall never throw them away. Your letters mean so much to me. I'll keep all of them always. I love you so and am so very proud of you.

The money orders came in one of the letters and I shall take care of them right away. I'm so glad your letters don't have to be censored anympore. It's so wonderful to know where you are and what you are doing. I do wish you would be getting out of the Navy before next spring. That sounds so far away. Perry, could they station you here in the states somewhere till spring? How can I live alone till then? I need you so, dear Perry.

1965 family vacation to the mid-west
Oh, my darling, you know I long for all those things you spoke of just as you do, my darling Perry. You brought tears to my eyes when I read of those little things you want most to do for your dearest. I long for the same things. You said you thought it sounded kind of silly and hoped I would destroy your letter. Oh no Perry, I shall never destroy it. I thought it one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I pray that the time is very near when we can truly make those times come true.

Viola and I had a little misunderstanding last week. Then she lost her temper and said some pretty mean things to me and then said she wished I would move. It upset me terribly and I cried. Lewis came to my rescue however and told me Viola just wasn't feeling good because she has no job and was mad at her boyfriend. I was really going to move, but he asked me not to and said I could have the spare room if I wanted it. The next evening I went over to Mother's and since she and Emily have their differences, she was feeling bad too and it seemed as tho they even started picking on me. I left there right away, but when I got home I just couldn't hold back the tears.

Viola heard me crying and came in the room and put her arms around me saying that she was sorry for everything. Then Mother came over and we had a long talk, so things got sorta patched up again. Guess I'll stay with the Sorensens till you come back, but then I want to move. Perry, I want a place of my own. I want you to take me to Utah to live.

How grand that your sister has such a wonderful position. Brother Benson is such a wonderful man. Yes, I knew him in Washington. Must close now, Perry. All my love. Your wife, Gene

Sept. 30, 1945

My Darling Sweetheart,

I haven't written to you since we left, but really darling, to be truthful, I haven't felt very well. No, don't worry, it was only seasickness. You see we ran into a typhoon and I'll have to admit that whenever the water gets very rough, I begin to get woozy. I barely managed to stand my watches and I spent the rest of the time in my bunk. I'll bet you are laughing at me, you little rascal. I guess they just can't make a sailor out of me.

We are supposed to arrive at Hokkaido on the 5th. We will go through the strait between Honshu and Hokkaido into the Japan Sea to Oturo which is on the east coast of Hokkaido. That's about all I know. We will be the first ships to arrive there with occupation troops.

Gene, just before we left, I received three copies of the Improvement Era so you see it is catching up with me at last. I've been reading them and enjoying them. I liked particularly what J. Reuben Clark said in one of his speeches. I'm quoting it to you. "All the deductions of modern psychology, and it's kindred mental sciences, are paraded for the guidance of the wives, the mothers, the sweethearts, in meeting, winning and holding the boys back from the war. But I would not exchange the unerring, inspired instinct of a good woman, fired with mother love, or wife love, or the love of a loyal, chaste sweetheart for all that man have ever written."

Perry with his newly-planted rose garden
Claremont, California
When I read that of course I thought of my own sweet little wife and honestly darling, I couldn't keep the tears from my eyes because I knew how true that was. I have known that ever since I have been out here, but it touched me to read it from one of the church authorities, and I liked the way it was put, don't you, sweetheart?

Darling, I only wish I were able to express how much I love you and how I want only to be with you. Goodbye for now, my darling. I'll write you again tomorrow if I possibly can. Forever yours, Perry

October 1, 1945 (Monday evening)

Dearest Husband Perry,

I do hope you are receiving more of my mail by this time. Sometimes I guess I don't write very often, but my darling I think of you constantly and long for you so. It's only when I don't hear from you that I find it rather difficult to write. I'm still reading those sweet and wonderful letters I received from you last week.

Dearest Perry, how many trips will you have to make to Japan before there are enough troops there? I don't see why they can't let you come home now. I think you deserve your 30-day leave and should get it right away.

Guess I should tell you the good news. Daddy baptized Nellie Card last Saturday and confirmed her yesterday morning. Now she is one of us. Isn't that wonderful? We had our fast Sunday yesterday because next Sunday is Conference in Salt Lake. It was such a hot day yesterday--also today--temperature reached 100 degrees today.

Perry, Mother is going to receive her patriarchal blessing next Saturday evening. I'm going with her. I'm so glad she has finally decided she should have it. She and Daddy have been putting it off for so long. Dad still doesn't think it's very urgent that he should have one.

I'm still working at the "Victory Chest" Perry and expect it will last till sometime in November. I'm still only a temporary employee as most are, but I have a chance of being put on the regular payroll. Hurry home, darling, and take me away from this tiresome office work. All I want to be is a good little housewife and mother and be with my husband forever. I love you, Perry. I love you dearest husband.

The time has been changed and everything comes later now. It seems so strange. It's almost dark now before I arrive home from work. Tomorrow night is mutual night. Guess I'll go over and see what it's like this year. It's just starting, you know. I washed my hair tonight and also some of my clothes. Am rather tired now. Must go to bed. Sweet dreams Sweetheart. I love you Perry. Always, Gene

Oct. 1, 1945

My Darling Gene,

I'm wondering when you will get me letters and when I will hear from you again. you see, we are going to be the first ships to arrive at Hokkaido and I'm afraid there isn't likely to be any mail service for a while. I love you so much that I want and need a letter from you every day. The hope that I will actually be with you again before too long keeps me going though.

Yesterday evening when we held our church services the Chaplain asked me to speak. I was sorta' flabbergasted and so out of practice so I didn't do so very well. Guess I need a little, quite a little, practice and also a lot of study. You and I can study together when I come back, can't we?

My darling, it is just 13 more days until our anniversary. I keep wondering and hoping you will at least get a good letter from me. It's pretty hard to time them because I don't always know how long it will take, especially when we are moving around so much. Oh, my sweetheart, I wish I could do something for you, but I feel so helpless. How I wish I could be with you so we could really have a nice time. It will really have to be something very, very big or important to keep me away from you on another anniversary. Goodnight for now my love. I love you dearly, Perry