Spring, 1942, Washington DC |
Friday evening
Dearest Sweetheart,
I know you were in Hawaii now. At least that's what the darling little wooden perfume container says. The lovely perfume came from there didn't it? Oh, Perry, how sweet and thoughtful of you. I love it cause it came from you. I must show my friends what my darling sent me when they come over. It came today with a sweet letter of the 15th when my darling apologizes for the "gloomy" letter sent the 13th.
Sweetheart, I cried so when I read that letter. I knew you were blue. When you are gloomy, I will be gloomy too. I can't help it. Guess we will have to try to keep pepping each other up. I can't be brave without your help, sweetheart.
Perry, it may seem like it may be a long time before you return. But I pray always that it might be soon that you can return, that this awful war might end very soon, and not last long like men say. Surely He hears our prayers, Perry. He answers prayers. we must have faith. Your letter was so sweet, darling. I love the way you write your thoughts and the things you've been planning in your mind about our future. I long for that day when you shall come and take me to Utah and the temple.
Perry, I went to the dentist in Huntington Park this morning and had that awful wisdom tooth pulled out. It took a whole hour--the tooth was below the surface you know. Golly, it sure does hurt now where the tooth used to be and my throat and ear hurts too from it. But I'm sure glad it's out now. I brought the thing home to show Dad. Guess I'll keep it for a souvenir. It's a perfect tooth. Now don't you laugh at me. I didn't go to work today either, just came right home to take it easy. (I'm just a baby.)
I received a sweet letter from Emily today too. She hears from Dick quite often. He is near the Holy Lands and may get a chance to visit Palestine he says. He tells of the awful conditions the natives live in over there. They just live in filth and poverty not knowing any better. He says the average age is about 21 before they die. They are quite mature at 12 and 13 years. Isn't it terrible. And they think that the Americans are wealthy. Dick has picked up some souvenirs and is going to send them to Emily. She says there will be something for me too. He is sending her a solid ivory necklace she said. He can get them very reasonable over there. You and Grant and Dick and Pierce are sure seeing a lot of the world. Gee, if we ever got the four of you together, we could sure learn about a lot of geography, first hand too.
Mother received a letter from Pierce today. It seems he was not able to contact the LDS fellows who were so close to him. He is with a very worldly bunch who cuss from sunup to sundown he says. He gets to read quite a bit I guess so studies his Bible and Book of Mormon and also has the Improvement Era. I hope you are getting yours, Perry. Have you received the January issue yet? He says it is very cold, which reminds him of Wisconsin. Is it still very warm where you are, honey? Write me as often as you can, sweetheart. I love you so very much my husband. Good night dear heart. Gene
January 21, 1945
Sunday at home
My Dearest Husband,
Are you writing to me today? I hope so. I can see that your letters come much faster to me. You are constantly on the move so therefore my letters will take longer getting to you. I try to write you every day, Perry, so perhaps you will sometimes think my letters are rather short. But I tell you everything, dearest Perry. Everything that happens in my life while you are away, I shall share with you in my letters.
I've been sitting here looking at our wedding picture. You are smiling so broadly that as I look I can almost hear your laugher, Perry. Your voice is so rich and low and your laugh so full of enjoyment. Then I remembered the first time you teased me. I thought you were going to kiss me. Then you slyly drew away laughing. Then I teased you to show you what it was like. That didn't last very long tho. I just can't resist you, Perry. You're so sweet and so good. I love you very, very much my handsome husband.
I didn't write you yesterday, sweetheart, cause my jaw was aching so bad I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I stayed home from work too. It even hurt to talk. It's much better today tho, just a little sore now. (Aren't I an awful baby?)
Today is conference Sunday. Daddy and Mother went to the Wilshire Ward this morning. It was quite chilly out and Mother said I should stay home and keep warm so my jaw wouldn't ache or my ear hurt. But I am much better and want to go tonight to the evening service.
(Later Monday morning) The evening services at Wilshire Ward last night were wonderful. We rode over with Brother and Sister Gregory. We got there in time for the vesper music. It was so pretty, Perry. Someone sang "O Devine Redeemer" and there was a girl who played the piano so beautifully. The speakers were Bishop Legrand Richards from Salt Lake City (speaks quite loudly but is good) and Nicolas G. Smith who spoke on tithing. I really enjoyed his talk.
Oh, Perry, I surely wish you could have been there. I sat with Evelyn and Alden. I was so surprised to see him back. He came back Friday for one reason--to get Evelyn and take her back with him. She finally said "yes" to him. They will be married in the temple in Mesa next Friday. I am so happy for them. She really does love him she says. The Arlington Ward's girl chorus sang your favorite Christmas song "O Holy Night." Then they sang "Come to Me." The music was Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." It was beautiful music, Perry. I so wished you could have been there with me.
Oh, darling, the perfume you sent me for my birthday is so lovely. I put some on my hankie yesterday and am carrying it everywhere with me. You are so sweet and thoughtful dear Perry. Have you heard from your folks lately? They surely do love you. My dearest husband, I miss you so much. I love you. I love you. Your own wife, Gene
Sunday, January 21
My Darling Wife,
We don't seem to stop long enough in one place to get any mail. But maybe if I keep writing you will be able to hear from me fairly regularly anyway, and sooner or later my mail will catch up with me. I just got through reading the three letters I received from you since I last saw you, and that gave me renewed inspiration. They seemed almost as good as when I first read them, and I tell you again that they were so sweet. But then how could they be otherwise coming from such a sweet person.
My darling, I keep thinking how lucky I am to have a wife like you. And I am happy, even though I am far away from you, happy because you are my wife and that someday we can continue where we left off and have our home and family and love will be present to overflowing. The very thought makes me thrill with joy. Must close now. All my love to the one I love most of all. Your affectionate husband, Perry
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