Monday, November 28, 2011

Will you be my Valentine?

Perry as a child, Vernal, Utah
February 11, 1945

My Darling Wife,

Today is another Sunday. What were you doing most of the day today, my love? I slept for about four hours today. Do you know I am getting to be quite a "lug-head"? Guess it must be the climate.

Didn't get any mail today so I re-read some of your old ones. Some of them I liked just about as much as when I first read them. I'm saving all the best parts of all of them. How do you feel today? Do you feel a year older? I hope you will tell me all about what you did, if anything special. Did you miss your husband?

10:15 AM Monday. They turned the lights out on me last night before I had a chance to finish this. I didn't realize, my sweet, that we were so close to each other that when you had an illness, I would have the same. Ever since you wrote me about having your wisdom tooth pulled, mine has been bothering me. It's been pretty sore these last few days. I can hardly chew.

I gather from your letters that you are really eager to go back to Utah? That really makes me happy too because that is the first place I want to head for after I am out of the Navy--that is the first place after 2912 S. Flower St. [Los Angeles] I often think and dream of that time when I will come walking in and surprise you like I used to. Do you think you would prefer living in Utah to California? You will be able to decide better after you have been there, but I think you will agree with me.

Since being away from you, my darling, I have decided it isn't so important where we live as long as we can be together. Right now I think "a little hut just built for two tucked away in the heart of a hill," would be heavenly, don't you?

No letter from my love yesterday, but I am eagerly looking forward to those familiar envelopes and handwriting for today. Must close now sweetheart. I must write to my folks. Lovingly Yours, Perry

Gene at 5 months, Milwaukee, Wisconsis
Feb. 13, 1945

My Darling Wife,

Here it is the day before Valentines Day. You have already sent me a very sweet Valentine with the best verse. But the best part of all were the two sweet kisses you enclosed, "mmm mmm". I wish I had something to send you. Gene, I want to ask you a question, and I want you to answer me truthfully and frankly. Now don't be afraid of hurting my feelings but tell me the honest truth. ok? Here it is. "Will you be my Valentine?"--I eagerly wait for a reply.

You should have been getting my mail quite regularly lately. Nearly every day. I wish I were as fortunate. The mail service isn't quite so good coming this way. Don't feel bad about me though because I am well and quite happy--considering. I can never be completely happy until I am with you again though, my love. Your letters do me the most good of anything. You needn't worry about your letters not being interesting to me. I love anything you say. Just tell me all about yourself and all you do. Remember, I am more interested in you than anyone or anything else.

Well, my darling, I must close for now, but I enclose all my love and thousands of kisses. I love you, Perry

Perry's older sister, Genevieve taken
in front of the little log home where
their family farmed in Utah
February 13, 1945

My sweetheart Perry,

I am making cookies for you this week. I hope it won't be long till you can receive them. Darling, have you gotten the little package I sent you yet? Perry, your sister Genevieve wrote me again. I love her so much. And in her letter was four darling little Valentines from the children. Wasn't that sweet of them. I have sent each of them a Valentine too. Floyd wanted a little picture of his Uncle Perry and Aunt Gene, so I found a Valentine to put a snapshot in and sent him one of you and me taken when we bought the Christmas tree, remember?

I also had a long, nice letter yesterday from Emily. I surely wish I could see her. She wrote saying Dick thinks he will be home from North Africa by Christmas 1945. He said he feels sure that they won't be over there much longer. Oh, Perry, isn't that wonderful? I wish it could be that wonderful for us too. But how do I know, maybe it will. Who knows, you may come back sooner. Oh how I dream of your return. It will then be the happiest moment of my life. I love you so very much, my dearest.

Perry, I haven't found any little chains yet to send you. I mentioned it to some of the girls at church Sunday when they asked about you, and Avanelle Richards said she had a little sterling silver chain she wanted me to have. She said she had 3 gold chains and lockets so never wears the silver chain. Wasn't that sweet of her? I shall send it soon as I can find a gold chain too and the glue. I think I know where I can buy one reasonably.

Tonight is Mutual again. They are also going to have a dance with a little orchestra. I will go over and see what it's all about. Saturday night is the "Sweetheart Ball" at the stake center. It's the dance where the girl asks the fellow to go. If you were here, I would surely be asking you to go with me. Would you accept?? You'd better say, "Yes." Maybe next year I'll be able to ask you, huh?

Oh darling, it's about that time of month. I sort of feel awful blue and depressed. I miss you so very much and long for you so. Wish I were in your arms right now. I love you, Perry, I love you. Forever yours, Gene

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Isn't it too bad that we are constantly just living for tomorrow

Feb. 9, 1945

My Dearest,

I didn't keep my word about writing to you yesterday. I kept putting it off, hoping I would get one from you first. But when I didn't hear from my love, I was so disappointed I didn't feel much like it. I saw a show instead, "the Bride Came C.O.D." Didn't care too much for it. It seems that so far our mail service is rather pour out here, but maybe today will treat me better.
Gene on the apartment rooftop
where she lived with her parents.
Picture taken on her birthday,
February 10, 1945

I hope you will get the films developed soon. I want more than anything else in the world to see you and be with you again. But since that won't be possible for a while, your letters and some pictures serve the next best possible thing. Are you able to get films? I have the other pictures in the picture holder in the wallet you gave me. I am always taking it out and looking at you and admiring you. Do you know you are really very beautiful and oh!, I love you so very much. And according to the way you are being teased, as you say, you must even be getting more beautiful. Golly, it surely is wonderful to think about what I have waiting for me until I come back.

I just found out that there won't be any mail today. It is surely a good thing there is always a tomorrow. Isn't it too bad that we are constantly just living for tomorrow, a day which sometimes seems so very far off. I'm going to keep writing to you just as often as I can because I want you to hear from me regularly even if I can't you. I sometimes wonder if my letters mean half as much to you as yours do to me. After telling me about those four letters you found, you have almost convinced me they must.

Must go now, but I close saying that I love you with all my heart. Completely yours, Perry

Baby Gene with her mother Leora in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin where Gene was born
February 10, 1945

To the one I love most of all, My Darling,

If my calculations of time are correct, I have been thinking all about you throughout your day. From the time you were probably hurrying off to work until now, you are probably sound asleep and, I hope, dreaming of me. All day this has been your birthday. Sweetheart, it is one day I will never forget because it marks the day of entry into this world of one of God's choice spirits, born far from the place I was born, and yet who I was to one day meet far from the place of either of our birthplaces, fall in love with immediately and very shortly ask her to marry me. And oh! how thankful I am that she said "yes."

I think now the thing that would make me the most happy is to have the same kind of an event happen that happened some odd years ago today. Just as your mother dreamed she would look just the way you did, and I can almost hear her now calling for "ma ma." What a beautiful word.

Did you write to me, my love? What did you do on this your birthday? Did you think of me and long to have me there to take you somewhere special? Did you long for that even a fraction as much as I did? Oh, my darling, I was all resigned to sit down and write you a rather difficult letter because it didn't look like I was going to get any from you. Now, to my joy, I have just finished reading two of your very sweet letters posted January 29th and 30th. What a pleasant surprise that was. Darling, do you really realize what a tremendous effect your letters have on me?

Sweetheart, I know just exactly what you mean when you speak of enjoying things and feeling as though only half of you were there. How often I have felt exactly the same way since I have known you. Truly our hearts beat as one. Truly we are become as "one flesh." I too have been thinking of and reading our blessings and how you would be blessed with a happy home. It is so hard to be patient sometimes, isn't it? But the trials we go through now, if endured well, will only amplify our happiness when we are together again.

Gene, I thought you did express those thoughts so very beautifully. And since you mentioned our first date, I'll have to tell you that I was thinking of that very same thing today. Gene, I can tell you very honestly that I was the most thrilled after that date, more than I had ever been before. Don't laugh if I tell you that after I had left you that night, I was practically talking to myself about you all the way. And sweetheart, do you know that when I got back that night, I offered a prayer that I had met someone so sweet. As I have said before, all of my memories of you are perfect memories.

I'm glad you like your lessons and that Verna has such hopes for you. I'll have you entertain me when I come back. Yes, my darling, I guess being secretary in such an important thing makes you quite important too. You sweet thing--or I should say "you little monkey."

Say, that reminds me, the other day I saw the cutest little monkey. I didn't think it was possible for a monkey to be cute, but this one was. It made me think of Genevieve's boys, how they wanted a monkey. It would have been just the right size too. I wish I could have sent it to them. [At this time, Perry is stationed in the Philippines.] Well, here I am talking about monkeys and I sat down with the intention of writing you a birthday letter.

I don't have very much more time right now, but darling, let me repeat again and again, "I love you." will you ever grow tired of hearing me tell you that? It always comes from the bottom of my soul. The more I think of it, I know that our coming together was nothing less than providential.

My pen must stop, but my thoughts will go on. All my love, Perry

P.S. I'm in favor of moving to Utah too. I don't like the weather here either.

February 10, 1945

My dearest sweetheart, Perry,

Here it is my birthday already, and darling, I received 4 sweet letters (all at once) from my dear husband yesterday, which has made my day today so much lighter and happier and more perfect. But of course, nothing like that day will be when I see you walk in thru the door and then take me in your arms. Oh, I shall want you to hold me and never let me go.

Oh, my darling, of course I dream day dreams too--the same as you do and the same dreams too. I too remember when you were here and could hold me in your arms. Perry, I long for you so. Dearest husband, you write such perfect letters. I sometimes wonder if you are not disappointed in some of mine. You have such a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts. I feel so handicapped at times. Darling, I value these letters from you far above anything else that I possess except you, and your are the dearest of all.

These last ones were those you wrote on January 28, 30, 31 and February 1st. Darling, I was so thrilled to see the new rating change placed after your name. How wonderful. Perry, does it mean you are wearing three marks on your sleeve now? Can you tell me? I guess I don't understand too much about the Navy. I'm glad you could tell me about you being in Hawaii. I do wish you could have gone to the temple. Yes, Perry, I shall send you two chains and the DuPont glue soon as I can. It all sounds very mysterious and exciting, but I shall ask no questions. But I'm wonderin' an awful lot.

Now I will tell you what I did today. It was so warm (just like summer exactly). I wanted to go bike riding so bad, but I could find no one to go with. I guess most everyone works on Saturday. Anyway, I put on a summer skirt and blouse and went up on the roof. Daddy came up with the camera and took some pictures of me. I took the film over to the drugstore right away. So will be sending you some pictures very soon, sweetheart, of that wife of yours. I stayed in the sun as much as possible today.

This evening I did a lot of catching up on my diary. Perry, I worked Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. of this week with Viola and our work for the week was finished. We received a check for $59.10 which of course was divided in half for us both. We seem to be in business for ourselves. We don't get a salary for our work. I feel like a contractor, but that seems to be the way this work is handled. How does it sound to you, Perry.

Tomorrow I shall try to make my husband some cookies and some candy. Hope I can do as well as I did before. I'll send them soon as I can, sweetheart. Oh, I love to make things for you Perry. It's such fun. I want to cook for you every day and take care of you dear husband.

I thank the dear Lord each night that you are well and safe. I have so much to thank Him for. I must go to bed now, Perry. Sweet dreams, darling. I love you. I love you. Forever your own, Gene

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm glad that all of my memories of you are such happy ones

Feb. 6, 1944

My Darling Wife,

Last night I received your letter telling about the four letters you found. That was strange, wasn't it? How did that happen? As for me, it seems I get all my mail in reverse. It seems quite often I get your most recent letter first and then they keep working back. Then it starts all over. Keeps me guessing, not knowing what you are talking about all the time. But your letters are most wonderful and I just live daily for them.

I'm glad you found the missing letters (because it surely stimulated you to write a wonderful letter.) You just poured your dear, sweet heart into every word it seemed. Oh, but I particularly loved the part about your mother's dream. I will be so exceedingly happy when it can come true, won't you "mama."

I'm glad you received the perfume ok and liked it. I guess I sent it early enough. I've been wishing I could send something else to you, but you know there is nothing to buy. Today, though, I did buy something for you, but I'll probably have to wait until I come back to give it to you. I may be able to send part of it though. I will see. Does that sound mysterious?

Sweetheart, I can buy all my necessities much easier and cheaper than you could send them to me. Thanks so much though for thinking of me. I love you for it. A little candy (of your own make) and cookies would go well though if you have time some time.

Just tonight I received your letter of the 19th telling me about my rather blue and gloomy letter. As my following apologies indicated, I knew I shouldn't have written a letter like that. I surely didn't ever want it to make you cry. I know I can't expect you to be strong without my help. However, I have been feeling much better lately. (The main reason is because I've been getting your mail more regularly.) But I still miss you and long for you so very much my dear sweet loving wife. I always have a prayer in my heart for the days to be shortened until we can be together again, and then forever and eternally together.

Someone is playing "Let the Rest of the World Go By," on the piano. It reminds me of you and the show we saw last when we were together. I'm glad that all of my memories of you are such happy ones. I'm afraid I am madly, head-over-heals in love with my wife.

I have just performed an interesting experiment. I just counted how many words each of us put on a page. You said you wrote more than I did and trust me never to cede a point without ample proof. Well, I lost on the first count. But not willing to give in, I took another page and the score now stands 163 for me and 158 for you. To ease my conscience though, I'll admit I wrote smaller tonight because I am now on my last sheet of stationery and can't get anymore until tomorrow.

Well, roughly figuring, that should add up to about 600 words for this letter. Oh, but how futile it is for me to try in a mere 600 words, or 600 times 600, to express my love for you, my sweetheart. I suppose only by my actions will I ever be able to show it and even then it will take me an eternity. Please don't think these words superfluous. I really mean them. All my love, Perry

Feb. 7, 1945

My Dearest Gene,

Perry played college basketball
his freshman year
at Utah State in Logan
No letter today from my darling, but I can always look forward with anticipation for the next day when I have someone so sweet writing to me. You haven't mentioned any more about your vocal lessons. Are you still taking them and do you like them yet. I can see that when we go back to Logan, we are going to have a lot of fun singing. That is the way we always did pass a lot of our time when I was there. June [one of Perry's sisters] is nearly always playing and singing. She has been taking lessons for some time now.

I got paid yesterday. Tomorrow I am going to buy a money order and then I will be completely out of debt, except to you, sweetheart. I was wondering about the bond. I have one and maybe two back home too. Yes, I guess we are quite economical and yet we have wonderful times when we are together don't we? we will save until we are together again and then we are going to have a wonderful honeymoon--a continued one,  continued throughout our lives.

Well, darling, I promise I'll write more tomorrow. Maybe I'll have a letter to give me inspiration. Right now it is quite late. Affectionately your own, Perry

February 8, 1945

My dearest husband,

I feel very lonely tonight. I miss you so very much Perry. But I have been having some nice times. Last night I was invited to a party at the bishop's house. It was called a "Get Acquainted" party. Oh Perry, I had such a lovely time. I wish you could have been there too. Most everyone there were married couples. The rest of us were service mens' wives whose husbands are overseas. I think there were about 20 or 25 people in all. Brother Eugene Gregory took me over in his car with another girl from Adams Ward.

Perry, we played the most exciting game. It's called "Shoot the Moon." You play with dominos. There were five tables, 4 people at a table. The bishop and his wife didn't play, but they directed the game. Oh, it was such fun and everyone was soon acquainted. You see, most of those couples are rather inactive in Adams Ward so the bishop had this party for them and they get better acquainted then with everyone else. I think it's a wonderful idea. The party lasted till 12:30 tho, and I was so tired. So I didn't get enough sleep last night and I was very groggy today.

Viola and I worked till 4:30 this afternoon. We will finish this "batch" of work tomorrow. Tonight Virginia called. She and her mother are up at Kermit's. Martha and the baby are there too, visiting. Perry, they (Virginia and her mother) are leaving this weekend for Chicago (home). Then after dinner they all came over for a visit and then goodbyes. Virginia and Martie gave me a birthday present. I opened it while they were here. It's a pretty box of stationery. Mother had ice cream and cookies. It was all very nice. Virginia packed all her clothes and things she had left here, and Kermit put them in his car. They surely will have a lot of things to take back with them.

Perry, I didn't get to go to chorus practice tonight because of company, but that is the first time I have missed for a long time. Martie said tonight that she and Lee had received the nicest letter from you. They like you so much, Perry. They want us to come and visit them again when you come home.

My darling, I long so for that day. Hope I get one of your sweet letters tomorrow. Will say my prayers now and go to bed. I love you my dearest Perry. Gene

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Send a Thousand Kisses

Feb. 4, 1945

My dear wife Gene,

Today is another Sunday. I hope you will forgive me. I have just been sleeping as sound as a log for about three hours. I feel pretty "hep" now, except it was too warm so it took me a little while in the fresh air to recuperate. The only place I could walk was around the decks. I wish it could have been around Flower Street with you, my sweetheart.

I just received the best letter from my love yesterday. It was dated the 17th. The one you finished at work. But golly it was so short and the particular part that I liked best of all was even shorter. It was about the comments that were being made about your changing in appearance. Now why did you tell me not to laugh? You should have known I would be, and was, so tickled all over that I burst right out laughing. I loved you so much I wanted to reach out through space and kiss you. In my heart, my love, I did. It was almost like being there with you again and seeing you tell me all about it in a half-blushing way.

Gene, write me more letters like that, will you? Do you think that a strange request? After all, you are more important to me than anything or anybody. It is you my heart calls out for all the time. Is it odd then that I should like more particular information about someone so dear. Oh my love, I want to know all about you. Please send me some pictures so I can see you again.

I'm hoping I'll get a whole pile of letters from you today or tomorrow. I'll write you tomorrow. All my love, Perry

Feb. 5, 1945

My dearest darling,

I received two letters from you yesterday. One postmarked the 22nd, the other, your very sweet Valentine, the 26th. The last one previous to those was postmarked the 17th. There seems to be some lacking in between. I guess I will get them in time. The only thing I don't always understand what you are talking about because of the missing parts.

By the way, you said, "Mother and I went to see _________" Then there is a blank space. Then you tell me what a good show it was and to be sure and see it if I get a chance. Now what kind of a show was that? You mean it was "unmentionable?" I am burning up with curiosity. Ha, ha!

Thanks so much for the Valentine my sweetheart. And that was the best little verse. It expresses just perfectly the way I feel too. And the kisses were very sweet too. I could almost feel your warm lips against mine even across all the space that separates us. I also received the letter you sent that my folks had written to us. I saved it 'til the last because I thought it was a letter from you and it seemed so big and fat. I must confess, I was a little disappointed.
Notice the lipstick "kisses" bottom left

I hope your tooth (or where your tooth used to be) is all right by now. Well, maybe you are a baby, but I would surely like to have been there to baby you. I suppose I will hear more of the details about it in some of the letters you had previously written, but which I haven't received yet.

How I wish I could have been there to go to conference with you. That would have done me so much good. It has been so long since I had some good spiritual uplift. Your letters are the best thing though. We must be patient and some day, not too far distant I hope, we are going to go to General Conference in Salt Lake and I will show you all around. Then I think I will be very nearly perfectly happy.

Say, don't you think you had better be careful about paying me such compliments. You know I could resist you no less than you could me. Well sweetheart, I can hardly concentrate on anything until I find out if I got some more mail from you today. Will write you tomorrow. All my love until then--and I send a thousand kisses. Lovingly Yours, Perry

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Have you got the swellest guy in the world for a husband?"

Emmett, Leora, Pierce, Gene and Richard, August 1926
January 31, 1945

My Dearest Perry,

I received your long letter of the 24th today. What a sweet surprise, and I'm so glad you finally got some of my letters and heard from your folks. I too received a letter from your mother yesterday. Said she heard from you last Saturday. Darling, I understand when I don't hear from you for a few days. I know how hard it must be for you to try to write me when your letters are forever under the consor's stamp and you get no mail for days and days. Your letters have been wonderful for all of that, and I treasure each one of them. Oh my husband, I love you so very much.

Yes, Perry, I too believe it was the Lord's will that we will have no child for awhile. And I am now content and glad in the knowledge that He has answered our prayers in this way. I can wait, for I know it will all come in time. I'm glad you say I should take voice lessons for a year. I really want to. (I have always wanted to.) I enjoy it so much. Oh, I do wish I had a piano. I guess maybe I should keep my record player for as you say, we might not get a good one for quite awhile.

Richard, Gene, and Pierce Fast, 1929
I received a letter from Dick today too. Perry, he is still in Egypt. Says he is sending me something from Casablanca. Said he had a letter from you some time ago and answered it. He says, "I hope you and Perry will be as happy as Emily and I have been. I pray that you may be blessed as we have been too." He is a pretty "super" brother.

After mutual last night I came home with Mother and Dad, (they went too) and I played a lot of my records before I went to bed. Mother and I sat up awhile (like always) and enjoyed quite a musical interlude. I love the ones you got me best, Perry. Music surely is soothing, isn't it? Perry, do you get to enjoy anything like good radio programs? I guess you do have movies once in awhile. Do you get the news? Do you know that the Russians are inside Germany and only 50 miles from Berlin?

Did I tell you I have been asked to be the secretary of the Primary Sunday School and keep the records each Sunday. Of course I shall accept it. Guess I will be a little busier from now on. This isn't a very long letter compared to yours, darling. Guess you must think mine are pretty short at times. My heart is so full tonight, Perry. I have so much to be thankful for. Dick says, "Have you got the swellest guy in the world for a husband?" And my answer is Yes! Definitely. He says Emily thinks she has too. How could she? Oh, Perry, I love you, I love you. Your devoted wife, Gene

January 31, 1945

My Dear Sweet Wife,

Here I am once more seated and ready and eager to give my thoughts a form of coherency with my pen. It is probably good for me that I take this much time to try and write my thoughts in a rather organized fashion. You see, my thoughts race and ramble so much of the time in both retrospect and prospect of our life together that if I didn't take time to frequently organize my thoughts, I might topple off the brink into a world of unreality. From the way I have started this letter, you are likely to already think me off the "deep end."

Anyway, my darling, what I am trying to say under all this bombast is that I think of you every minute of every day and that I try to keep my thoughts, to some extent, from mere useless daydreaming to purposeful hopes and planning for us, and eventually ours. However, I'll have to honestly admit that fairly frequently I indulge in good old daydreaming--especially on the long night watches. It is such a pleasant pastime, remembering of the times we were together, and to imagine that I am again sitting on the couch holding you in my arms and listening to the radio.

Since I get quite a lot of pleasure out of this and often find myself grinning, and almost laughing, I chock it up to amusement and content myself in the fact that a little amusement is good for one. Now tell me honestly, my darling, do you ever indulge in this sort of thing? Please don't make me a lone sinner.

You know sweetheart, I have that little miniture picture of you and of us in my locker so that every time I open it, I see you there. The one of you alone I like better and better all the time. One reason is because every time I open my locker door, there you are looking right at me as though to greet me, which in the other you are looking away. But then I sum it up this way that in the one you have no need to look at me because there you are already in my arms and you look so very happy, while in the other you are not quite so happy because I am not there but still look very pleasant and patiently waiting for my return.

Already it is time for taps and this seems like kind of a crazy letter. But if in all I have ever written or said to you I have done nothing more than to make an embroiderment around these words, "I love you," to make them stand out in a brighter and more glorious hue, I have done as much as even the most gifted could expect to accomplish, for in those words are encompassed my whole heart and soul.

Must close now, but I'll try and write tomorrow so you will get it at the same time you get this so it will be a continuation of this one. I have a small little surprise to tell you about too. All my love, Perry

February 1, 1945

Hello my sweet darling,

Must make this letter shorter if I am to get it off so it will arrive with the rest. I hope you are getting my mail fairly regularly. I guess it is "long ago and far away" enough that I can tell you I was in the Hawaiian Islands, only a few days though. I wanted to see the temple but didn't have time as it was quite some distance. I did see the tabernacle though as it was quite close. That is the regular ward and stake tabernacle and, Gene, it was really beautiful. The grounds seemed like something that had just stepped out of a picture. It was all so beautiful that I longed so much to have you there to enjoy it with me. They say the temple grounds are even much more beautiful that that. I didn't care much for the city of Honolulu itself.

Perhaps I should draw your attention, in case you have overlooked, the change in my rate, as of today. The main thing that interests me is the extra $12 per month, especially in view of my rather embarassing financial situation. It won't be long now though until I will be in the clear again and will be able to look the world in the face. Then I will be able to start saving for us and ours.

I can't take more time now, sweetheart, but only to tell you that I love you, Oh! so very much. You mean more than the whole world to me. Forever, affectionately your loving husband, Perry

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I know you are further away than ever now

January 30, 1945

My Dearest Perry,

Yesterday I received your sweet letter of Sunday, January 21st. It was postmarked the 22nd and took one week to get to me, so I know you are further away than ever now. I feel bad that you have not received any mail as yet, for I know how I feel when I don't hear from you. Thank you, sweetheart, for writing me even though you haven't my letters and can't tell me much. I can always write "news" but you are so restricted.

But darling your letters are so very sweet. This last letter really thrilled me so much. I could actually see our little home and you there with me--and the love abiding there. You know this is all promised to me in my blessing. I know it's all there somewhere in the future for us.

Well, last night I took my second voice lesson at Verna Johnson's house. I enjoy it so much, and Verna has such hopes for me. She says I have a beautiful voice and have inherited it from mother. She wants me to study for one year (at least). Mother was with me. Verna wants her to sing in church next sunday and to practice more because she is so good.

Perry, I was asked Sunday to be the Primary Sunday School secretary. Someone resigned and I was recommended. Guess I'll accept it tho I don't know much now what the duties consist of. It's a record-keeping job I spose and those things are very important in our church you know. Will that make me important?? hmmm!!

Thanksgiving Day in Utah, 1946
I haven't heard from the "Mr.  Mrs. Alden Betts" as yet. Guess they are too busy on their honeymoon. Darling, I had a very nice letter from your sister "Vi-Vi" [Genevieve] yesterday. She thanks us for the wedding picture we sent them for christmas and was so glad to hear about our wonderful christmas. She speaks of having gone up to visit your three sisters in Logan. One of her little boys came home from school with the German measles recently. I must write her too for she asks about you.

Mother had a card from Virginia in San Diego. She and her mother are coming back to LA this week to stay with Kermit till they get their reservations to go back east. They plan to leave very soon.

Today is Tuesday, so will go to mutual tonight. They are going to have the voting for the queen to be picked for the spring dance. This should prove interesting. Wonder who I should vote for. I'll close now, darling, and mail it right away. This is called a dry month here in Southern California. We have had no rain for a long, long time. It seems rather strange. Not cold, not rainy, just sunshine or fog. Let's move to Utah, Perry, where we would have some weather--huh! I love you my darling husband. For ever and ever your Gene
Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1946
from left to right: Walter and Hazel, Genevieve with baby
and Lorin, Grant and Hope, June and Dee, Gene,
Elmer and Leona Manwaring with grandchildren in front

January 30, 1945

My Dear Gene,

It will soon be the end of another month. I keep thinking about how soon it will be your birthday and how I wish it were possible for me to be there with you and really do something for you. I hope you receive the little package on time. Be sure and let me know when you get it.

Gene, could you get me a very fine gold or sterling silver chain? One that is just long enough to hang down a little around the neck as a necklace. The links must be very small and fine. Also send me some DuPont transparent glue. All I will tell you right now is that I want to experiment making something for you. That shouldn't weigh too much so it shouldn't cost too much to send airmail. You can see though and use your own judgement. If you can get two chains and they don't cost too much, send me two of them.

Guess I won't be getting any more mail for a few days, but I am surely eagerly looking forward to when I will. I'll expect piles of it then. Haven't written very much this time, but will write you again tomorrow. Affectionately your own, Perry