My Darling Wife,
Last night I received your letter telling about the four letters you found. That was strange, wasn't it? How did that happen? As for me, it seems I get all my mail in reverse. It seems quite often I get your most recent letter first and then they keep working back. Then it starts all over. Keeps me guessing, not knowing what you are talking about all the time. But your letters are most wonderful and I just live daily for them.
I'm glad you found the missing letters (because it surely stimulated you to write a wonderful letter.) You just poured your dear, sweet heart into every word it seemed. Oh, but I particularly loved the part about your mother's dream. I will be so exceedingly happy when it can come true, won't you "mama."
I'm glad you received the perfume ok and liked it. I guess I sent it early enough. I've been wishing I could send something else to you, but you know there is nothing to buy. Today, though, I did buy something for you, but I'll probably have to wait until I come back to give it to you. I may be able to send part of it though. I will see. Does that sound mysterious?
Sweetheart, I can buy all my necessities much easier and cheaper than you could send them to me. Thanks so much though for thinking of me. I love you for it. A little candy (of your own make) and cookies would go well though if you have time some time.
Just tonight I received your letter of the 19th telling me about my rather blue and gloomy letter. As my following apologies indicated, I knew I shouldn't have written a letter like that. I surely didn't ever want it to make you cry. I know I can't expect you to be strong without my help. However, I have been feeling much better lately. (The main reason is because I've been getting your mail more regularly.) But I still miss you and long for you so very much my dear sweet loving wife. I always have a prayer in my heart for the days to be shortened until we can be together again, and then forever and eternally together.
Someone is playing "Let the Rest of the World Go By," on the piano. It reminds me of you and the show we saw last when we were together. I'm glad that all of my memories of you are such happy ones. I'm afraid I am madly, head-over-heals in love with my wife.
I have just performed an interesting experiment. I just counted how many words each of us put on a page. You said you wrote more than I did and trust me never to cede a point without ample proof. Well, I lost on the first count. But not willing to give in, I took another page and the score now stands 163 for me and 158 for you. To ease my conscience though, I'll admit I wrote smaller tonight because I am now on my last sheet of stationery and can't get anymore until tomorrow.
Well, roughly figuring, that should add up to about 600 words for this letter. Oh, but how futile it is for me to try in a mere 600 words, or 600 times 600, to express my love for you, my sweetheart. I suppose only by my actions will I ever be able to show it and even then it will take me an eternity. Please don't think these words superfluous. I really mean them. All my love, Perry
Feb. 7, 1945
My Dearest Gene,
Perry played college basketball his freshman year at Utah State in Logan |
I got paid yesterday. Tomorrow I am going to buy a money order and then I will be completely out of debt, except to you, sweetheart. I was wondering about the bond. I have one and maybe two back home too. Yes, I guess we are quite economical and yet we have wonderful times when we are together don't we? we will save until we are together again and then we are going to have a wonderful honeymoon--a continued one, continued throughout our lives.
Well, darling, I promise I'll write more tomorrow. Maybe I'll have a letter to give me inspiration. Right now it is quite late. Affectionately your own, Perry
February 8, 1945
My dearest husband,
I feel very lonely tonight. I miss you so very much Perry. But I have been having some nice times. Last night I was invited to a party at the bishop's house. It was called a "Get Acquainted" party. Oh Perry, I had such a lovely time. I wish you could have been there too. Most everyone there were married couples. The rest of us were service mens' wives whose husbands are overseas. I think there were about 20 or 25 people in all. Brother Eugene Gregory took me over in his car with another girl from Adams Ward.
Perry, we played the most exciting game. It's called "Shoot the Moon." You play with dominos. There were five tables, 4 people at a table. The bishop and his wife didn't play, but they directed the game. Oh, it was such fun and everyone was soon acquainted. You see, most of those couples are rather inactive in Adams Ward so the bishop had this party for them and they get better acquainted then with everyone else. I think it's a wonderful idea. The party lasted till 12:30 tho, and I was so tired. So I didn't get enough sleep last night and I was very groggy today.
Viola and I worked till 4:30 this afternoon. We will finish this "batch" of work tomorrow. Tonight Virginia called. She and her mother are up at Kermit's. Martha and the baby are there too, visiting. Perry, they (Virginia and her mother) are leaving this weekend for Chicago (home). Then after dinner they all came over for a visit and then goodbyes. Virginia and Martie gave me a birthday present. I opened it while they were here. It's a pretty box of stationery. Mother had ice cream and cookies. It was all very nice. Virginia packed all her clothes and things she had left here, and Kermit put them in his car. They surely will have a lot of things to take back with them.
Perry, I didn't get to go to chorus practice tonight because of company, but that is the first time I have missed for a long time. Martie said tonight that she and Lee had received the nicest letter from you. They like you so much, Perry. They want us to come and visit them again when you come home.
My darling, I long so for that day. Hope I get one of your sweet letters tomorrow. Will say my prayers now and go to bed. I love you my dearest Perry. Gene
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