My Darling Wife,
Gene and Perry on their wedding day |
120 pounds huh? Sounds like you have gained 4 pounds since I was there. I think you were 116 then. If you would gain 10 pounds more, people really would tease you. ha, ha. But then, as you say, there will be that much more of you to love when I come back, so I say go ahead and gain it. It would probably make you look better, but I shall always love you regardless.
My darling, I have an apology to make. All of my folks have written and scolded me for not telling them when your birthday was. They wanted to at least be able to send you a card. Are you peeved with your husband? Well I guess you should be, but what I want to know is will you forgive me. There are a lot of things for which I want to make amends when I come back.
When you said how you often wondered what you would be doing when I came back, I had to laugh that you had been thinking and dreaming about all of those things exactly the way I have. I often wonder just which thing I would prefer, whether you were at work, church, home etc. I have pictured myself walking in on you under almost every conceivable circumstance. I often think I would prefer to walk in on you when you were asleep so you would be in for a really big surprise when you awoke. Or else I could just pop in on you when you were alone and blue and sitting up trying to write me at one of those times when it is most difficult. I guess just to come back would be wonderful enough in itself. But it is pleasant to think of those things, isn't it?
All of this seems so far away at times, but we have no other alternative than to patiently endure it as best we can knowing that if we endure well, the greater will be our happiness and reward in the end. I'm listening to a rebroadcast of Richard Crooks program. I think the name of the program is "Songs We Love." I always used to listen to it and this takes me back to those times although this radio is rather noisy. He is just now singing "A Dream". We have the record at home and I often think of it because it expresses the way I always feel about you. It goes:
"Last night I was dreaming
Of you love was dreaming.
I dreamed that I held
You once more to my breast.
Your sweet tender presses and
Tender caresses,
Thrilled me and stilled me and
Lulled me to rest."
I'm not sure of the 3rd line so I inserted as near as I could remember. You probably know it. It's very beautiful. I'll play it for you when we go home and often when we get our own phonograph set I've told you about.I've surely been in some cramped up and hard position to try and write this so I won't be surprised if you have difficulty reading it. Must close now, my sweetheart. I love you dearly. I can't tell you how much joy it gives me to know I have someone like you whose thoughts and prayers are one with my own. For these reasons, and hundreds of others, I love you--love you more than I could ever have loved anyone except you. Eternally Yours, Perry
March 27, 1945
Dearest husband Perry:
I received another dear letter from you today. You were rather blue. Oh, my darling, please know that I am thinking of you always and pray that you might receive each letter addressed to you. I ask the Lord to keep you safe and always that you can come back soon.
Dearest loves, your letters always come regularly to me. I most always get them 8 days from the time you write them. I know you can't always write me every day, but your letters do come often, sweetheart, and I love you so far that. You are so good to me, Perry. I also received a letter from Richard. He is still in Egypt. He seems to be seeing quite a bit of that place: Ciro, Alexandria, the pyramids, etc. But of course he misses his family too. He speaks as tho he and Emily will settle here in California after the war. He seems to have liked it here.
I think Emily will be coming out here sometimes next month. Spence Osburn and Avenelle Richards (she lives with Viola) have announced their engagement. They will be married in May in the Salt Lake Temple. Golly, just everybody is getting married it seems. I can't help but feel that I am the luckiest girl of them all tho cause I got the handsomest, sweetest, most wonderful man of them all. I'm so proud of him, and I love him more than life itself.
Perry, it seems as if the war will be over soon in Germany. That sounds so wonderful. Then maybe it won't be much longer in the Pacific either, do you think? Oh darling, how glorious it would be if you could be coming home sometime this year. Oh how I pray for that.
I must tell you who I wrote this week, Perry. I sent an Easter card to all your little nephews (and niece) including little Nelson and sent a small box of candy to Genevieve's children. I wrote a short letter to Hazel, Hope and June and sent a nice card to your grandmother and your two aunts--wrote a few lines on the back. I must write Genevieve now. I have just had a letter from her. Perry, I surely love your family.
Today Viola and I were making plans for Sunday. After conference Sunday morning, we are going to take our cameras and go up to Forest Lawn and spend the afternoon. Then I'll be able to send you a picture of me in my Easter best up there where you and I once spent a perfect day. Perry, I'm going to wear my wedding dress for Easter. Don't you think that's alright? The last time I wore it was for you in San Diego on Christmas. It's a special dress for special occasions. Goodnight sweetheart. I hope I can dream about you. Your devoted wife, Gene
P.S. I love you xxx xxx-(kisses)
March 28, 1945 (Thursday evening)
Dearest Perry,
You will probably get this card late, but I thought it rather lovely so couldn't resist sending it to you. My thoughts are all of you, sweetheart. Oh how I long for you Perry. There was no letter from my sweetheart today, but maybe there will be tomorrow.
Now I must go over to chorus practice--must learn that Easter song. The radio is playing such sweet, beautiful love songs. Wish you could be here enjoying them with me. I know how you love good music. Oh, I know all my sweet dreams will come true sometime. Your loving wife, Gene
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