Oct. 23, 1945
My Darling Wife,
This is Tuesday night and we will probably arrive at our objective tomorrow night or Thursday morning. I still don't know exactly the place we are going, but it is near Tientsin way up in Northern China. It's already quite cold--everyone wears all the warm clothing they can and doesn't go outside unless they have to. I'm afraid I'll have to pull out my "long handles" pretty quick.
I surely didn't get much mail at Okinawa, but darling, I am surely thankful for those two sweet letters I did receive. I know it wasn't your fault and I must have lots of mail that will catch up with me eventually, somewhere, sometime. The two letters were postmarked Oct. 2nd and 8th. The latest one before those was posted Sept. 14th, so I know I'm missing quite a few in between.
The sea is quite rough so it's rather difficult to write in this standing position. I've surely been thinking and dreaming about you a lot these last few days, darling. Must have been because you were thinking extra specially about me because I've literally had you on my mind constantly. I keep reminiscing of the wonderful times we have had together and keep thinking how I would like to walk in on you and wondering how you would act. When would you like best for me to come? In the night or day? Would you like to be surprised or would you rather be prepared for me?--huh??
Gene, I am surely glad your mother is getting her patriarchal blessing. I am sure it will be something she will always treasure and enjoy rereading often. I know I enjoy reading both mine and yours over and over, in fact, I think I will read them again tonight before I go to bed. Yours is so deep and full of meaning.
I love you very much, my darling wife, and hope and long so much for the time when I can be with you again--this time forever. Pray that it might be soon. Will close for now my love. Always Yours, Perry
Oct. 26, 1945
My Darling Gene,
We have just found what out here is called "the magic carpet"--orders back to the States. Just as soon as we get unloaded, we will probably report somewhere to load troops to take back to the States. I'm only hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that we don't strike a snag someplace.
We are about 40 miles from Tientsin, which is up the river a ways. Since the war, the river has silted until large ships can't go up it. We are really near a place called Taku but are anchored out too far to see the mainland. We really had a cold trip coming up here and it is plenty cold here although it has been a little warmer today. Everyone has been wearing nearly all the long underwear they could find, steal or borrow--including myself. Really makes me long for sunny LA and you.
I can hardly tell you how happy I was when I learned last night that we had been assigned "magic carpet" duty. It was when I got up to go on watch at 4:00 AM and I felt fairly celebratory all morning. Just when we will get back and if we will get a 30-day leave is all speculation as yet, but I'm surely hoping to be lucky enough to get a leave over Christmas.
We aren't getting any mail here either, but we are able to send it off so at least you can get mail from me so I can keep you informed anyway. I have only had those two letters I got before we left Okinawa in over a month. With hopes now of coming back soon to see you, it gives my spirits quite a lift though.
Must go to bed now, my sweetheart, and get some rest. We will probably be pretty busy unloading for the next few days. I love you, my darling, and can only think and dream of you and of the time we can be together forever. Always Yours, Perry
October 28, 1945 (Sunday)
My Sweetheart Husband,
Oh, my darling, I do hope that by this time you have received several of my letters. You were so blue in your letter of the 18th--I just wanted to cry. The letter you wrote on our anniversary was such a sweet one. Thank you, darling. I received both those letters yesterday. Oh, Perry, I ask the Lord everyday to bring you back to me soon--even this year and that I might have you forever after that. Time goes so fast, but it seems such a long time since we were together.
My job here won't last much longer I don't think--maybe a few more weeks. I'm hoping that you will come back about that time. How perfect that would be. I took Mother to the Ice Follies Saturday afternoon. They were beautiful and she enjoyed them so much. I enjoyed them much more last year with you, Perry. Oh how happy I was then. We came downtown after that and I bought a pair of black patent-leather shoes and Mother bought a cute little hat.
Perry, I'm gaining weight. I weigh almost 125 pounds now. Isn't that wonderful. I'm still taking those vitamin pills. Golly, Perry, every time I see one of the girls from Adams going to have a baby, I wish it were me and I feel sort of cheated. Hortense (Clinger) Earle is going to have a baby now. Isn't that swell--for her? Evelyn (Mills) Betts will have her baby very soon. I hope I can have our baby next year, maybe by August or September. Don't you think we could, Perry?
I keep thinking about all the little things I will do in our little home. I'm trying to think up a lot of good menus for our evening meals. You know I think that's the most important meal of the day. What are some of your favorite dishes, Perry? Do you like stuffed peppers? Mother had them for dinner tonight and everyone liked them--even Daddy. They are quite easy to make. Do you like chicken with dumplings? I can make that too. And for dessert, I think pies are my specialties. I like to make cherry pies or apple the best.
Oh, Perry, I can hardly wait to start being a very domestic little housewife with a kitchen all of my own. But most of all do I long for my dear husband and then children--our own children. My darling, I love you so very much. Surely we have waited long enough. You will be home soon. I pray for this so constantly. God bless you, my Perry. Your very own, Gene
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