Elmer and Leona |
Dear Perry & Family,
It seems a long time since we heard from you, but we are the laggards this time. It was so nice to get several letters from you and others. Everyday I wonder what you are doing.
Elmer and I have really had quite a few nice things happen to us, or several things we had the privilege of attending. I can't remember if I told you of our going to Manti to be present at Floyd's marriage ceremony. That was a nice trip. Then we went to Nelson's mission farewell here in the Assembly Hall. We saw Darrel Goodrich and wife. Their son was one of the missionaries as also was one of Lorin and Merle McKee's. They were there too.
Then it happened to be Pa's day off, so we went to the temple with Venice and Elvyn when Wilda was married. But we could not go out to her reception. It was a real snow storm here and in the mountains. But Grant, Hope and June went and made it all right. It was a real good reception they said. They stayed all night at Todd's and enjoyed that too.
It is such a dark, gloomy day. I can hardly see to write. We really got some moisture with that snow, and it has rained some since. On Halloween night, I wondered if your neighbors circulate around for "trick or treat" as they do here, and if Dale and Jan and Renee and Harriet dress up for the occasion. We didn't have so many come here--about two dozen. Genevieve came down with Floyd yesterday, and she said they had about 65. Pa quite enjoys it. He bought the treats and handed them out. The bishop brought his children down here, and they gave us a dish of nice homemade candy. I don't know if they gave everyone a treat like that.
I have been thinking of a few songs that I would like to have kept alive in the family, so I think I will write a couple for Renee and Harriet Lea. Then I have a poem for Dale that will go good with his love for animals, toads, etc. What project does he have now? And I suppose Jan is helping him. I am glad Linda and Marian are learning to do things, which reminds me of a talk at a conference by a good speaker who stressed the fact that young people should learn to do and learn to do without. "Too many people today think they can't do without so get into all kinds of trouble on account of it." Perry and Gene, Genevieve brought us a bunch of sweaters to give to someone. They are mostly for girls, and we thought your girls could use them as they use sweaters when they don't need a coat.
About the "Frog's Goodbye," I have the music to it. I taught it when I taught school, and the children used to sing it with enthusiasm. Love, Mother
Leona (far right) with her sisters. They all played guitar and sang. |
The Frog's Goodbye
Goodbye little children, I'm going away
In my snug little home all the winter to stay.
I seldom get up once I'm tucked in my bed,
And as it grows colder, I cover my head.
I sleep very quietly all winter through
And really enjoy it, there's nothing to do.
The flies are all gone so there's nothing to eat,
So I take this time to enjoy a good sleep.
My home is a neat little hole in the ground,
Where snug as a bug in the winter I'm found.
You might think that long fasting would make me grow thin,
But no, I stay plump just as when I go in.
So goodbye little children, goodbye one and all.
Some warm day next spring I will give you a call.
I shall know very well when to get out of bed
When I feel the warm sun shining down on my head.
My Little Grey Kitty
Oh where, oh where is my little grey kitty?
I've hunted the house all around.
I looked in the cradle and under the table,
But nowhere can kitty be found.
I went in the attic and made a great racket
I looked into little Rick's bed.
I've hunted the stable as much as I'm able.
I've looked in the wood-house and shed.
I've hunted the clover, the flowerbeds over,
I looked in the old wooden spout.
I went to the woodpile and stayed there a good while,
But never my kitty came out.
I called little Rover to hunt the fields over,
And help find my kitty for me.
No dog could be kinder, but he couldn't find her.
Oh where can my poor kitty be?
I saw a small boy go away with a basket,
And carry it down to the brook.
Perhaps it was kitty so cunning and pretty
I think I'll go down and look.
At last I have found her
The leaves falling 'round her away on the wall by the tree
Oh there is my kitty so cunning and pretty
Come, come naughty kitty to me.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, we hallow they name
May thy kingdom holy on earth be the same.
Oh give to us daily our portion of bread
For it is from thy bounty that all must be fed.
Forgive our transgressions and teach us to know
The humble compassion that pardon's each foe.
Keep us from temptation, from sorrow and sin
And thine be the glory, forever, Amen
To the tune of "Home, Sweet Home"
[Gene's mother, Leora, got into a cycle where she moved often--always finding some reason why she couldn't stay in the same place for very long. Since she lived in Los Angeles, her frequent moves created quite an inconvenience for the rest of the family. For a time, she agreed to rent an apartment in Claremont, but like all her other moves before, that only lasted for a short time and then she eventually moved back to Los Angeles.]
November 9, 1961
Dear Mother,
Your latest letter arrived yesterday. Also received a call from Carl Bradley yesterday afternoon. He tells me the place is ready. They painted through out and cleaned the carpets. He has sent the couch out to be reupholstered. It will be out one week and should you move in before it comes back, he will substitute another couch. He asked when you would be wanting to move in, and I said we hoped by the 18th.
Perry and I were sustained Sunday night in our ward as the coordinating committee to work with the missionaries in welcoming new members (newly baptized) into the ward and church. I am really rather in the dark as to what all of this means and what we will be expected to do. But today the missionaries came and asked if they could come in and explain this work to us. I told them we were some of us a little under the weather today. Then I invited them to come back Sunday afternoon after sacrament meeting. So that is when they will come.
Dale came home from school yesterday sick at his stomach and feverish. So am keeping him home today. Now this morning, I feel my old bladder trouble creeping up on me again. So am staying in bed or off my feet if I can. My, those are terrible disasters, terrible fires there in LA. Do hope they have them all checked by now. Some of those fires must be kind of close to our lovely temple.
Grant & Hope Williams |
Glad you got home ok Sunday evening. Yes, the wind picked up some here that night too. Yes, so far as I know, Perry will be able to get the trailer and help Pierce get you moved on the night of the 18th. We are all so glad you are moving out here. I feel as though this is the right thing for you for I have been praying about it. Love, Gene
p.s. Hope and Grant Williams and his brother and sister were here Monday night and left Tuesday morning. They were down here on business and stopped over with us on their return home.
December 6, 1961
Dear Perry & all,
Gene's letter came Monday. We were real glad to get it and get a little more detail of your doings. Sounds as though all of you really are busy. That is a full schedule for all of you. I will try and mail the box of things tomorrow as it is Elmer's day off, and we can take it up to the post office. All of the things may not be usable, but maybe most of them could be used for some home wear. Hazel and I have cleaned some of them, and the others look ok.
Elmer and I went down to Genevieve's the other day. They are busy too. They depended a lot on Floyd as long as he was home, but they seem to be getting along all right, and they are busy too. Lorin has two chapels now to look after. I don't know just what they get for that. Afton does beauty work for a shop down in Provo. Don goes to the BYU at 7 in the morning and comes home at 2 pm and works in the store close by. He gets a dollar per hour. Genevieve says the worst of it all is that they have to run the car so many times a day to Provo and back. Venice and family seem to be all right from what I hear once in a while. She hasn't time to write very often.
Perry, we are sending a check for $10 for Christmas. Put it where it is needed most. I had thought of giving each of the children $1, but maybe they can put it all together toward a suit for Daddy. Your father says not to worry about the other you borrowed.
I am glad you and Gene can work in that church capacity together. That is where you both have ability. I am going to relief society today. I am a relief society visiting teacher now and nothing else. Well, I had better seal this and be on my way. I am expecting June this afternoon to come and type some patriarchal blessings. [Elmer was the stake patriarch.] Love to all, Father and Mother
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