Saturday, September 28, 2013

Little John is born

Laura with baby brother John
July 6, 1971

Dear Perry,

For a long while I have had it on my mind to write and wishing to be able to visit without the cumbersome job of writing.

The 4th has passed. We tried to watch the parade on TV, but it wasn't very good--too much interference or something. I remember you saying you didn't like parades. I suppose you did too much marching and drumming in the hot sun. I thought of the poor folks who had to walk in the hot sun clear out to Liberty Park.

I wonder if anybody told you about Kent Bascom being a winner in the privilege of going to Europe with his music group? He has turned out to be a very good singer. They plan to go (that is some of them) to the London Temple, and he took his temple recommend. They go to all of the big cities of Europe. I hope we get to see and talk with him when he gets back.

Walter and Hazel came and painted our front room and kitchen and stairway to the basement. Then they came the next day and picked cherries. There were quite a few, and we have tried to give all the folks a taste. It was hard to keep them from the birds and the kids who seem to think that things like that are public property.

Dad and I went with Hope when she went to get Renee at the airport then went to Provo and saw her apartment location. She is a sweet child--so free from vanity. I think Hope and Grant and June have seen her since. I wish you would send us one of Jan's letters. We would surely like to hear from him. I asked Renee what Harriet would do without her and she laughed and said, "I don't know!"

We were glad to get word about Linda and Marian and Dale. It kind of seems like they belong to us. We went to David's ward when his and Barbara's little boy was blessed and named Michael David. They are very happy about him. Then that afternoon we went with the Hilbigs and Barbara's folks out to her parents place and had an outdoor picnic.

Hope is coming to take me to the bank and to the store to get something to eat. Love from Mother and Dad

July 12, 1971

Dear Mother and Dad,

It surely was good to get your letter. It has been a long time since we heard from you. In fact, I was just thinking I should write you--that perhaps it was really my turn.

It doesn't look like we will get up there this summer. Both of our cars are too old to make the trip, and with Renee in college and Jan on a mission, I don't want to buy a new one just yet--not with the economic situation the way it is now. But we are surely glad that Renee got to see you. Both she and Harriet have been wanting to see you especially since neither of them got to see you last summer when Gene and I and her mother came up.

We are surely pleased with the reports we hear from Jan. I will enclose a couple of letters. In fact, I will try to do that frequently. I am sure he would like you to have them and I'm sure you will enjoy them as we have. I hope he will find time to write you occasionally too.

I am supervising a summer reading program again this summer like I did last summer. It is a pretty nice job, and once everything is set up it is not too difficult. But I only work five hours a day for five weeks and then I will be "unemployed" again until school starts this fall. However I have been asked to employ my writing skill in writing materials about famous Mexican-Americans. It is on a consultant basis although I will be doing some of the actual writing. Also I still have my evening job so I manage to keep busy even though I am not rich.

Grandpa Manwaring, Grandpa Hartman,
Uncle Dale with Eric and baby John for his blessing
Did you hear about your new great-grandson, John Leslie Hartman? He was born on July 1. Linda is getting along real well. I suppose you will be getting more of the statistics later. Needless to say we are very happy.

Marian and her two were down for three weeks then Warren came and joined her. We surely did have a house full for a few weeks. We all helped Linda and Eric get their house fixed up. They have moved into one of those big old homes in Claremont. They surely have a lot of room but it surely took a lot of fixing to get it livable.

That was very interesting about Kent. Please take care of yourself. Are you keeping cool? It's real hot here now. Love, Perry

July 16, 1971

Dear Folks,

Perry has been holding up his letter to you till Marian sent back some of Jan's letters. They came today so will enclose a couple of them to you. He was transferred out of La Paz (the capital city) to a small jungle town in the southern part of Bolivia. He loves the people so much and especially the small villages.

We are all keeping very busy this summer. I've been putting up Linda's apricots and trying to help her some too though she really is doing so well! They have a beautiful baby boy and are so proud of him.

Harriet is taking a history class in summer school but is making plans and saving her money for a trip to Salt Lake and to Provo to visit her sister Renee. Must hurry. Do hope all is well with you both. Love, Gene

August 10, 1971

Dear Folks,

Perry and I are spending some time today at the Pomona Public Library. While he is reading and looking up some things, I thought I'd write a few lines. I've also made copies of Renee's and Jan's last letters, which we enjoyed so much, and will send them on to you to read too. Please let others of the family read them too.

We are so proud of all of our children. They are working so hard and conscientiously at their life's work and church callings and are showing such love and appreciation for each member of the family. You probably don't hear much from Dale and Carolyn. They both have jobs in their ward's MIA. She has a girls class and Dale has the boys plus he is the music leader also. He is a welder and works for a man who is a member in their stake. He is hoping to get back into school this fall too. Little Charlotte Renee is a real joy to us all. She reminds me some of Dale as a baby--so coy and full of smiles. She is a real beauty with deep blue eyes, dark auburn hair and Dale's dark skin. She is 10 months old now.

Maybe you've heard from Linda. You probably know they have moved into Claremont. They are renting a large old house on Indian Hill Blvd., so they are only about two miles from us. They moved in about 2 weeks before little John was born. She worked so hard and fast to get it ready for the new baby--even painting the baby's room and trying to keep everything watered outside.  She had a heavily-loaded apricot tree and peach tree among others in the backyard that would have died. The college kids that had lived in the place before them had sadly neglected the place.

She is so determined to keep the place up and make it look good. She and Eric are still painting inside. They have a large kitchen and back service porch, even a pantry, a dining room with built-in cupboards and drawers, a big living room and a closed-in sunporch. There's a big bedroom in front and another in the back. The floors are bare, but they are hardwood. She and Eric have only acquired the bare essentials in furniture, nothing new.

Laura with Grandpa's spring flowers
My mother and I gave Linda a little maple rocking chair after the baby was born. She was so pleased with it. The ward members gave Linda and Eric a wonderful party about 2 weeks ago. They got such a warm welcome and also so many nice things for little John. Little John is growing and thriving and Laura is an alert but sweet little girl who loves her mommy and daddy so very much.

They attend church so faithfully. On the last week of July we had our BYU Education Week here in Pomona Stake. Linda and I attended (taking the children too) and she expressed a desire to go to the temple before it closed. So Perry and Linda and I went in early on the last day of July. We enjoyed it so much.

We have been trying to live through (comfortably) this 100 degree-plus weather we've had for over a week using our cool basement room in the hot afternoons. My mother has an air conditioner in her room or else she couldn't survive--she suffers the heat so. Perry and I have gone in to Los Angeles and once to Laguna Beach to the Art Festival and have escaped the heat some that way too.

[Either Gene never finished this letter or the closing page has been lost for it stops abruptly here.]

Laura, Spring 1971 at Grandma & Grandpa Manwaring's
August 12, 1971

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

We just developed some film we'd had in our camera awhile, and I'm enclosing a copy of one Eric took of Laura up at Dad's place last spring. I know you'll enjoy seeing how she's grown.

We're all fine but suffering from the heat and looking forward to cooler weather. Eric's planning to re-enter college this fall with the intent to become a shop teacher--a job he feels he'd prefer to what he has now. We certainly would like to accomplish this goal and pray that we can.

We're having lots of fun fixing up our big, old house. We work on one room at a time and get it just right then move on to the next. Since moving here, we haven't had time to watch TV once, which I think is wonderful.

Tell Renee and Harriet hello for me when you see them. I believe they're planning on a visit with you this weekend. Certainly hope you're enjoying good health. Love, Linda

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Renee Goes to BYU

Leora Fast, Claremont, CA
April 19, 1971

Dear Gene,

Received your Easter greeting last week. I've been so sick the last two weeks. My stomach has been giving me misery night and day. It has troubled me before a little but not like this. It's getting me so nervous. I break down and cry and am so nervous. I just can't go any place for even an hour to shop or ride a little but what I suffer from it.

Gene, I wasn't hinting around to you for money, but I do appreciate it. All I wanted to know was about the old age pension that your mother receives. Is it the same as it is here in this state, and are they doing me right? I told you in my last letter what I do, and I wonder why Leola can't receive the same as she does when she goes to a stranger's home. They'll give such big checks to these nursing homes, but when she is in my home, then they balk even tho we give her all the care they need and love, etc. I can't understand it. Someone told me California didn't work that way. Each state should operate the same way.

I've had her in sheltered homes and they'd give them a big check for nursing care, and then I'd go and find her in a pitiful, dirty condition. Her toenails were so long one time that they were turned under and cutting in her flesh, and she was filthy and even her hair looked like a rat's nest. I reported it and the doctor saw it and almost had a fit. And the lady got so violently mad, but yet they were paying her for sheltered care.

Leola is now (thank God) very well and is so contented and happy Gene. It's not bad when she does what you tell her like a small child. They don't give a care in these institutions and let them go dirty, wet or whatever. I feel so sorry for some of the old ladies in that nursing home. Some are just tied into a straight chair and begging to be put to bed but having to sit there tied--80 and 90-year-old women. Poor things. I asked Leola if she wanted to go back to Hill Top Home and she said, "No!" Says, "I want to stay here."

She doesn't talk much, only when I talk to her and that's past memories that she has gone through. She has gained about ten pounds since I've had her. So I feel happy that I've got her. It's less worry on me.  Of course, if she'd get ugly or stubborn it would worry me, but she's always just as sweet as she can be. And when I bring her ice cream, candy or comb her hair, she'll always say, "Thank you Minnie."

Well, Gene, I wasn't hinting around for money from you, but I do want to know how and what they give there. They send me a check for $52 to help on her clothes, household necessities, etc, but they do not allow a thing for shelter. Why do they cut things down so low for us relatives when they'll give 3 or 4 times that much to these nursing or sheltered homes and then won't be decent with them. I can't understand it. My heart just bleeds for some of the poor patients I've seen in these places. I'm so glad you have your mother. Bless your heart.

Well enough of this. I must close and get dressed. Leola sits and sleeps most of the time and only gets up and walks all around the house with her cane and says, "I've got to exercise!" When it stays warm, she can get out in the yard and look at the flowers. Well, Gene, I thank you for your gift and I will use it for her. She does need some wash-and-wear dresses now. Love to you and your family, Aunt Minnie & Uncle Arthur

April 25, 1971

Dear Mother,

Received your good letter over a week ago, but because of this constant headache I'm very slow getting an answer to you. In fact, I'm kind of slow at everything! I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself. Sounds like you have been doing lots of things and going lots of places. I'm so glad you are getting better acquainted with all of your grandchildren up there too. I'm sure they keep life very interesting with all of their work and lively activities. It must truly be a "house of action" as you used to say of us.

Elmer and Leona, Claremont
The weather here has been so cold (and now rainy too) in fact ever since Easter. Perry wants to invite his dad and mother down for a few days in May. Since Perry and his dad both have May birthdays, we thought it would be great if they could spend them together here. And of course it would be easier for them to come down (fly) here than for us to go up there.

So if you want to spend a few more days up there, I think you should. Your checks will be coming in a few days and I'll mail them to you. Your room is fine here and no one bothers your things. I have had a card from Flossie. She is so happy to hear you are having a good visit with Dick and his family.

I've also just had another letter from Aunt Minnie. Her health isn't so good, but she says Aunt Leola is so much better now that she is home with her. I will try to write her soon too. Now enjoy yourself. I'm sure you'll get back here in time for Renee's graduation and some better weather in June. Love, Gene & all

April 26, 1971

Dear Mother and Dad,

It has been a long time since I wrote. I am pretty sure it is my turn. But the real reason for my writing is to suggest something to you and see what you think about it.  We were talking last night about you, and Renee and Harriet were both saying how they wish they could see you especially since they didn't get to see you last summer. And it may be that we won't get to come up and see you this summer because I am afraid the car wouldn't make that long of a trip it is so old. And I don't really want to buy a new car at least until fall if I can help it.

So we were wondering if you wouldn't like to fly down here. It only takes about one hour on the plane and we could pick you up at the Ontario Airport, which is only about fifteen minutes from our house. If Hope and Grant could put you on the plane up there, we could get you here and it would not be tiring at all to you.

Claremont lawn and flowers, July 1971
Also Gene's mother is up visiting with Dick and Betty, so we have a spare bedroom. She is gong to be up there until the end of May. We thought that if you could come about in the early part of May, we could celebrate Mother's Day, my birthday and Dad's birthday all together. You wouldn't have to stay very long--just a few days like over a weekend if you wanted to. The weather should be very nice at that time, and our yard looks the nicest it has ever looked. I would really like you to see it. In fact, it is really the nicest looking property on the street.

Don't you think you could come? I think it would be a wonderful trip for you. Also Dale and Carol would really like to see you and show their little Charlotte off to you. She is really a beautiful child with beautiful black hair. Then there is Eric and Linda here too and their little Laura is just a lovely little girl. I'm sure you would just love her. And Eric would really like to see you, Dad. You are one person he really respects. I think it would be a great experience for all of us. And we have some slides and tapes which Jan has sent from Bolivia. We could show them to you and you could hear his voice.

You may think that flying is rather expensive for the two of you, but don't you think you have earned it after all of these years? It would be $200 round trip for the two of you. But when you consider the time saved and the extra comfort it is really worth it. Don't you think you owe yourselves a real good trip after all of these years? I do!

Please think it over and let us know. We have plenty of room and it would be a wonderful way for all of us here in Southern California to see you. We would treat you like royalty. Please come! Dad, you needn't worry about the safety in flying. It is much safer than the highways, and at your age it is infinitely more safe.

Please write us back and let us know what you think. And please decide in the affirmative. Write immediately. Love, Perry

May 24, 1971

Dear Mother & Dad,

After calling you on the telephone, I never did follow it up with a letter, which I really should have done. but I hope you accepted the telephone call as both a birthday greeting and a Mother's Day greeting to Mother. How are you now? I am still hoping that we may get up to see you this summer, but I can't say for sure. But I'm still remembering, Dad, that you said maybe you would come down around your wedding anniversary or Mother's birthday.

Renee, Claremont yard, 1971
Anyway, I guess Renee will be seeing you before long. She will be leaving about the 10th for BYU. She will actually miss her own graduation, but she wanted to be at the Y more. She is really excited about going, and of course we are too. She is a very good student, and I'm certain she will do well.

I surely do feel that we have been blessed this past year. We have kept Jan on his mission and now we are able to send Renee away to college too. There is so much unemployment around here. While so many people have no job, I still have two--or at least one and a half. And even my evening job has been cut back so much that all of the teachers were cut back from five nights a week to two nights a week. But I have still been working my regular five nights because I was in reading, which involved federal rather than state funds.

Last night in sacrament meeting several parents of missionaries spoke and reported about their missionary son or daughter. I talked about Jan. I mentioned how so often missionaries say the two years were the happiest two years of their life. Then I said these two years of Jan's mission could very well be the happiest two years of my life.

Well, summer seems to have broken through. Now I we will probably get a lot of heat after a real cool spring, but that should make my summer flowers grow. I have surely had some beautiful spring flowers. For summer color I have planted a lot of zinnias because they aren't as demanding as a lot of other flowers. I haven't grown any of those since I was a child back in Roosevelt. Do you remember?

Well, I must go. Give our love and best wishes to all the others up there. Love, Perry

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Perry & Gene's First Grandson Arrives

Elmer's sister, Thelma, and his brother, Dee
January 28, 1971
Vernal, Utah

Dear Gene, Perry & Family,

I had a letter from Linda and she told me about your mother Gene. I'm very sorry. It is too bad a person can't go to see a friend without being beat up like that. I can't understand why people have to act like that. I hope she can soon be well and doesn't have to suffer too much.

How is Jan? I suppose he is doing a wonderful work and enjoying his mission like all the rest. We have 6 great-grand boys out on missions right now. Makes me so proud of them when they stay faithful and go help spread the gospel to others instead of drifting out and into company they shouldn't be in.

Right now we are having nice weather. The first of this month we had a real cold wind. When it stopped, the temperature went down to 20 below zero and I about froze every time I had to open the door. I was glad when that was over and it warmed up. Everything was in a bad mess. The roads were closed--people getting stranded. We had such heavy fog we couldn't see. Ashel's wife and daughter got to Heber and couldn't come on in. That is why I told Dale we would welcome him or any of you with open arms come summer. So you folks come and see us. We would love to have you. I just didn't want anyone to get stuck in any bad storm. my love to you all, Aunt Thelma

January 29, 1971

Dear Gene,

I just now got your letter. Had written your mother this morning hoping maybe she could come in sometime but if you can help it, never let her come in again by herself. I have had a feeling all along that something like this would happen to her. Sorry I did not know this before, and I was surprised when I read your letter today. Wish Perry or Pierce had phoned me. What credentials did she have on her?

I never go down town here just in case something like this could happen, but she has apparently never felt afraid. Why come in here to get her hair fixed anyway? Do keep me informed as to her condition. Would like to come and see her but it is a long trip, and I have to go downtown to take the bus. Did your mother have any money with her? That is a small item compared to being hurt.

Lots of sickness around here but so far I have escaped.
Lots of love to all, Flossie [Flossie was a close friend of Leora's]

February 11, 1971
Sacramento, CA

Dear Perry,

Thanks for calling us the other night. Thanks for the decisions and the chasing and all that you're doing for Mom too. I'm so thankful you got someone to take care of her at the General Hospital [Los Angeles] finally. Please write and tell what they did for her. [Grandma Leora would sometimes take a bus into LA to visit her friends, and this time she got mugged, her jaw broken and her purse stolen.]

Perry, all the money I had is gone--and it was all spent wisely too. I don't know what Marian and Warren would have done without the few extra dollars I had left. Warren had to pay $1.75 extra for each day of Marian's stay at the hospital (5 days). He got his Seminary paycheck today. They are using food stamps too. [At this time Warren was still in the Air Force.] Anyway, I will need some money for a return trip ticket and a little extra.

Laura Hartman, Cherylen & David Bodily, 1972
Marian wants me to stay another week too and I really think I should. The baby is so good, not a bit demanding, but Marian has a lot of ground to cover before she'll be back to normal. She is quite anemic and can't lift or carry a thing tho she gets up and around a little each day. She tires so easily. She eats good and is nursing the baby so well.

Cherylen's cold is better today and I don't seem to be getting it tho I had a sore throat for two days. I've gargled, etc. Will you please call Brother Rollins and ask him if he'd take my Sunday School class one more time. If he can't, I know Brother Hartman would!

How is the food holding out? How is the little housekeeper holding out?! And little Laura? Hope there's been no bad accidents like flooding-over wash machines or anyone slipping and falling down stairs or in the bathtub. Those are my worst nightmares!

Tell everyone we have a beautiful little grandson with dark-brown hair and eyes like his mommy and so quiet and good--not colicky like his mom was. Warren is so proud too. He wants to know if we can all come up the week of Easter vacation. He'd like you to help bless the little fellow then.

What do you hear from Dale and Carolyn. Hope she got over her bronchial cold okay. We mailed her a birthday card yesterday. Everybody forgot birthdays around here--we were so busy with the baby and Marian and schedules, etc. It didn't hit us till late in the afternoon. Then Marian insisted on us making a boston-cream pie. (She didn't have to twist my arm.) It was a nice birthday supper, baked spareribs, rice, etc. And the pie turned out so good.

Tell Harriet and Renee to write. I sure miss all of you. And I feel like I'm missing so much action! Must give to Warren to mail. More later. Love, Gene

February 12, 1971

Dear Perry & All,

We were very glad Hazel called you folks the morning of the quake for we here didn't know of its happening until later. We were still sound asleep I suppose. Now somebody write and tell us how badly you there were treated. My, that was terrible for a lot of people. [The San Fernando earthquake hit February 9, 1971 and caused a lot of damage in the Los Angeles area to roads, homes, medical facilities, etc.]

This is Valentine's Day and we have a ward dinner to go to tonight, so Dad is sleeping in preparation. A day or two ago I went to a store with Hope and saw two Valentines that pleased me (for Harriet and Renee). Then I got switched off and sent one of them to Wayne Cook, thinking I could buy another before I needed to send them. Then my chance didn't come to get another, so Renee has one due her.

The day is nice and sunny, but I don't venture out much on the streets especially to go up to the Highland Drugstore, or I would go up there now. It worries Dad so. He just can't stand it to think of my having to cross two highways where there are no stop lights.

We are well here. Give our love to all, and we're surely be pleased when we can see all of the new arrivals. We are glad for Marian, and Dad is pleased with the name. [David Gregory Bodily] Is Gregory a special name? [According to David, Gregory was the name of a good friend of his parents when they were first dating. Now, he says, it's the name his wife, Holly, and his mother use when he's in "big trouble. :)"] Love to all, Mother and Dad

Harriet & Renee, April 1971
"Sitting in front of Dad's poppies."
April 22, 1971

Dear Perry & All,

We have read Renee's and Harriet's cards and are still wishing for more. We hope all is well with you as it is here with us. Dad got over his flu or whatever it was and is feeling fine. We are having some rain about every day, but everything looks good--the lawn, the bushes and the fruit blossoms. I hope they don't freeze.

Hazel and Walter came and trimmed the bushes, etc. I don't know how Hazel keeps up her energy. You can't get her to quit. Then she asked Dad and me to dinner Sunday with David and Barbara. So with Hope and Grant always doing something, you know, we are pretty well taken care of. And June, Floyd, and all are always doing something or other for us.

I think a lot about Jan and wonder how he is? You wrote about going to see Marian and Warren. Glad to hear about them. I think they gave the baby a very nice name. I do not know their address, so I will ask you folks to deliver this to them. Barbara and David expect their baby in May.

Thelma was out here for several days to have her eyes examined and her bronchitis cleared up. There are different opinions among the family members as to whether she should have her eyes operated on or not. She is surely going blind, and some (Ashel and Dee mainly) fear for an operation on account of what was done for Uncle Byron.Bbut he had diabetes and diabetics don't heal. I guess it should never have been done in the first place. We have promised to help Thelma if it is done.

Well, here is hoping all is well and all are happy. We have signed for the continuation of your Church section. Thanks Renee and Harriet Lea for your good pictures. Love Mother & Dad

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Little Charlotte is Born

Jan - a picture from his mission
September 29, 1970 (Tuesday)

Dear Folks,

Just a short letter to you as I want to get it in the mail soon in hopes you'll receive it tomorrow! We just received our first letter from Jan from the language school in Provo. He is so busy studying 12 hours a day. In 8 weeks he will be speaking Spanish fluently. He has such a great spirit too. He can hardly wait to get to Bolivia to teach the people the gospel and give them the Book of Mormon. We are so happy for him. Do wish he'd have gotten to Salt Lake a day earlier though so he could have visited with you folks.

He was so well remembered by many members of our ward who all gave him a little cash to go on. He bought all his own clothes and will be able to support himself for several months. We are so proud of him. He is writing to everyone, trying to acknowledge all who remembered him.

Linda has been wanting to make a trip up to Salt Lake for some time and is trying to find a way to go to General Conference. She wants to bring the baby, little Laura Fenn. It's you folks she wants to visit. She wants you to see and enjoy Laura. (She may not find a ride, but we're trying!) Perry took them all to the LA County Fair last Saturday morning to see the animals, etc. They had a wonderful time. Perry and Eric are both enjoying the baby so much.

The weather is so dry and hot here this week. (Last week too.) And you have probably been reading about all of the fires down here too. It really is frightening and tragic to see the clear blue sky fill up with giant billows of black and gray smoke till it covers the sun at noon day like a rain storm and smells so awful of burned wood and then see the black and gray soot and ashes fall all over our porches and lawns.

Our Patriarch Bullock's home was barely spared in the Ganesha Hills in Pomona Sunday where many homes burned to the ground. Yesterday the fires were north of Fontana about 20 miles east of us, which seemed to burn mostly trees, brush and game land. I wish we could have rain, but it's too early for that I'm afraid. If only the hot dry winds would stop blowing.

Did Perry tell you he was put in to our Sunday School superintendency 2 weeks ago? I was asked to be secretary of the Young Womens, which I think I will enjoy tho I am still a Sunday School teacher too and I don't want to give that up.

We are all fine--Mother Fast too. We enjoy your letters so much. Hope you are both well. Our love to you both and all the loved ones who come in to see you. Love, Gene

PS. We all enjoy the Church News every week--read it from cover to cover. Thanks Mother.

October 6, 1970

Dear Mother & Dad,

I can't remember when I wrote you last, but I know it's been a long time. We all enjoy your letters so much that I know I must write if for no other reason than to keep yours coming. We have had some bad fires down here near us. Fortunately we haven't been threatened, but quite a few people had to evacuate and about ten very expensive homes were completely destroyed in Pomona. Just the other night the hills to the north of us were a solid red glow of fire and we were covered with ash fallout. But now we have had some rains so everything is contained or out.

Jan is in the language school at BYU. We have had one letter from him, and he likes it very much. I guess you didn't get to see him when he was in Salt Lake. He had planned to, but he didn't get away from Sacramento soon enough plus he had to layover several hours in Reno. We are surely pleased in what he is doing. He worked so hard this summer to save for it. Now we feel a little bit empty with him gone.

Carolyn, Dale & baby Charlotte, September 1971
We were able to get the Conference Sunday morning and of course we thought of you because we knew you would be watching it too. Dale and Carol are expecting their arrival any day now. So you will probably be hearing word on that before too long.

How is your health? We are all well. We've never been better, I guess, except I get tired quicker than I did 20 years ago. I had a good physical and I seem to be in tiptop shape, but the doctor wants me to lose some weight. So Gene and I are both working on it. It surely doesn't come off as easy as it goes on, does it?

Saturday we are going up to Yucaipa. That is an area near here that is cool enough to grow apples. We are going to buy some for eating and canning. They don't have the beautiful color of the Utah and Washington apples, but they are good. Mother, Gene and the children talk about the good apples you put up--you know, the ones that are quartered and bottled? Did you add anything besides sugar? Any spices? And did you do them open kettle or the cold pack, hot bath method? Would you please write and tell us how you did it? We want to bottle some.

I'm sorry we didn't even remember or acknowledge your wedding anniversary in September. Our 26th one is coming up next week the 13th. It doesn't seem possible that that many years have slipped away. I must close now. Keep well and safe and write when you can. Love, Perry

October 10, 1970

Dear Perry & Gene,

Your letter came yesterday, and, Perry, you have written this fall more often than usual, and it seems good. So in answer to the cooking of apples, I will write about that first. I cannot remember anything special about it. I must have done them by "open bottle" method, mostly, for it seems that I cooked windfalls, and they were not always very tender. But I do know that a good lid on top helps to preserve the flavor and the fruit cooks quicker. Peaches definitely are better in the cold pack method. I have generally added a "pinch" of cloves or cinnamon to the apples in cooking. Venna came last Sunday and brought us a box of apples--some a beautiful red and some green. They are quite hard yet.

Thelma was here with us during Conference. We got everything fine on TV. We were sorry we didn't get to see Jan. I hope a group of us can see him off at the airport. We have had one letter from him, and he mentioned it too, hoping we could. He surely does have enthusiasm. I said, "That alone ought to convince a lot of people." He enjoyed the temple sessions too he said.

Perry's mission picture
Yes, Perry, I remember when you left on your mission. Hazel could hardly remember till I reminded her that Zeke Cook took us out to the airport to see you off, or was it at the station? You and one other were missionaries and quite a group were the first to leave for the war.

June is settled quite comfortably in her own home. Hope stays with her sometimes when Grant is away. They get good reports from Kerry Dee. The girl he likes lives close by Grant and Hope. They think she is fine, and they like her.

I thought Dale's baby's arrival was to be in December. David and Barbara are expecting a baby, but I don't know when. I know Hazel will be glad. She always felt the loss of having but one.

It is a gloomy, rainy day. Elmer is asleep, and I guess I will join him. Love, Mother & Dad

November 11, 1970

Dear Perry & All,

The days go by and Thanksgiving time will soon be here again. We have had beautiful weather and the colors have been gorgeous. And every little while I have thought of you saying, "When the frost is on the pumpkin," etc. I guess the frost is on the pumpkin now, tho we don't have any to see. The tree leaves are gone and hauled away. Grant hauled ours away. The weather is still nice. Hazel has asked us up to her house with June for Thanksgiving, and I don't know about Hope, Grant and Nelson who is here for awhile.

Grant wrote to Jan, telling him that he would take us to the airport to see him off when he goes. My, I can hardly picture Jan who such a short time ago was such a little boy. And Dale being the father of a little daughter! How are Dale and all getting along?

Nelson is here with his parents. He likes his work up in Alaska and will go back after Thanksgiving. Hope says he gets about as much pay per month as Grant does in his work, which is pretty good you know.

Dad and I have been going to the temple quite regularly. It is a stormy day. I will close and hope the mailman doesn't pass our house by as he sometimes does. I had to get another hearing aid, and they cost so much! The sky is getting real black. Love Mother

December 9, 1970

Dear Perry and All,

First, let me say we are having real Christmas weather--everything white with snow--trees and bushes, but sloppy roads. Christmas is in the air. Hope took us to the store. Then we went to her home for dinner. I haven't bought any Christmas cards yet and am wondering if I should. That is a real job, writing and addressing a lot of cards!

What we are wishing for most is to hear about Jan. Please send us some word how he made it there and how he is doing. He was so enthusiastic. I hope he is not terribly disappointed in the people and in the country. I have looked up maps and pictures of Bolivia to see what kind of  animals, birds, etc. are there. We are studying the Book of Mormon in Sunday School and it is interesting. We would surely like to hear about him.

And how are all of you? I just went with Hope to get some things, and we got a few cards, so you get the first one. Give us all of the married children's addresses. I have Dale's, if it is the same as when he told us about the baby. Love to all, Grandpa and Grandma

Baby Laura, March 1970
December 1970

Dear Grandma & Grandpa,

I don't think you've ever seen Laura so this picture will have to do for now. She's sure cute--says lots of words and can even sing a few little tunes. We're expecting another baby in July. Merry Christmas. We sure love you, Linda, Eric & Laura