Elmer's sister, Thelma, and his brother, Dee |
Vernal, Utah
Dear Gene, Perry & Family,
I had a letter from Linda and she told me about your mother Gene. I'm very sorry. It is too bad a person can't go to see a friend without being beat up like that. I can't understand why people have to act like that. I hope she can soon be well and doesn't have to suffer too much.
How is Jan? I suppose he is doing a wonderful work and enjoying his mission like all the rest. We have 6 great-grand boys out on missions right now. Makes me so proud of them when they stay faithful and go help spread the gospel to others instead of drifting out and into company they shouldn't be in.
Right now we are having nice weather. The first of this month we had a real cold wind. When it stopped, the temperature went down to 20 below zero and I about froze every time I had to open the door. I was glad when that was over and it warmed up. Everything was in a bad mess. The roads were closed--people getting stranded. We had such heavy fog we couldn't see. Ashel's wife and daughter got to Heber and couldn't come on in. That is why I told Dale we would welcome him or any of you with open arms come summer. So you folks come and see us. We would love to have you. I just didn't want anyone to get stuck in any bad storm. my love to you all, Aunt Thelma
January 29, 1971
Dear Gene,
I just now got your letter. Had written your mother this morning hoping maybe she could come in sometime but if you can help it, never let her come in again by herself. I have had a feeling all along that something like this would happen to her. Sorry I did not know this before, and I was surprised when I read your letter today. Wish Perry or Pierce had phoned me. What credentials did she have on her?
I never go down town here just in case something like this could happen, but she has apparently never felt afraid. Why come in here to get her hair fixed anyway? Do keep me informed as to her condition. Would like to come and see her but it is a long trip, and I have to go downtown to take the bus. Did your mother have any money with her? That is a small item compared to being hurt.
Lots of sickness around here but so far I have escaped.
Lots of love to all, Flossie [Flossie was a close friend of Leora's]
February 11, 1971
Sacramento, CA
Dear Perry,
Thanks for calling us the other night. Thanks for the decisions and the chasing and all that you're doing for Mom too. I'm so thankful you got someone to take care of her at the General Hospital [Los Angeles] finally. Please write and tell what they did for her. [Grandma Leora would sometimes take a bus into LA to visit her friends, and this time she got mugged, her jaw broken and her purse stolen.]
Perry, all the money I had is gone--and it was all spent wisely too. I don't know what Marian and Warren would have done without the few extra dollars I had left. Warren had to pay $1.75 extra for each day of Marian's stay at the hospital (5 days). He got his Seminary paycheck today. They are using food stamps too. [At this time Warren was still in the Air Force.] Anyway, I will need some money for a return trip ticket and a little extra.
Laura Hartman, Cherylen & David Bodily, 1972 |
Cherylen's cold is better today and I don't seem to be getting it tho I had a sore throat for two days. I've gargled, etc. Will you please call Brother Rollins and ask him if he'd take my Sunday School class one more time. If he can't, I know Brother Hartman would!
How is the food holding out? How is the little housekeeper holding out?! And little Laura? Hope there's been no bad accidents like flooding-over wash machines or anyone slipping and falling down stairs or in the bathtub. Those are my worst nightmares!
Tell everyone we have a beautiful little grandson with dark-brown hair and eyes like his mommy and so quiet and good--not colicky like his mom was. Warren is so proud too. He wants to know if we can all come up the week of Easter vacation. He'd like you to help bless the little fellow then.
What do you hear from Dale and Carolyn. Hope she got over her bronchial cold okay. We mailed her a birthday card yesterday. Everybody forgot birthdays around here--we were so busy with the baby and Marian and schedules, etc. It didn't hit us till late in the afternoon. Then Marian insisted on us making a boston-cream pie. (She didn't have to twist my arm.) It was a nice birthday supper, baked spareribs, rice, etc. And the pie turned out so good.
Tell Harriet and Renee to write. I sure miss all of you. And I feel like I'm missing so much action! Must give to Warren to mail. More later. Love, Gene
February 12, 1971
Dear Perry & All,
We were very glad Hazel called you folks the morning of the quake for we here didn't know of its happening until later. We were still sound asleep I suppose. Now somebody write and tell us how badly you there were treated. My, that was terrible for a lot of people. [The San Fernando earthquake hit February 9, 1971 and caused a lot of damage in the Los Angeles area to roads, homes, medical facilities, etc.]
This is Valentine's Day and we have a ward dinner to go to tonight, so Dad is sleeping in preparation. A day or two ago I went to a store with Hope and saw two Valentines that pleased me (for Harriet and Renee). Then I got switched off and sent one of them to Wayne Cook, thinking I could buy another before I needed to send them. Then my chance didn't come to get another, so Renee has one due her.
The day is nice and sunny, but I don't venture out much on the streets especially to go up to the Highland Drugstore, or I would go up there now. It worries Dad so. He just can't stand it to think of my having to cross two highways where there are no stop lights.
We are well here. Give our love to all, and we're surely be pleased when we can see all of the new arrivals. We are glad for Marian, and Dad is pleased with the name. [David Gregory Bodily] Is Gregory a special name? [According to David, Gregory was the name of a good friend of his parents when they were first dating. Now, he says, it's the name his wife, Holly, and his mother use when he's in "big trouble. :)"] Love to all, Mother and Dad
Harriet & Renee, April 1971 "Sitting in front of Dad's poppies." |
Dear Perry & All,
We have read Renee's and Harriet's cards and are still wishing for more. We hope all is well with you as it is here with us. Dad got over his flu or whatever it was and is feeling fine. We are having some rain about every day, but everything looks good--the lawn, the bushes and the fruit blossoms. I hope they don't freeze.
Hazel and Walter came and trimmed the bushes, etc. I don't know how Hazel keeps up her energy. You can't get her to quit. Then she asked Dad and me to dinner Sunday with David and Barbara. So with Hope and Grant always doing something, you know, we are pretty well taken care of. And June, Floyd, and all are always doing something or other for us.
I think a lot about Jan and wonder how he is? You wrote about going to see Marian and Warren. Glad to hear about them. I think they gave the baby a very nice name. I do not know their address, so I will ask you folks to deliver this to them. Barbara and David expect their baby in May.
Thelma was out here for several days to have her eyes examined and her bronchitis cleared up. There are different opinions among the family members as to whether she should have her eyes operated on or not. She is surely going blind, and some (Ashel and Dee mainly) fear for an operation on account of what was done for Uncle Byron.Bbut he had diabetes and diabetics don't heal. I guess it should never have been done in the first place. We have promised to help Thelma if it is done.
Well, here is hoping all is well and all are happy. We have signed for the continuation of your Church section. Thanks Renee and Harriet Lea for your good pictures. Love Mother & Dad
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