Family vacation to Vernal, Utah 1966 |
Dear Gene,
This has been an unusual 4th of July to me--so many events have come up since the 1st and that day we went to the temple. It really boosted my spirit to get to go. I was glad we could go to the reception. [Pierce's daughter, Valerie, was married.] Only wish that Linda and Marian could have experienced that for some day we hope they will. But having this chance to see it all experienced by one of the family helps a lot to know what to expect when another of our family will have that experience too if they live the teachings of the church and choose a life companion.
Your dad and I as well as you, Rich and Pierce had to find the church through a depression, a war and other complex situations by meeting some very fine LDS members in Washington DC. I have often wondered since of those two young men, missionaries, that talked to your father in our upper flat where we lived while on Layton Blvd., Milwaukee. I wish I'd gone in and listened to what they had to say. Anyway, the depression finally got us into Maryland. Then a little more depression and war got us into Washington DC.
I meant to bring those books of mine of the temple family records, but you did say you wanted to look them over. There may be some more names to enter. I'm glad I did a lot of that when my eyes were in good shape. Your girls should get interested in this work too. Probably your dad wonders why we don't, so he can get more of the family together over there where he is. But we worry more about our worldly possessions here and things we can't take with us. I feel the Lord only wants a good, clean spirit, and it's all we can take with us.
I thought Valerie's wedding and reception were so beautiful. It took me back to when we all as a family were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple after we came here to California. I was the last one to be baptized and also in Adams Ward Chapel. Pierce got that experience [of baptizing his mother] before he became a missionary. It's good family history to think about. Take good care of my genealogy record books. I have some of Dad's work here when he studied it. Love to all, Mother (Leora)
October 25, 1967
Dear All,
The poor Indians had nearly everything taken from them. In Oklahoma, they were given the part called Indian Territory, which our early settlers thought wasn't much good, but that section of Oklahoma ended up with rich oil wells instead of wheat and grazing lands. My father was one that the land dealers enticed to go there and buy "good wheat land acres." I expect my father and mother would have moved there during those years if my parents hadn't died with that terrible siege of measles and pneumonia (which we kids were exposed to at school.) These days and times we're more or less taken care of by the shots the doctors give us all.
But during those times, the poor Indian races were the ones being pushed around. I can remember seeing quite a few around Tulsa and the oil fields when I visited Brother and Susie. He worked for an oil company for several years. He met Susie, his wife--think she was a Texas girl. Now Pearl (Brother's second wife) has taken her place, and she is a fine person too. I've heard before Susie wanted Pearl to take her place so Brother wouldn't be alone and Pearl would take good care of him and their two children, Lucille and Nixon.
Pearl is really a good person. I should write them oftener. But I wish my eyes were in better shape. I have to have a bright light over me now as I write, but this hot, bright sun is no good. Sometimes I wish I'd rented an apartment on the north side. This sun and hot weather has been terrific this year. I'm wondering if our old earth is nearing the time when it will be destroyed by fire. I think during Noah's time would be the best way to go. I feel it would be the easiest way to die. Anyway, Noah saved enough people to populate the earth again with so many races and getting more wicked too.
I hope none of these terrible fires come near you folks or Pierce's location either. Wonder how the weather is or has been in Utah. Do you hear from any of the relatives? I haven't heard from Rich or any of the family for so long. I should write him and Betty. Wonder if they have any time to do any temple work. Since my eyes have been causing me to have less eye sight, it's taken the joy all out of it for me as to the work of research and temple work. I know there are some of Dad's family group sheets and mine too, I expect, that are neglected and no temple work done.
Some one of our family should do the temple work for your Aunt Harriet and Edith. I haven't gotten their death dates down on the family group sheet yet. I don't know whether Pierce got the dates down or not. He had our books out at their home a good while. I hope they made copies for themselves. My eyes are not capable of doing anymore records or research. If some of us don't do it, we are letting the family down and they will not be recorded or get together on the other side so they can progress. I've written so much on this now. Their spirits surely are trying to urge me to get our family or some of them interested in this very important work of our temple and strengthen our faith in it.
This terrible, bright and hot sun we're having now is very bad for any of our eyes. I have a very dark pair of eye glasses I bought a year ago. I better close. Love, Mother (Leora)
Spring, 1968, Salt Lake City Gene, Renee and Harriet |
Dear Mother,
Your letter and card came today. It was good to hear from you. I wanted to write you sooner but have been so busy and kept thinking I'd come in and visit you soon. I've been sewing like crazy plus being so busy in my Relief society work. I made Harriet a pretty plaid wool suit last week which she modeled in a fashion show at her school.
(Saturday) Here it is Saturday morning. I worked all day yesterday to make Harriet a nightgown to wear at a slumber party last night to her little girlfriend's house. She badly needed the nightgown and the material was given to me several years ago. It turned out real cute but kept me busy all day.
We are planning our stake conference this weekend. Apostle Howard W. Hunter is here this time to reorganize our stake presidency. Our President Peel and his counselors will be released. We will have a new president chosen. Perry was called in this morning for a five-minute interview with the apostle. All of the high councilmen had to be interviewed. We don't know yet who will be chosen. We'll find out tomorrow I guess.
I have a letter and some pictures for you from Florence Dart (Ralph's wife.) She didn't know your latest address so sent it to me. I'll send the letter to you and bring the pictures later. They are copies of pictures taken of us kids when we were small. Please keep the letter as I would like to write florence too. I want to ask her for copies of the pictures that were collected from Aunt Harriet's things in the old Princeville home--pictures of Daddy's people--the Fast family. You must write her. Hope I can come see you soon. Must run now. Maybe you'll get this Monday. Love, Gene
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