January 10, 1967
Dear Linda,
How do you like the picture? I think it's ok, but my smile is snooty and stuck-up and my eyes are skinny. I really miss you guys and time is going so slow! We haven't forgotten your birthday!
How come you never write me? Too much school work?? Same here. Believe it or not, the weather here is very hot and we get to swim in PE. Well, got to go do my homework now! Bye, love, Harriet
PS. How did you like the candy I gave you for the ride home?
January 23, 1967
Dear Mother,
It was good to hear your voice again. You sound well. I do hope you can remain that way. There has been and is so much sickness in our ward here (colds, flu and croup and other afflictions). We are all well now here, but I am worried about Marian. She never gets enough rest and now we are afraid she has mononucleosis. If this is the case, I don't know how she is going to finish her 1st year of college this year! We are just waiting to hear of the doctor's report on her from BYU.
Perry's sister (oldest sister Genevieve) who lived near Provo passed away last Sunday evening, January 15th. Perry went by bus up to the funeral Wednesday and came right back home by Friday afternoon. He said it was a wonderful (typical reunion-type) funeral. Everyone was there, even old friends of his. Even Dick was there. Genevieve and her family were so highly thought of and loved by all. Such high tributes were paid her, Perry says. She has such wonderful children--all such faithful, loyal LDS. All married except Don, the youngest boy (you've met him) who lives at home there now. Guess he'll stay there with his dad.
Perry got to visit with Dick for a short time only after the funeral. He says Ricky came home with a frail girl (she has ulcers) and was married there in Dick's home (like Carol) by the bishop. He doesn't know where Ricky will settle down to live or go to work. They were married a few days after Christmas. This is why we didn't get a greeting or card from Dick and Betty. They were so busy making the wedding plans, etc. Poor kids. I hope they can make a go of it! I must write Dick and Betty.
Perry had a big important meeting with the editors of this book company he is writing for. They want him to write another book. Said they would send him his check this week. He met nearly all day yesterday with them. I hope they mail us the check this week. We need the money badly to keep Linda and Marian in school at BYU. Linda's boyfriend (the bishop's boy) will be home from his mission in March and wants to attend school at BYU too. Linda talks like they will want to get married sometime this year. I just wish they would wait until they've graduated.
Don't know if I told you, Dale has been chosen this year to take the leading role in the musical play, The Music Man. He loves to sing and was so thrilled to get the part. Of course we are very proud of him. He is working very hard to be good in it. It will be put on sometime in March. Hope you can plan to come then and see the production. Pierce and Mona will come too I think. I think this is about the only thing that is keeping Dale in school now. He is so anxious to be graduated and out on his own and away from home. My, they are all growing up and all leaving me, but I can't stop them!
Aunt Minnie wrote me again. I must answer her too. She worries about you. Her health isn't good and poor Uncle Arthur is so frail but just keeps working anyway. But I love her and wish I could see her again too.
I am very busy in my Relief Society job but find it very interesting and rewarding though lots of work. I must get busy now and plan some programs for the Relief Society nursery. (We have two of them.)
We were thankful for the rain. More later. Love, Gene
PS. Thank you, Mother, for your offer of the loan being a gift to us, but Perry and I still plan to pay you back that $200. We couldn't think of it any other way.
March 4, 1967
Dear Mother,
Last night was the first performance of the musical play, The Music Man, at the high school here. So we all went to see it. Dale plays the lead and is very good in the part. Jan has a small part in it too. Mother, can you come out next weekend and see it. They will perform again on the 10th and 11th.
We are also having our Relief Society birthday party next Friday night. Why don't you plan to come and spend an interesting weekend with us? Did you have a good time with Flossie? How is she? I just got another short letter from Aunt Minnie. She mentions hearing from Flossie. I really don't think she is very well herself, poor thing.
We hear from Linda and Marian each week. They are studying hard and enjoying BYU very much. Linda has a part-time job typing for the English department. She works 3 hours a day. Her missionary boyfriend is coming home sometime this month. Marian is getting stronger each day she says although she had to drop an art class this semester.
Perry is doing another textbook for the American Book Company. I hope he can finish it soon. Got a short letter from Carol Fast Nelson too. Think she is planning to come down soon for a visit with us all. Have wanted to come in again and visit with you, but we keep so awfully busy here. Hope you are well. Please write and let us know if you can come. Love, Gene
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