Dear Mother and Dad,
It was good to hear your voices on the telephone and then to get a nice letter from you a few days later. Mother, I am surely glad that you are getting along as well as you are and that Hazel and neighbors can give you some help. It seems like you have been able to get through this winter quite well without any bad colds or flu. I am thankful for that. Gene and I have both had the flu. With Gene it developed into bronchitis and she has really been down. She is just now recovering.
It is such beautiful spring weather here now. It is hard to realize that they are having snow and blizzards in the midwest. I have some Iceland poppies and some daisies that are in full bloom and they really brighten things up. Everything needs watering, and I have been trying to get the lawn watered over.
Yes, Mother, I am still getting the Church News, and I appreciate the gift that you have been sending for so many years that I have forgotten just how many. Gene and I both enjoy it and it keeps us posted on what is happening.
Little Karl Albert Hartman--about one year old |
Please go on being careful. We pray for you continually. I hope that arthritis will not be too much to deal with. I know it can be quite painful. Also Mother, be careful of that nose that keeps wanting to bleed. I am so thankful that you have both been able to live these many years and in such reasonably good health. I want you to continue on for a long time yet.
We are all well down here and all send our love to you. Did you know that Marian and Warren live in Riverside now--about an hour's drive from us, so we get to see all the grandchildren quite often now. I must go to bed now "so I can get up." Love, Perry
April 2, 1975
Dear Mother and Dad,
It was surely good to see you and be able to spend a little time with you. I hope you are still both as well as when we left. As for me, I had to bring a good cold back, but I am about recovered now. We surely had a good vacation--brief as it was--visiting with you and the rest of the family. It was one of the best vacations I have had for such a short time.
I know it was a bit of an ordeal for you, but I am glad we were able to get you through the doctor's examination while I was there. You were both really grand. Now we can do a few more things to keep you in good health and enjoying life just as long as possible.
Linda is doing just fine after giving birth to little Karl Albert. He is doing just fine and tonight she is away to a primary preparation meeting. That gives you an idea of her kind of spirit.
This is a short note, but I wanted to let you know that we arrived here safely and to wish you well. We surely did enjoy our visit with you and are looking forward to another this summer, so take care of yourselves. Love, Perry
April 9, 1975
Dear Perry & All,
I have one sheet of paper, so this will be brief, but there isn't much news. Dad and I went to the doctor with Walter and Hazel. Dr. Davis said he wished that he was "as good and clean a man" as Dad. Then Walter took him to another doctor in Sugar House who said about the same thing. I was surprised to see Dr. Davis sit down and talk to Dad like he had all of the time in the world. Then I was surprised to get four different kinds of pills for me, which I take every day. Both doctors told Dad to "take plenty of water and plenty of good food."
Did you get the Conference? We listened here, and it was good. Jan and his wife gave us a short Sunday afternoon visit. Grant is doing fine after his recent operation. The weather is nice here at present. Love, Mother & Dad
April 14, 1975
Dear Mother and Dad,
I am at school on my lunch period, and I have this typewriter in my room, so I will use it to get a letter written to you. This size type should make it a little easier on your eyes anyway--that is if I can avoid making too many mistakes!
I keep thinking about the good visit I had with you while I was up there this last time. It was good to see you feeling so well and hear you laugh and chuckle, so I know you are in good spirits. I am also glad that we were able to get you to the doctor for an examination although I know that part was not very pleasant to you. But now we know more what to do to make things more pleasant for you. Mother, be sure to take those pills as directed.
Leora enjoying Perry's kerosene lamp and a warm fire |
Isn't it strange the things one values with the passing of time. I guess I wanted it because it reminds me of the home I lived in that was filled with the warmth and glow of love even though we had so very little of the material things. When I told Marian about it, she was shocked that I would pay that much because my children know me as one who does not go much for frivolities. She said, "That's a lot of money to pay for nostalgia." But after she saw it, she thought I got a good deal. Particularly was this so when I explained that although the lamp cost about 15 to 20 dollars back when you bought it, that represented a lot of days of labor for Dad. He worked for about two dollars a day when he could get work. And at that price, he had to work about two weeks to pay for one lamp. So in terms of hours of labor, I really got a bargain compared to that.
We are all well. It stays quite cold here, but warm weather will break through soon. Even though it is cold, we still have a lot of nice spring flowers in bloom. We are expecting Renee and Harriet down for the semester break this weekend. They are bringing some of their friends with them. I hope we have good weather as they are hoping to spend some time at the beach.
I must go now as my time is gone. I surely love you. Take care of yourselves and God bless you. Love, Perry
PS. I wish you could see my lamp.
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