Saturday, November 30, 2013

Letters between Perry & his Mother

One of Perry's many school pictures
May 5, 1975

Dear Mother & Dad,

Since tomorrow is my birthday, I thought it appropriate to write and thank you for my birthday. Truly I am grateful to you, and as Elder Ballard said, "I'm thankful my parents didn't forget me." This is a beautiful time of the year and I was always glad that my birthday was in May.

Our visiting time was brief last Easter, but I hope we will get to see you again this summer. I hope you are well. We all love you. Perry

May 16, 1975

Dear Perry & Family,

If I hurry, maybe I can write a few lines before the mailman comes. First, the weather is nice, and we are both feeling pretty well in spite of being a little "lazy" I call it. Of course, your father can't see to get around much so he has an excuse.

Uncle Arthur Goodrich died, and his funeral was held yesterday. His daughter, Gay Bronson, asked Dad to offer the opening prayer and told him afterward, "that was the best prayer I have ever heard at a funeral." Arvil Stone, Ruth Goodrich's husband, gave the closing prayer. Ruth Stone and I are the only two left of the family. Seems a bit lonesome. Walter and Hazel took us. Hope came from Spanish Fork and went with us. Walter stopped at a hamburger stand and bought us sandwiches at noon. Dad and I are both tired today.

Did I tell you that I was honored at a Relief Society birthday for being the oldest lady present? And I was given a beautiful coconut cake, so I must be quite old!

The neighbor's dandelions are all out in bloom, and I am trying to keep them from our lawn, which is trying. Our fruit trees are all in bloom, and we are hoping the frost won't come and kill the blossoms. We are having strawberries and cream for dinner--come and join us. Love Mother & Dad

May 19, 1975

Dear Perry,

Most of the birthdays are past, and I wrote a short letter recently, but I feel like writing a bit more anyway. It is not very satisfactory to try to talk on the phone, only in cases of emergency.

It is cloudy and cold with a little wind, and our early fruit trees are in bloom. We hope there will be no frost. Saturday we went with Grant and Hope to their home in Spanish Fork. They have the old William's home. It is all repainted and furnished and is very comfortable. Grant is doing as well as can be expected, but he still needs rest.

One thing has been on my mind lately and that is about antiques. I have two old readers that belonged to my older brother--at least they have Albert's name in them. Perhaps Ruth Goodrich would lay claim to them, but since I have them in my possession, I can give them to whom I will. (Is that right?) They have very interesting articles in them. I would just as soon give them to you as anybody.

It is about mail time and there is not much of interest to write about. Arthur Goodrich's funeral left me feeling a bit lonely to think that there is only two of us left of that big family. Ruth and Arvil Stone have called on us quite frequently in the past, but now that Arthur is gone--I wonder.

The condition of the world is such that Ashel Manwaring thinks the time is short--it will soon be the beginning of the Seventh Thousand Years. Love to all, Mother

Gene, Leona & Perry at Disneyland, 1976
May 23, 1975

Dear Mother and Dad,

I have a little time this morning, so I will try to get a short letter written. I surely did enjoy the two letters so close together Mother. Gene always comments about what a good letter you write and I agree.

I am glad that you are both feeling as well as you are, and I understand that Dad is feeling better than he has felt for some time. That is good news. I hope you can maintain this way.

I am glad you both were able to make a trip to Spanish Fork and have a visit with Hope and Grant. I am often envious of the geographical closeness that some of the other members of the family have to you. I wish I could be there to see you, visit you, and give you some of the help you need. But I have to be content with just occasional visits. But then I did have the privilege of living real close to you for a number of years.

Gene and I are making tentative plans to see you again next month, about June 22 or so. We have a few details to work out like the care of Gene's mother and getting our car in proper operating condition, but this is our present plan.

Mother, you mentioned that you are thinking more about antiques. I am too, but not just because things are old or rare. Rather for me it is for their history sake and because they represent my roots. Example: The other day I was browsing through an old shop and began looking through some old records. Suddenly, before my eyes was that old song, "The Utah Trail." On the other side was "Springtime in the Rockies." I could hardly believe it--to find that old song in an old antique shop clear down here. Of course I bought it at once, and it cost me only one dollar. So if you have some old books or anything like that, be sure to save it. Any of your children or grandchildren would treasure it. And the books which you mentioned I would certainly be delighted to have.

We had a nice visit with David and family. I am glad that a few people make their way down here once in a while. They surely did enjoy it and so did we. Then again, we had them all come for dinner on Sunday for Marian's birthday.

I must go now. Please keep writing. Gene and I certainly enjoy your letters. Love, Perry

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