Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dale in Vernal for the summer

May 10, 1963 (Friday)

Dear Gene,

We'll be celebrating Mother's Day this year on the 12th of May. As I look at the calendar today, I notice it is the 10th and just remembered this date is my own father's birthday. He was born in the year of 1861 and if living, he would be at the age of 102 years--or I should say he would begin his 102nd birth year, just finished his 101st. He and his twin sister were born near Carthage, Illinois in Hancock County. I don't know how near he was to this town, or should say how close his parents were. It was in that county that I think his parents were on their way back to Indiana since their older children (little girls) were born in Missouri. Grandma wasn't used to living in that kind of country as she was born in Pennsylvania. Those Missouri people were not her type, were not friendly and helpful.

She was a very spiritual person, had many sorrows, so many deaths in her immediate family besides losing her husband, my grandfather Young and her older sister who died and left several children in Indiana. And Grandma tried to help them out. This sister's husband's name was Lee. I met two of her sons after they were grownup and had their families. Danny Lee loved Grandma as if she was his mother. They all called her Aunt Harriet, and she visited in his home often after he married and had a family. They just loved her. Grandma almost outlived her own children, except one, my father's twin sister where she made her home with Aunt Susan in Indiana. I visited several times there too. My twin sister lived with my aunt.

I received a letter from Aunt Minnie today. She still doesn't feel too well and wonders why I can't come to visit her, thinks she'd feel a lot better if I came. I feel Aunt Minnie has just worked too hard on farm and keeping up two homes and all her children with their families. She felt she had to help them all out in their care also. But Uncle Arthur and his hired man are trying to farm another year yet, so I think they're batching it out there. Anyway, I don't have the cash to travel so far. . . .

Jan with Grandma Leora
May 13, 1963 (Monday)

Dear Mother,

Guess you were still at the cemetery or over at Flossie's yesterday afternoon when we came in. I didn't have Flossie's address or phone number so couldn't call. Sorry we missed you. It was a beautiful day so I know your trip was pleasant. We went over to Perry's Aunt veda's house awhile too then had to be back for church at 6:00 pm.

First, after Sunday school, Perry took us all to a nice Chinese restaurant for lunch. We all enjoyed it except Harriet Lea. (She dislikes strange foods.) She was hoping to get a snack at your house. We got back just in time for our Sacrament services.

Jan received his certificate of graduation from Primary. He is a 2nd class scout now too and going to mutual now. He is a deacon now also and passes the sacrament with Dale and other boys. He and Dale went with several other boys to the temple Saturday morning and did baptisms for the dead. Each were baptized 25 times.

Marian's birthday is this coming Saturday. She will be 15 years old (May 18th). She wants to go to the beach to celebrate her day, so I and her girlfriend's mother will drive and take the girls. . . .

[The following letter was written by Perry to Gene and Linda who did not go on this trip to Utah. The main purpose of the trip was to take Dale to Vernal, Utah for the summer where the plan was that he would work on Great-Uncle Ashel's farm, make a little money, and come home at the end of the summer with a better idea of the "meaning of hard work."]

June 20, 1963

Dear Gene & Linda,

We have received your two letters and please don't be angry with me for not writing sooner. We arrived at Hope's and Grant's at 2:00 am Saturday morning very tired. We slept there and then had one of Grant's famous breakfasts. They then took us up to Fish Lake where Grant had to look over some work. I rented a motor boat and took the children out for a ride. They all took turns steering the boat. At first Harriet was frightened. Then after she lost her fear, she thought it was the best ever.

We arrived here, Salt Lake City, about 7:00 pm Saturday very tired. I took Marian and Gwen [Marian's best friend from high school] out to Hazel's to stay. (David has a job at a drive-in theater from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am. The next morning Marian and Gwen were so tired and as it was Conference, we were afraid we would have to be at the Tabernacle too early for the broadcast. However, Dale wanted to go so we went and got in just before they closed the rope, but we couldn't find a seat. While we were standing, David Mitchell from our stake spotted us, came over and brought us to where he was sitting and squeezed us in.

Dale enjoyed it so much that he wanted to stay for the next session of Conference. Can you believe it? While we were shifting places to get a better seat, I ran into Cynthia Stone and Pricilla Neff. Sunday afternoon we all went to the monument ad then to the temple grounds where we went on a conducted tour, went into the Tabernacle, heard the pin drop, etc.

Monday morning we went to Vernal. (Marian and Gwen stayed here and David took them places. We met Genevieve and Lorin at Heber and they followed us out. We stopped at Venice's. They will soon have their house finished and it looks very good. I was pleased Venice and Elvyn followed us to Vernal. we went to Uncle Ashel's first. Only Aunt Elva and her daughter Elva Lynn were home. Elva Lynn is just Dale's age. Elva Lynn is real friendly and cute and she made Dale feel at home right away. Of course she promised Dale a conducted tour of the farm via horseback.

Aunt Elva had to take lunches to Uncle Ashel and the boys into Vernal where they were all working on a house. Uncle Ashel is contracting bricklaying. He has three of his boys plus Uncle Dee, and a number of other men working for him. They were all so pleasant and happy that when we left Jan said, "Daddy, people are happier here than they are in California."

Dale got left behind in Vernal to "learn to work hard"
From there we went to Aunt Thelma's and Uncle Dee's. While there, Mother received word that Uncle Abe had just passed away. He was 92. [Albert was Leona's brother.] We then went to the Dinosaur National Monument. It was quite fabulous and much improved from what it was when I saw it 30 years ago. But Dale was so restless. He kept wanting to get back to Uncle Ashel's. We stopped to see Laura and a few other relatives. Dale was so anxious to get back to Uncle Ashel's that he almost embarrassed me. He was really taken with the place.

Because of Uncle Abe's passing, we decided to stay overnight so that Mother could visit with Aunt Vilate and Aunt Lucy, the only others living in her family. The next morning Dale was up at 5:00 am milking cows. He worked on one cow and with my help managed to get about a half-bucket of milk. He then started swinging his arms to fight off the mosquitoes. the cow took that as a signal to walk off and in doing so, capsized the milk. Dale only sat staring at the spilled milk and said, "All that work gone down into the dirt." Everybody just laughed.

Yesterday I took Dad and Mother down-town. Dad had some business to take care of. He has now been permanently retired. I think he has done real well. they then wanted to go see Grace Manwaring arrive by plane from Hawaii. She has been visiting her parents there. Last night we all went out and visited Dick and Betty. Today June and I are taking them out to Lagoon.

That brings you up-to-date. My present plan is to leave here Sunday eve, go as far as Richfield, leave there the next morning, go through Bryce and on home. I will call you when we get in unless it is too late. Love, Perry, "Dad"

PS. I feel real good about Dale. He is in a very good environment. Uncle Ashel wants to give him a chance to earn a little money. The very first day he had him up helping with the brick-laying. We came by on our way home. Dale was working real hard. Jan is very busy learning to play the guitar.

Linda, we all enjoyed your letter. Little Harriet is just fine and nobody caught Jan's and Renee's colds.

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