Saturday, December 21, 2013

We are going to be grandparents four more times!

Gene with birthday flowers
February 5, 1976

Dear Mother & Dad,

I have your letter before me, Mother, and I am so glad you can still see to read, and of course to write too. I have noticed when we are there that you still can sit and read from some of your old books. And you enjoy it so much. I am sure that helps to keep your mind active and alive. Gene always comments on what a good letter you write.

We are having a good rain now after the longest period of drouth in the history of Southern California. I'm wondering if this means you are getting a lot of snow there now. I am glad the people like Mrs. Sperry can come and help you get the snow off your walks. And I am surely glad that Hazel and Walter can come in and help you. How are both of you feeling? I hope you can avoid the flu this winter.

Renee and Harriet are hoping to get up to see you soon. Perhaps they have already. We expect to be up there to see you in April for spring vacation. That will be during the week of April 11-17. Please take care of yourselves and be careful. Love, Perry

March 7, 1976

Dear Aunt Minnie,

I'm so slow with my writing. Please forgive me. We think of you often and Mother talks about when all of you were small, nearly every day. She is remarkably well this winter. No colds or flu and she eats and sleeps well, helps with the dishes every day and sweeps the porches and walks.

Gene with granddaughter Charlotte, Spring 1976
Dale and his wife Carolyn and their three children have moved to Utah. They are buying a home in a small town just north of Provo where he works and tries to continue his education at BYU. Jan and Cara Lee have been married almost a year and a half now and are both planning to graduate from BYU this spring. They are such hard workers.

Renee graduated last August in the field of Health Science and is working now in a medical lab there in Provo. Harriet has finished her classes and will graduate this summer. She's working part-time in a bank close to the campus. She and Renee are still together living with their roommates.

I miss them so much. Perry and I are planning to drive up there at Easter vacation and see all of them--also his parents in Salt Lake City. Of course we will plan to see Dick and Betty at that time too. Do you ever hear from them. Their girl Jewel is a college student now. She attends Ricks Junior College in Idaho. We heard from them at christmas time.

Linda and Eric have a little home of their own in Upland. We see them often. They have 5 children now. Marian and Warren have moved to Riverside--that's about 25 miles southeast of us. It's so nice to have them living closer to us. They have two girls and two boys. Warren works for the health department there.

We've had a dry winter this year until last month when we finally got some rain. It's spring here now, and we are doing a lot of yard work. I am attending some art classes in a junior college close by. This is my 2nd semester. I am enjoying it so much.

Surely hope you folks are all well this winter and staying away from that awful flu. Please write us and I promise I'll answer immediately. Am so anxious to know that all is well with you. Love from your "slow" niece, Gene

Springtime trip to Provo
March 30, 1976

Dear Mother and Dad,

It has been some time since I heard from you, but I assume everything is all right. I heard from Hazel last week, and she said you were fine. If you have missed the flu or any bad colds this winter, you are really blessed.

I have been trying to get our property in a little better shape--get it looking better. I have neglected it for some time. I went out and bought a little garden tiller like we used to have. That helps. I even planted a garden last Saturday. I have planted vegetables along with my flowers. I hope we have something edible as well as something good to look at. But we are always plagued with so many pests. We have innumerable gophers here and little birds fly down and eat the tender shoots just at they are startng to emerge from the ground. But we are going to give it a real try.

We keep counting the days until our spring vacation. It will surely be good to see all of you again. With Easter coming a little later this year, perhaps we won't have a snow storm such as we have had the last two years when we came. But then it could still happen.

We are going to be grandparents four more times this year. All of our married children are expecting. That will be sixteen for us. Wow! We will be arriving in Provo probably on the 10th, so we will likely see you on Sunday or so. Anyway, we will call you when we get there. We are surely looking forward to it. I must go now. Love to both of you, Perry

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