Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Have you got the swellest guy in the world for a husband?"

Emmett, Leora, Pierce, Gene and Richard, August 1926
January 31, 1945

My Dearest Perry,

I received your long letter of the 24th today. What a sweet surprise, and I'm so glad you finally got some of my letters and heard from your folks. I too received a letter from your mother yesterday. Said she heard from you last Saturday. Darling, I understand when I don't hear from you for a few days. I know how hard it must be for you to try to write me when your letters are forever under the consor's stamp and you get no mail for days and days. Your letters have been wonderful for all of that, and I treasure each one of them. Oh my husband, I love you so very much.

Yes, Perry, I too believe it was the Lord's will that we will have no child for awhile. And I am now content and glad in the knowledge that He has answered our prayers in this way. I can wait, for I know it will all come in time. I'm glad you say I should take voice lessons for a year. I really want to. (I have always wanted to.) I enjoy it so much. Oh, I do wish I had a piano. I guess maybe I should keep my record player for as you say, we might not get a good one for quite awhile.

Richard, Gene, and Pierce Fast, 1929
I received a letter from Dick today too. Perry, he is still in Egypt. Says he is sending me something from Casablanca. Said he had a letter from you some time ago and answered it. He says, "I hope you and Perry will be as happy as Emily and I have been. I pray that you may be blessed as we have been too." He is a pretty "super" brother.

After mutual last night I came home with Mother and Dad, (they went too) and I played a lot of my records before I went to bed. Mother and I sat up awhile (like always) and enjoyed quite a musical interlude. I love the ones you got me best, Perry. Music surely is soothing, isn't it? Perry, do you get to enjoy anything like good radio programs? I guess you do have movies once in awhile. Do you get the news? Do you know that the Russians are inside Germany and only 50 miles from Berlin?

Did I tell you I have been asked to be the secretary of the Primary Sunday School and keep the records each Sunday. Of course I shall accept it. Guess I will be a little busier from now on. This isn't a very long letter compared to yours, darling. Guess you must think mine are pretty short at times. My heart is so full tonight, Perry. I have so much to be thankful for. Dick says, "Have you got the swellest guy in the world for a husband?" And my answer is Yes! Definitely. He says Emily thinks she has too. How could she? Oh, Perry, I love you, I love you. Your devoted wife, Gene

January 31, 1945

My Dear Sweet Wife,

Here I am once more seated and ready and eager to give my thoughts a form of coherency with my pen. It is probably good for me that I take this much time to try and write my thoughts in a rather organized fashion. You see, my thoughts race and ramble so much of the time in both retrospect and prospect of our life together that if I didn't take time to frequently organize my thoughts, I might topple off the brink into a world of unreality. From the way I have started this letter, you are likely to already think me off the "deep end."

Anyway, my darling, what I am trying to say under all this bombast is that I think of you every minute of every day and that I try to keep my thoughts, to some extent, from mere useless daydreaming to purposeful hopes and planning for us, and eventually ours. However, I'll have to honestly admit that fairly frequently I indulge in good old daydreaming--especially on the long night watches. It is such a pleasant pastime, remembering of the times we were together, and to imagine that I am again sitting on the couch holding you in my arms and listening to the radio.

Since I get quite a lot of pleasure out of this and often find myself grinning, and almost laughing, I chock it up to amusement and content myself in the fact that a little amusement is good for one. Now tell me honestly, my darling, do you ever indulge in this sort of thing? Please don't make me a lone sinner.

You know sweetheart, I have that little miniture picture of you and of us in my locker so that every time I open it, I see you there. The one of you alone I like better and better all the time. One reason is because every time I open my locker door, there you are looking right at me as though to greet me, which in the other you are looking away. But then I sum it up this way that in the one you have no need to look at me because there you are already in my arms and you look so very happy, while in the other you are not quite so happy because I am not there but still look very pleasant and patiently waiting for my return.

Already it is time for taps and this seems like kind of a crazy letter. But if in all I have ever written or said to you I have done nothing more than to make an embroiderment around these words, "I love you," to make them stand out in a brighter and more glorious hue, I have done as much as even the most gifted could expect to accomplish, for in those words are encompassed my whole heart and soul.

Must close now, but I'll try and write tomorrow so you will get it at the same time you get this so it will be a continuation of this one. I have a small little surprise to tell you about too. All my love, Perry

February 1, 1945

Hello my sweet darling,

Must make this letter shorter if I am to get it off so it will arrive with the rest. I hope you are getting my mail fairly regularly. I guess it is "long ago and far away" enough that I can tell you I was in the Hawaiian Islands, only a few days though. I wanted to see the temple but didn't have time as it was quite some distance. I did see the tabernacle though as it was quite close. That is the regular ward and stake tabernacle and, Gene, it was really beautiful. The grounds seemed like something that had just stepped out of a picture. It was all so beautiful that I longed so much to have you there to enjoy it with me. They say the temple grounds are even much more beautiful that that. I didn't care much for the city of Honolulu itself.

Perhaps I should draw your attention, in case you have overlooked, the change in my rate, as of today. The main thing that interests me is the extra $12 per month, especially in view of my rather embarassing financial situation. It won't be long now though until I will be in the clear again and will be able to look the world in the face. Then I will be able to start saving for us and ours.

I can't take more time now, sweetheart, but only to tell you that I love you, Oh! so very much. You mean more than the whole world to me. Forever, affectionately your loving husband, Perry

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