Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"I Haven't Received Any Mail at All."

Adams LDS Chapel, Los Angeles
Thus far all the letters have been from Perry because he periodically has to report for duty on his ship docked in San Pedro. While he's away, Gene has been staying with her parents. Perry and Gene live from day to day with the uncertainty of not knowing when Perry will have to ship out.

December 4, 1944

My darling sweetheart,

I know I haven't had time to get a letter from you, but the desire to hear from you is nonetheless about as strong as though I hadn't seen you for ages. In fact, I haven't received ay mail at all. Sunday was just the same as any other day, or worse. Why am I starting out with such a gloomy letter when each letter I write I hope will supplement my presence and make you happy.

I've been reading the Era some more. I thought about your father when I was reading Joseph F Merrill's talk. I'll bet he would like it or at least I know he would agree with what he said. What have you been doing to keep you from getting lonesome? I do hope you do get lonesome at my absence, at least to some degree. I hope you won't misunderstand. It's just my vanity. I like to be missed. You will have to tell me what you have been doing because I am unable to. No need of censors for me. Nothing interesting happens that I could write about anyway.

At least I have it over on a lot of the fellows. I know I have someone very sweet and beautiful who is thinking about me and waiting for me. At least I have something to hope for--something so far removed from this kind of life. Must close now sweetheart. I'm badly in need of some rest. With the deepest of love. Your own, Perry

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